Also see:


The 19,100-student Grand Rapids school district in Michigan launched blended-learning classes this past fall. The district has started with high school social studies and math classes.

“There was some initial resistance from the public—concerned parents with the perception that kids are just going to be stuck in computer labs—but that’s absolutely contrary to what [this] is,” said John Helmholdt, the director of communications for the district. “When you say blended, people don’t understand what that means. It took months of really trying to educate and raise awareness of really what it was we were trying to do.”

Moving to a blended model actually made teacher-student ratios better, according to Mr. Helmholdt, by layering on support-staff members to circulate when the students were completing work online.

In Grand Rapids, the blended classes go through a three-day rotation of face-to-face and online instruction. During the first day, students receive a traditional lecture-based class in a regular classroom where a new concept is introduced. On the second day, the class starts by going over the concept again and then beginning to use some of the online software and support tools that reinforce the concept. On the third day, the students work solely with digital resources. [Rest of article here.]

From DSC:
I am very glad that the Grand Rapids school system is moving in this direction!  It is a huge step in the right direction and I congratulate the district’s leadership for their vision and patience while this plane gets off the runway. This endeavor will help the students begin to build digital/information literacy. It will open their minds up to numerous creative possibilities — as well as career opportunities and goals. They are beginning to have
the world as their school“.

Can blogging make a difference? — from CampusTechhnology.com by Denise Harrison featuring the work of Todd Ide, a Michigan State University doctoral student


Positive Results
Students reported positive results, with benefits such as “providing an outlet for thinking about things we talked about in class.” Students began almost immediately as a result to make more interesting observations online than in class or in papers. In collaboration with peers they extended the analysis beyond the obvious, building arguments carefully yet succinctly, often by synthesizing the postings preceding theirs. “They made a real attempt to communicate something about which they felt strongly,” said Ide.

Other positive results included:

  • The class was only held once a week, and blogging proved to be effective for extending the discussion during the days in between;
  • When a student encountered something interesting pertaining to the subject, he or she didn’t have to wait an entire week to share that information with the rest of the class;
  • Blogging also provided a way for students reluctant to share in a classroom setting to find their voices and express themselves in a less intimidating setting. One student thought it was “cool that she was interested enough in the subject to post about it”;
  • The blogging aspect of the class helped some students overcome a sense of isolation;
  • The blogging helped create more intimacy with fellow students, leading to a greater sense of community;
  • The exposure of their posts to meaningful audiences, including other students, and a potential global audience, encouraged careful reflection and articulation of the subject;
  • Blogging helped students direct their own learning;
  • Blogging increased the sense of engagement in the course material, providing the scaffolding necessary to support student learning.

Challenges of Incorporating Blogs into Curricula
“While the students reported positive experiences with blogging overall, that’s not to say this technology is without its problems,” said Ide. [Article here.]

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Learning more about games -- from Instructional Design Fusions

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The updated monster list of 111 online learning resources — from Bloomfire.com by Nehemiah Chu

Categories include:

  • Instructional design
  • eLearning
  • Learning strategy
  • Tool talk
  • Industry news
  • Inspiration
  • Educational musings
  • Knowlege management

Blackboard Exemplary Course Winners for 2010

Example excerpts from 2010 University of Nevada, Reno

Best Practices

When asked to identify three best practices achieved by this course, one course reviewer wrote: “In all honesty this course is so well done that choosing three is like saying you have a favourite child. I really can’t do it.”

Organized and intriguing layout

  • The overall layout of the course is great. Students should not have any difficulty with navigation.
  • The content is provided in appropriate chunks in both text and as narrated presentations with a text transcript. I think this would appeal students of all learning styles.
  • Overall organization and consistent,uniform design of modules makes the progression of learning intuitive and exciting. The modules include introductions and objectives, a variety of media, self-checks, and multiple assessments.
  • Each unit is clearly defined with goals and objectives. The instructor does a very nice job connecting one unit to the next by providing a welcome at the beginning of each unit which recaps the previous unit and introduces the new unit.

Innovative use of technology

  • The extensive use of video and screencasts is wonderful.
  • The active use of the Voiceboard tools is fantastic.
  • The use of voice chats and voice boards make interaction and collaboration more effective than the usual discussion boards.
  • This course strategically places these tools where they can best be utilized to meet the objectives – this course not only uses great technology, but also uses it in a pedagogically sound manner.
  • The Soapbox Moment blog is a wonderful tool that allows the instructor to voice his/her viewpoints in the most appropriate place, helping him/her to remain neutral in other discussions and let his/her students’ thoughts flow freely. The soapbox uses current issues that are directly related to the course and allows students to apply what they have learned to real-world situations.

