Gartner reveals top predictions for IT organizations & users for 2016 and beyond — from


  1. By 2018, 20 percent of business content will be authored by machines.
  2. By 2018, six billion connected things will be requesting support.
  3. By 2020, autonomous software agents outside of human control will participate in five percent of all economic transactions.
  4. By 2018, more than 3 million workers globally will be supervised by a “robo-boss.”
  5. By year-end 2018, 20 percent of smart buildings will have suffered from digital vandalism.
  6. By 2018, 45 percent of the fastest-growing companies will have fewer employees than instances of smart machines.
  7. By year-end 2018, customer digital assistant will recognize individuals by face and voice across channels and partners.
  8. By 2018, two million employees will be required to wear health and fitness tracking devices as a condition of employment.
  9. By 2020, smart agents will facilitate 40 percent of mobile interactions, and the postapp era will begin to dominate.
  10. Through 2020, 95 percent of cloud security failures will be the customer’s fault.


From DSC:
Some of these are pretty bold predictions.  Is this the future we want?  Do you want to be supervised by a “robo-boss?” Perhaps, perhaps not.  Likely, given the pace of technological change, we will need to be flexible and be able to change/adapt in order to remain marketable. Lifelong learning has become a must have ingredient in our lives — for all of us in the workforce. Learning how to learn will pay off, big time.

I’m working on another posting that talks about the ethics, morals, and potential policies that need to be considered now before we get too much further down some of these pathways.


The pace has changed significantly and quickly