Also see:
- Mapping a World of Human Activity — from by Paul Davis
Example graphic: Electronic networks across Africa
The Internet of Things – this is where we’re going — from by David Glance – Director, Centre for Software Practice at University of Western Australia
In one vision of the future, every “thing” is connected to the internet. This “Internet of Things” will bring about revolutionary change in how we interact with our environment and, more importantly, how we live our lives. The idea of everything being connected to the internet is not new, but it’s increasingly becoming a reality.

By 2020, we might see 100 billion devices connected to the internet. h.koppdelaney
WorkTech11 West Coast: A report from the trenches — from by Jim Ware
- Randy Knox
- Nokia Silicon Valley
- Hamid Shirvani, President California State University, Stanislaus
- Urban Design: Panel Debate
- Kevin Kelly, author, “What Technology Wants”
- Nathan Waterhouse, Ideo
- Marie Puybaraud, Johnson Controls, and Sudhakar Lahade, Steelcase
- Vwork: Michael Leone, Regus, and Philip Ross, CEO Unwired and the Cordless Group
- Rational Mobility: Kevin Kelly, GSA (The “Other” Kevin Kelly)
- Going Mobile: Dawn Birkett, and Bryant Rice, DEGW
- Mobility and Virtual Work: Panel Debate
10 Transformative Technology Trends for 2011-2012 [ ]
The momentum has been building for several exciting emerging technology trends. While television content is increasingly available and delivered over the web, living room devices are becoming more inter-connected to create a more coherent user experience. GIA identifies and summarizes 10 key developments that drive market-shifting changes throughout the technology, media and telecommunications ecosystems.
Kevin Slavin: How algorithms shape our world [TED]
Kevin Slavin argues that we’re living in a world designed for — and increasingly controlled by — algorithms. In this riveting talk from TEDGlobal, he shows how these complex computer programs determine: espionage tactics, stock prices, movie scripts, and architecture. And he warns that we are writing code we can’t understand, with implications we can’t control.
Relevant to mathematics; shaping our world; ethics; media; culture; society;
computer science; technologies; stock markets/business; architecture.