Higher Ed’s Ruinous Resistance to Change — from chronicle.com by Brian Rosenberg
I dwell on this story not merely because the irony of defending the role of research by ignoring the research on the topic is exquisite, but because it is emblematic of a widespread problem within higher education. The resistance to anything like serious change is profound. By “change” I don’t mean the addition of yet another program or the alteration of a graduation requirement, but something that is transformational and affects the way we do our work on a deep level.
If maintenance of the status quo is the goal, higher education has managed to create the ideal system.
Cut through all the graphs and economic data and the problem is straightforward: When the service you provide costs more than people are willing and able to pay for it, when you are unable to lower the cost of that service, and when the number of your potential customers is shrinking, you have what one might describe as an unsustainable financial model.
“College teaching has probably seen less change than almost any other American institutional practice since the days of Henry Adams.”