With a passion for helping #highered leverage #edtech, @dchristian5 is a 2017 Must-Read! https://t.co/e7cqFqynBW
— EdTech Higher Ed (@EdTech_HigherEd) June 22, 2017
Should technical communicators, trainers, & help desk personnel get trained on developing “workbots?” How Amazon’s purchase of Whole Foods highlights the hybrid, ‘omnichannel’ future of higher ed [Gallagher]
On 06/23/2017,
in 21st century, adjunct faculty, adult learning, blended learning, blogs / blogging / vlogging, colleges, community colleges, Daniel S. Christian, education technology, emerging technologies, faculty/staff, future of higher education, game-changing environment, higher education, ideas, innovation, instructional design, IT in HE, K-12 related, learning, learning ecosystem, Learning from the Living [Class] Room, learning spaces, liberal arts, lifelong learning, Michigan, microlearning, mobile learning, more voice more choice more control, multimedia, online learning, professional development, student-related, teachers, teaching & learning, technology (general), tools, training / L&D, trends, United States, universities, vendors, vision/possibilities, workplace,
by Daniel Christian
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