The metaverse: three legal issues we need to address — from by Pin Lean Lau


The “metaverse” seems to be the latest buzzword in tech. In general terms, the metaverse can be viewed as a form of cyberspace. Like the internet, it’s a world – or reality, even – beyond our physical world on Earth.

The difference is that the metaverse allows us to immerse a version of ourselves as avatars in its environment, usually through augmented reality (AR) or virtual reality (VR), which people are and will increasingly be able to access using tools like VR goggles.

While it all seems very exciting, a curious lawyer like me is inclined to ask: who or what governs the metaverse? The way I see it, there are three key areas which, at this stage, are legally murky.

From DSC:
There are a lot more than three legal issues to be addressed with the metaverse, especially as it further develops. That said, I posted this in the hopes of raising the level of awareness within the legal arena on this particular area of emerging technologies.