From DSC:
I posted an item yesterday warning parents of the potential dangers of Pokémon Go.  But I don’t want to leave it at that. I’m generally pro-technology and there are many solid, good, positive reasons for using most technologies.  So I also want to post some other, more positive items showing the enormous success of this augmented reality (AR)-based app.





5 Crazy Facts That Prove the Ridiculous Popularity of ‘Pokemon GO’ — from by David Jagneaux


  • Nintendo’s Valuation Increased by $9 Billion
  • People Are Already Using it As Much as Twitter
  • It’s Helping People Fight Depression and Anxiety
  • Businesses Are Changing the Way They Operate
  • Pokemon GO is Bringing People Closer to Together




The Weekend Pokémon Go Took Over America — from by Emily Dreyfuss, Brian Barrett, Kevin McFarland, Emma Ellis, Jake Muncy, and Chris Kohler





This Surprising Game Is Driving People To Church — from





‘Pokemon Go’ Readies for Wider Launch as Nintendo Shares Soar — from by by Jamie Feltham


Pokemon Go Is Driving Augmented Reality And Geolocation Adoption — from by Matthew Szymczyk




What #PokemonGo means for immersive learning — from by Koreen Pagano


But let’s end with some larger implications for learning, particularly organizational learning.

  • New hire training: tour facilities with augmented reality or virtual reality. Meet key folks in the organization. See behind the scenes production, or visit HQ virtually.
  • Skill refinement: once the basics have been taught, present ongoing practice scenarios. Could be internal, customer-facing, or software/equipment training.
  • Product training: provide the ability to interact with multiple customers and see how the product benefits them differently.
  • Application in context: how do you navigate a real-life complex environment effectively? Think busy retail, insurance adjusters, combat/disaster zones, crime scenes, etc.
  • Just in time geographically relevant support: have a question in context? What if an app let you access training and tips relevant to where you are?




Pokémon Go is Improving Thousands of Users’ Mental Health — from by Trevor English




“Pokémon Go” May Prove That AR Is More Mainstream Than VR — from by Daniel Terdiman
Ever seen this many people with VR headsets on at one time? Didn’t think so.

Playing Pokemon Go? You Need the Right Gear — from by Tim Moynihan




And along the security/safety awareness line: