National University Rankings

Liberal Arts College Rankings

Regional Colleges
These schools focus on undergraduate education but grant fewer than half their degrees in liberal arts disciplines.

Regional Universities
Regional Universities offer a full range of undergrad programs and some master’s programs but few doctoral programs.

Best Value Schools
The higher the quality of the program and the lower the cost, the better the deal.

A+ Schools for B Students
These schools consider good students with less than stellar test scores or so-so grade point averages.

Up-and-Coming Schools
See which schools are making strides that earned them the most votes from other college administrators.

Best Undergraduate Business Programs
These colleges are the highest ranked by business school deans and faculty.

Top Public Schools
See which state schools across the country rank the highest.

Most International Students
The student body at these colleges and universities includes many students from abroad.

More rankings and lists

A-to-Z list of all colleges


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