emergency medicine and associate dean of instructional technologies, will oversee
implementation of the Google Glass four-year program at UCI.
UCI School of Medicine first to integrate Google Glass into curriculum — from news.uci.edu by
Wearable computing technology will transform training of future doctors
Irvine, Calif., May 14, 2014 — As physicians and surgeons explore how to use Google Glass, the UC Irvine School of Medicine is taking steps to become the first in the nation to integrate the wearable computer into its four-year curriculum – from first- and second-year anatomy courses and clinical skills training to third- and fourth-year hospital rotations.
Leaders of the medical school have confidence that faculty and students will benefit from Glass’s unique ability to display information in a smartphone-like, hands-free format; being able to communicate with the Internet via voice commands; and being able to securely broadcast and record patient care and student training activities using proprietary software compliant with the 1996 federal Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act.
When faculty wear Google Glass for instruction, he added, it gives students an unprecedented first-person perspective. Conversely, when students are wearing Glass, they can take advantage of pertinent information delivered directly into their line of sight by faculty members, who can see exactly what a student sees and thus better guide a dissection or simulation exercise.
“The most promising part is having patients wear Glass so that our students can view themselves through the patients’ eyes, experience patient care from the patients’ perspective, and learn from that information to become more empathic and engaging physicians,” Wiechmann said.
CNN’s Google Glass app now supports iReport citizen journalism – from glassalmanac.com by Matt McGee
We can all be journalists via Google Glass. That’s because CNN has updated its existing Glassware to add support for the iReport service.
For the uninitiated, iReport is a citizen journalism program where Joe Public can send news tips, videos, photos, etc. to CNN for possible use on the TV news or on CNN’s website. If you watch CNN enough, chances are you’ve seen iReport video or photos being used on air.
And now, as a Glass Explorer, you can share your #throughglass photos and videos straight to CNN’s iReport service.
Metaio releases first true “see-through” wearable augmented reality — from realareal.com by Kiran Voleti
The world leader in Augmented reality (AR) software and solutions, Metaio, today announced the first ever “see-through” wearable AR capabilities through the newest Beta version of the Metaio SDK, now optimized for wearable computing devices like the brand-new Epson Moverio BT-200. Instead of utilizing a camera view, Metaio’s technology allows the user to perceive reality itself with digital and virtual content directly overlaid onto their surroundings.
Wearable computing is on the rise, with devices like Google Glass and Oculus Rift in the public eye more and more. But in order to perform augmented reality experiences, even transparent displays like Google Glass rely on a camera video feed that duplicates reality rather than using the reality itself, potentially creating a disconnect for the user between the augmented content and the real world.
My Google Glass Experiment — from mrspepe.com
This section is an experiment that I began in March of 2014 when I had the chance to become a Google Glass explorer. Each day I took a few minutes to reflect upon how my students and I used “Google Glass in the Class” – here is the data. I am doing this experiment for 60 days.
Smart Glasses for warehouses: SmartPick — from postscapes.com
Order picking with a vision.
See also:
OK Glass, identify this dinosaur fossil — from popularmechanics.com by William Herkewitz
How Google Glass will help paleontologists identify new finds, share fossil hunts with people half a world away, and build digital models of dinosaur bones before the fossils even come out of the ground.
Air Force eyeing Google Glass for battlefield informatics — from blogs.wsj.com by Clint Boulton
Google Glass enters the operating theatre: Surgeon becomes first in the UK to use smart specs during an operation — from dailymail.co.uk by Emma Innes
David Isaac, at Torbay Hospital, was first surgeon in UK to use the device
Other surgeons at the same Devon hospital have now used them too
They say Google Glass has ‘huge potential’ for medical eduction
It can be used to live-stream operations to lecture theatres so students can see them from the surgeon’s perspective