5 keys to flipped learning success — from campustechnology.com by Dennis Pierce
Flipping the classroom isn’t easy, but many instructors have found it to be well worth the effort. Here’s some advice for making flipped learning work.


Talbert teaches Calculus I and a full-year course on discrete mathematics for computer science majors. For calculus, he is using a free, open source textbook written by one of his colleagues with flipped learning in mind, and his department has created a YouTube channel with instructional videos that faculty have recorded using simple screencasting software. For his discrete mathematics course, Talbert is finding and curating online videos that students can watch before coming to class.

In both courses, students are given a structured, pre-class activity that gets them familiar with the lesson’s basic concepts, so when they arrive in his class, “they’re ready to work at a higher level,” he said. That’s the essence of the flipped class model: Students learn the basics on their own, outside of class, so class time can be devoted to a deeper exploration of the content.