Almost half the jobs Americans thought were safe will soon be done by robots — from by Carl Frey and Michael Osborne


Commentators today are less optimistic. “How Technology Wrecks the Middle Class,” a recent New York Times Column by David Autor and David Dorn, captures an observation made by several commentators: technology has turned on labor.

The threat of computerization has historically been largely confined to routine manufacturing tasks involving explicit rule-based activities such as part construction and assembly. But a look at 700 occupation types (pdf) in the US suggests that 47% are at risk from a threat that once only loomed for a small proportion of workers.


From DSC:
What does — or should — this mean for K-12? For higher education? For the corporate world?  For curricula? Skills? Values? How can we pivot NOW to help our students survive/thrive in this quickly-changing world?


Addendum on 9/27/13: