From DSC:
I vote that we change the color that we grade papers — whether on paper (harcopy) or whether via digitally/electronically-based annotations — from red to green. Why? Because here’s how I see the colors:
- RED:
- Failure.
- You got it wrong. Bad job.
- Danger
- Stop!
- Can be internalized as, “I’m no good at (writing, math, social studies, science, etc…..) and I’ll never be any good at it (i.e., the fixed mindset; I was born this way and I can’t change things).
- Growth
- As in spring, flowers appearing, new leaves on the trees, new life
- As in support of a growth mindset
- It helps with more positive thoughts/internalized messages: I may have got it wrong, but I can use this as a teaching moment; this feedback helps me grow…it helps me identify my knowledge and/or skills gaps
- Health
- Go (not stop); i.e., keep going, keep learning
- May help develop more of a love of learning (or at least have more positive experiences with learning, vs feeling threatened or personally put down)
- Growth