Mixed reality is coming in 2017! Here’s what you need to know — from linkedin.com by Keith Curtin


A hybrid of both AR & VR, Mixed Reality (MR) is far more advanced than Virtual Reality because it combines the use of several types of technologies including sensors, advanced optics and next gen computing power. All of this technology bundled into a single device will provide the user with the capability to overlay augmented holographic digital content into your real-time space, creating scenarios that are unbelievably realistic and mind-blowing.

How does it work?
Mixed Reality works by scanning your physical environment and creating a 3D map of your surroundings so the device will know exactly where and how to place digital content into that space – realistically – while allowing you to interact with it using gestures. Much different than Virtual Reality where the user is immersed in a totally different world, Mixed Reality experiences invite digital content into your real-time surroundings, allowing you to interact with them.

Mixed reality use cases mentioned in the article included:

  • Sports
  • Music
  • TV
  • Art
  • Fashion
  • Business
  • Education
  • Medicine
  • Interior design
  • Retail
  • Construction
  • Real estate