Beyond Smart TV: ‘Surfaces’ prototype reveals the television of tomorrow — from by Christina Bonnington


“In a few years’ time, you’ll be able to buy a TV that covers an entire wall, acting like wallpaper,” NDS chief marketing officer Nigel Smith told Wired. In this way, the TV could take the form of a gigantic canvas, providing layers of additional information, as well as different levels of immersion.

Because wall-sized TVs are hard to come by, NDS created a $30,000 setup comprised of six LCDs arranged in a rectangular array. The onscreen system is coded in HTML5 and runs on Chrome. A second screen experience, also coded in HTML5, provides remote control functionality in the browser of an iPad.

 Xbox 360 hailed as a game-changer for Connected TV — from by John Moulding


The Xbox 360 will be a game-changing device in the Connected TV market now that Microsoft has decided to transform it from a games console into a general entertainment hub. That is the view of Christian Bombrun, Deputy General Manager, Web, at M6, the French broadcaster that last December became the first free French channel to be available via a games console. “The difference between the Xbox and connected TVs is that this device is very well connected. Most people that buy a connected TV do not even know they are getting one and they do not plug it into the Internet,” he argues. “Xbox 360 users have already connected the device to enhance the gaming experience.”


The evolving definition of television  — from by John Paul Titlow


What will be interesting to watch is what evolves around that big screen – everything from the little screens and the apps they contain to the way that real-time communication and other data from the Web are integrated into the experience.




Keynote: Changing the user-experience: How will we watch TV in the future? –– keynote by Stefan Jenzowsky, Head of Multimedia, Siemens CMT — at the Connected TV Summit 2012



Ikea’s Uppleva TV will be a smart TV, have video streaming apps — from by  Mark Raby



When Smart TV gets smart — from by Pete Schwab, Senior Director, at UIEvolution.

Two-thirds of Americans watch at least one online video per day — from by Greg Franzese

PANEL: Next steps for Connected TV –– from


Addendums on 5/17/12:

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Also see:

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Ensequence secures $26 million to help accelerate the Future of TV — from


Excerpt (emphasis DSC):

NEW YORK, May 10, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) — Ensequence, a leader in transforming TV into a more interactive and engaging experience, has secured commitments for a $25,994,279 investment that will help accelerate its expansion into mobile and connected TV.


From DSC:
We can begin to see why educational apps are on deck here…

Tagged with:  

What is AirServer? — my thanks to Mr. Johnny Ansari at Calvin College for this resource

AirServer is a powerful Mac/PC application that enables you to stream or mirror your iOS device, such as your iPhone 4S, to your Mac/PC. If your computer is connected to a secondary or alternative display, such as an HDTV or projector, your iOS device can use that display. If your iOS device allows Mirroring then anything you see on that device can be displayed on the big screen.

AirServer is the most advanced AirPlay/AirTunes receiver app on the market. Mirroring has been fully supported since version 4.0 of AirServer. No other app will let you seamlessly stream audio, videos, photos, and photo slideshows to your Mac or iOS device. AirServer gives you more features for less money, and it keeps getting better. Android fans rejoice: we now support AirPlay streaming to Mac from Android devices running doubleTwist+AirTwist.

AirServer makes history — 1 May, 2012

We’re so hyped about our latest breakthrough with AirServer that we couldn’t hold back any longer. This is something no other app has done. This is history in the making.

AirPlay Mirroring for PC is here!
That’s right. AirServer is the first and only software that can Mirror your iPhone/iPad to your Windows PC. This is a pre-release version and doesn’t yet have sound or some of the eye candy features of full blown AirServer. But it does have Mirroring. And Mirroring will enable you to take your iPhone 4S and display the screen pixel perfect on your PC. Over the coming weeks we’ll be adding free updates to the PC version to bring it up to speed with the Mac version. Exciting times ahead.

