— originally found at Bob Sutor’s blog
…lag-free full HD 1080p HDMI wireless video/audio transmission is now a reality.
— from WHDI Kits Explored: Asus WiCast, brite-View HDelight; thanks to Crudbasher’s Wireless HDMI Comes of Age for this item!
Diagram showing an integrated transmitter implementation of the WHDI standard…
— the above items are just 2 of the items from KevinRose.com’s 2010 products I can’t live without
Remaking the college campus — from CampusTechnnology.com by Bridget McCrea
An e-learning veteran envisions a college campus of the future where physical space, technology, and collaboration blend.
Imagine a college library where books are not the focal point. Instead of sitting behind a desk checking out volumes, librarians have become technology experts who are dispatched to help students and faculty who are in the building. The “No Food or Drinks” signs have been removed, allowing students to move freely throughout the building with coffee cups in hand.
Taking a page from Barnes & Noble’s business planning book, the college library is transformed into a place where students pore over laptop computers, PDAs, and iPads alone or in groups. The atmosphere simply oozes collaboration and provokes others to join the party to study, learn, and network with one another.
If this sounds like a far-off pipe dream, consider what’s going on in Glasgow, where the Saltire Centre is the centerpiece of learning and student services at Glasgow Caledonian University. Regarded as “one of the most ambitious and innovative learning environments in the UK,” the 1,800-seat building comprises multiple levels, each of which caters to different types of learning and interaction.
See also:
From DSC: This type of thing needs to occur in the classroom — communications with multiple devices, without the wires. Students need to be able to “play” their media without interrupting the flow of the classroom..without having to go up to the front of the class to figure out how to plug in their device up at the lectern.
How to determine classroom AV requirements: An overview — from CampusTechnology.com by Michael Leiboff
Defining appropriate room characteristics can simplify classroom design and improve the chances of its success as a teaching and learning space.
Tribeca Flashpoint Presents the node Augmented Reality Demo — from blog.flashpointacademy.com
This summer, Steelcase and Tribeca Flashpoint Media Arts Academy collaborated in the research and launch of the node student learning pod.
Turn on your webcam to try the node Augmented Reality demo! http://node.tribecaflashpoint.com
Engineered specifically for today’s collaborative classrooms, the node allows students to move more, store more, and fit more into their learning space.
As part of the launch campaign for the node Classroom Chair, Flashpoint developed this augmented reality tool to illustrate the node’s easy, 30-second, tool-free assembly.