Interesting content

  • The Getting Started Activities, including a course tour and the use of Camtasia for the first week Assignment, were a really great idea.
  • The orientation is execellent. The instructor does a great job explaining the course goals and objectives as well as taking time to make students feel comfortable. In the orientation you get the sense that this instructor is available and accessible for students.
  • The self check exercises and varied assessments are appealling. The proctored exams ensure the integrity of the course.
  • The interactions and outcomes, reflected in student testimonials, show a community at work!
  • The inclusion of guest speakers is a wonderful design practice. Students can gain some real world experience by interacting with subject matter experts, who have experience in particular content areas.
  • I enjoyed the final discussion project, which incorporates the use of peer-review. Students are given the opportunity to engage with classmates, receiving and providing feedback.

The Wormwood Saga



Also see:


From DSC:
First of all, my thanks to Mr. Joseph Byerwalter for this resource/link. I haven’t read this story; however I was intrigued by the user interface design here and it made me think of some related items/topics here:

I would have loved to see some more multimedia integrated into Daniel Lieske’s fabulous artwork — sound effects/audio/music and/or the capability of hearing the author read the story. Also, perhaps some interactivity may or may not add something here. In any case, this is a piece of the type of thing that I believe we will see much more of on devices like the iPad — as well as on Internet-connected televisions:

Incredibly-powerful, interactive, multimedia-based
methods of relaying one’s story or message.

Also, such endeavors open up a slew of potential future opportunities for our students (artists, musicians, sound engineers, writers, programmers, interface designers, user experience experts, etc.) — as well as chances to practice their creativity today.

Learning Landscape Model Video — from Will Thalheimer

Learning Landscape Model -- by Dr. Will Thalheimer -- January 2011

The Learning Landscape Model is:

…based on the fundamental cognitive architectures of learning, remembering, and prompting as three distinct cognitive operations, all of which are needed to maximize workplace learning-and-performance results. While previous models have often forgotten forgetting or forgotten prompting mechanisms (like job aids), the Learning Landscape is complete. Perhaps more importantly, it is actionable, for example, it can be utilized to have productive discussions between us as learning professionals and our business partners. Finally, the Learning Landscape Model can be used to improve learning measurement significantly over the 4-levels or roi models.

Check out the video of the Learning Landscape Model…

Looking back on 2010 with ADDIE

Looking back on 2010 with ADDIE — from Intergrated Learning Services by Shelley Gable

Though a variety of models guide our instructional design work, I’d argue that ADDIE functions as the basic backbone of the process. Just about every model, trend, and best practice in the field supports one of the phases of ADDIE. So with this in mind, it seems appropriate to take a look at the articles posted to this blog over the past year and organize them according to how they jive with ADDIE.

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Connections, Clouds, Things & Analytics – from George Siemens

From DSC:
In looking through George’s presentation, the following graphic reminded me of a learning ecosystem. The idea of activity and content streams speaks of constant flow, change, new information. Look are the sources of where learning can come from:

George Siemens 12-9-10 presentation: Connections, Clouds, Things & Analytics


As an instructional designer, how do we incorporate all of this?

Finally, one other thought, if we are not connected to a network of bloggers (and have a series of RSS feeds keeping us constantly up-to-date) or have some other means of tapping into these streams of activities and sources of content, we will look like this:

Professor Paul Black, King's College London - Keynote address: Problems with formative and summative assessment: can a theory of pedagogy help?


Simon Lebus, Group Chief Executive, Cambridge Assessment
Welcome and introductory remarks

Professor Paul Black, King’s College London
Keynote address: Problems with formative and summative assessment: can a theory of pedagogy help?

