From DSC:
The bridging of the physical world with the digital world presents many powerful scenarios for learning. Via the use of iBeacons (or similar devices), one could imagine students going to different places within a learning space and having a variety of relevant items and applications automatically open on their mobile devices.


  • In a chemistry lab, students could go to the supplies area and see a video or a PDF listing of what they need for that day’s experiment — also taking in any warnings of the use of the equipment (hazardous materials, use of fire, etc.); then they could go to the hands-on lab area, and if they’ve struggled to do the experiment for _______ minutes, they could watch the first __ steps (or the experiment in its entirety); finally, the last area would initiate a webpage, video, or blog that summarizes what they should have learned and experienced if the lab was properly done
  • In an art gallery, the iBeacons could initiate a video from the artist on a particular piece, explaining what they were trying to achieve, what materials they used, how long it took them to create/design, and any inspirational messages that they want to relay to budding artists
  • On campus tours, iBeacons could control what takes place on a school’s Virtual Tour app

This video by Paul Hamilton captures a bit of what I’m trying to get at w/ the use of iBeacons in the classroom:

Also see:



Other resources to check out: