The complete guide to Transmedia Storytelling — from by Gianluca Fiorelli


Storytelling matters because great stories are:

  • Authentic;
  • Human;
  • Evoke emotions;
  • Are interesting (to me).

Stories, nowadays, must develop themselves in different platforms. For instance, I hear first a news in the radio in the morning, go reading about it on mobile app, and dig into it on desktop.

This is the basic representation of Crossmedia Marketing.

But Crossmedia Marketing, albeit being wonderful and at least how every marketers should conceive his marketing strategy, has the defect that it is usually just thought as a multi-device version of the disjointed content marketing campaigns.

What if I tell you that exists another form of doing Storytelling, which combines the multi-device advantages of Crossmedia but add the essential role of the end users to the mix? Transmedia Storytelling.

Be aware though that Transmedia is nothing really new. In fact, even if as a term was presented my Henry Jenkins in 2003, we could find a first idea of Transmedia in Walt Disney, and how he created a multi-platform narrative universe.