Parallel discussion session A: ‘Governments come and go’
Educational reform and strategy in schools and colleges

Professor Jo-Anne Baird, University of Bristol

Parallel discussion session A: ‘Governments come and go’
Educational reform and strategy in schools and colleges

Professor Jannette Elwood, Queen’s University Belfast

Parallel discussion session A: ‘Governments come and go’
Educational reform and strategy in schools and colleges

Professor Jo-Anne Baird, University of Bristol
Professor Jannette Elwood, Queen’s University Belfast

Parallel discussion session A: Qualifications, skills and employability: a peculiarly British obsession?
Dr. Geoff Hayward, University of Oxford

Parallel discussion session B: Why teacher assessment is not enough
Professor Peter Tymms, University of Durham

Parallel discussion session B: Meeting the challenges of change in assessment systems: A Maltese perspective
Professor Frank Ventura, University of Malta

Questions and discussion: Parallel session B
Panel discussion chaired by Mike Baker, former BBC Education Editor.
Featuring: Dr Mary Bousted, Association of Teachers and Lecturers Professor Richard Daugherty, Cardiff University Isabel Nisbet, Ofqual Lord Sutherland of Houndwood Delegates are invited to submit questions prior to the conference and questions will also be taken on the day. To submit a question please email us: thenetwork@cambridgeassessment.org.uk.

Dr Philip Davies, Oxford Evidentia Limited
Hitting the target but missing the point

Tim Oates, Director, Assessment Research & Development, Cambridge Assessment
Closing remarks

Delegates’ reaction

For another item related to assessment, see: Tests get high marks as a learning tool — from Anne McIlroy

An e-Learning Tool Revolution — from Allen Interactions by Ethan Edwards, chief instructional strategist

Allen Interactions had a highly visible presence at the [DevLearn 2010] conference, announcing the official Private Beta Program for a new authoring system, currently under development and code-named Zebra.

The experience of using it has really illustrated for me in a fresh way why current authoring systems always fall so short. The challenge of designing instruction for computer delivery is how to craft an experience that engages the learner and creates unique opportunities for that learner to solve challenges.  Instructional interactivity is at the core of this design process.  Ideally, an authoring tool ought to put the designer at the center of manipulating interactivity.

What is so exciting to me about the possibilities that Zebra suggests is that for the first time in my recollection designers will be able to directly and easily manipulate those design elements that define instructional interactivity–Context, Challenge, Activity, and Feedback–in a seamless design environment.  Of course, we’re just beginning this journey and there is much unknown about the significance that Zebra might have, but for the first time in a long time, I feel optimistic about authoring potential, which has been rather stalled in its tracks for almost 15 years.  I can imagine this dramatically increasing the influence that instructional designers can have in the overall creating of outstanding e-learning applications.

‘The fundamentals of how children learn’ – ePace [from agent4change.net]
Maureen McTaggart explores a new service that helps kids learn and teachers teach

Mary Blake

A simple 45-minute test developed by an ex-teacher helps educators identify the strengths and weaknesses of all their pupils and then transform the way they teach and how those children learn. But the ePace online profiling tool, which will be launched at BETT 2011, is not about creating more record-keeping for teachers, says Mary Blake.

“We are looking at the fundamentals of how children learn rather than what attainment level they are going to get,” she says. “I think it’s an amazing thing for teachers to know but even more so for children because it empowers them to see for themselves how they are learning.”

The ePace (electronic profile of attainment cognition and efficiency) test evaluates 11 critical areas of learning – auditory memory, visual memory, listening skills, emotional control, decision making, focus, hand-eye co-ordination, mental speed, timing, literacy and impulsivity – and any child from the age of seven can take it. The support pack includes practical teacher resources and strategies and interactive sharing with students and parents is actively encouraged.

The Coming Golden Age of Open Educational Simulations — from Mike Caulfield

From DSC:
Thanks Mike for sharing this information, these lessons and reflections. Although your posting stopped me in my tracks, it was good to reflect upon. It made me wonder about such things as…

  • If we could get a billion from the fortunes that Gates, Buffett, and other billionaires are donating, could we create open learning objects/courses and make them available worldwide? Or would that not work?
  • Were you all ahead of your time?
  • Where does this leave us? That is, is it a wise goal to create interactive, professionally-done, engaging, multimedia-based applications? If so, under what conditions?
  • If we pursue this goal, who and how should we do it?
  • If open source models are followed, should we move towards the use of consortiums to create the learning objects? i.e. to spread out the development costs?
  • What would you say to instructional designers if they are following similar endeavors/efforts? How can one know all of the context that speaks to each individual taking the course?
  • Will “The Reusability Paradox” be a show-stopper for us?
  • What should our strategy and vision be?
  • Or did I miss the whole point here?!

ADDIE Backwards Planning Model

ADDIE Backwards Planning Model — from Donald Clark

ADDIE Backwards Planning Model

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