Transmedia Literacy: Expanding the Media Literacy Frontier — from by Pamela Rutledge, PhD, MBA; Director, Media Psychology Research Center Adjunct Faculty, Fielding Graduate University


Media literacy is an increasingly pressing issue for media psychologists and educators who strive to prepare people of all ages to function well in a media-rich, globally connected world.   The ever-expanding integration of media technologies in our daily lives, from social media platforms to mobile apps, have challenged our understanding of just what it means to be literate in the 21st century (Hobbs & Jensen, 2009).  The emerging trend of transmedia storytelling will continue to push the envelope even farther.  Transmedia storytelling goes beyond the need to segment such skills as search and collaboration.  It demands the ability to recognize, understand, and interact with narrative threads across multiple modalities, not just within them.

Transmedia storytelling is the design and distribution of a story that is coordinated across multiple media channels.  Each channel offers unique content, using the strengths of each medium to its best advantage to build a larger, richer story.  Transmedia storytelling is intentionally designed for participation, drawing the audience in as co-creators to expand and develop the narratives.

Transmedia storytelling may not seem particularly different or profound until you consider that all information is translated into narrative in our meaning-making brains.  We embody the stories we tell.  Stories are how we assign causality, consciously process sensory input and imagery, and create associations so we can commit experience to memory.  Stories are how we make sense of our selves, our lives, and our futures in the world around us (Polkinghorne, 1988).