The Real Deal — from
A series exploring what we know about the quality of nondegree credentials.

The above link/page includes the posting:

Understanding Influencers in the World of Nondegree Credentials — by Michelle Van Noy and Tom Hilliard
There’s no single arbiter of nondegree quality, but rather a host of “quality influencers” who seek to shape the market.

They respond to needs that the degree-credit system has not efficiently met: quick start-up, shorter sequences, relationships with third-party credential issuers, real-time employer engagement, and so on. The complexity of the needs of the market and of learners has led to a proliferation of diverse credentials, and a landscape that continues to evolve in surprising directions.

Amid this complexity, there’s no one single arbiter of quality but rather a host of “quality influencers” who seek to shape the market in different ways. Exploring who those influencers are, how they approach their work, and what they seek to accomplish is essential to understanding what quality means for noncredit credentials—and what could happen in years to come.