Automated grading software in development to score essays as accurately as humans — from by David J. Hill

See the iphone – Diorama piece at

Beam me up Scotty: Life-size hologram-like telepods revolutionize videoconferencing — from the Human Media Lab at Queen’s University

Disney Research invents amazing new touch sensing tech — from

A smart city


When we think of computer networks, we think of routers and servers and fiber optic cables and laptops and smartphones — we think of the internet. In actuality, though, the visible internet is just the tip of the iceberg. There are secret military networks, and ad hoc wireless networks, and utility companies have sprawling, cellular networks the track


30 specialist (and super smart) search engines — from by Adam Vincenzini

The home 3-D printer is more real than ever–and costs as much as an iPad — from by Kit Eaton

A ride on MIT Media Lab’s digital bandwagon — from by Martin LaMonica
Digital technologies are reaching deeper into the physical world, opening up new ways for people to interact with their surroundings, say researchers at MIT’s Media Lab.



The Future of TV  - special from CNBC which airs tonight - May 7, 2012


Also see:



Addendums on 5/8/12:

Double vision: TV gets interactive — from by Fraizer Moore

Piers Fawkes: The future of TV — from by Piers Fawkes

A solid Q&A with such questions as:

  • The old hierarchical vertical order of: channel – series – episode, seems to be in danger, letting the horizontal disorder take its place. What do you think broadcasters can do to serve people during this shift?
  • The TV channel is being challenged, first by VOD and now by internet based services. How do you think the TV channels’ role will evolve in the next 5 years? Will the traditional push-based model maintain its centrality or will users be looking for search-only and pull-based alternatives?
  • A new form of TV means new revenue models. Who do you think will finance the next successful TV show in 10 years and how? Will the new channels’ role generate new business models? How you imagine them?
  • To protect our brain from information overload we need to filter and recommendations are a form of filtering. How do you think people’s recommendations will shape the future role of TV channels in the next years to come?
  • Artificial Intelligence, Smart Agents and algorithms are directing us into a world of Adaptive User Interfaces capable of recognizing different users and provide them with an anticipated, personalized experience. How do you think the future TV will shape around people’s habits and tastes?

ExoPC and Panama team up to bring ‘tablet desks’ to students— from and The classroom of the future: Panama wants to give students “tablet desks” — from by Doug Drinkwater



The teacher controls the interactive board using an user friendly interface


Adobe Photoshop Controller for EXOdesk
Adobe Photoshop TM Controller for EXOdesk makes it possible to control Photoshop TM from an EXOdesk in order to boost your productivity.


What’s happening in the workplace? — from by Jan Johnson


The evolving office in 2012, equipped with Allsteel’s collaborative furniture collection, Gather



Marriott Hotels & Resorts, Steelcase, and IDEO Collaborate to Innovate on the Future of Meetings and Work
Marriott Hotels & Resorts Launches “The Future of Work Innovation Co-Labs” To Offer Enhanced Hosted Work Experiences for Gen X and Gen Y Global Travelers.

Excerpt (emphasis DSC):

Los Angeles, Calif. – The nature of work is changing: it’s mobile, fast-paced and global. While most people demand choice and control to work when and how they want, wherever they are, working remotely doesn’t always offer consistent options when it comes to access, comforts and convenience. Marriott Hotels & Resorts, the flagship brand of Marriott International (NYSE:MAR); Steelcase, the world’s leading workplace experience provider; and global design and innovation consultancy, IDEO, today announced a collaboration to design, create and test innovative concepts and solutions for the future of work and meetings in hotels. The collaboration comes to life this week as a showcase of these potential solutions is unveiled at the Marriott Hotels & Resorts Global General Manager Conference in Los Angeles.

 Also see: -- The Next Office from Steelcase


The new Steelcase space in Strasbourg

Also see:

Also see:



  • .The Pitfalls of sitting too close — from by Kelly Eggers
    It sure sounded like a good idea. When Tuft and Lach Law, a small law practice in St. Paul, Minn. opted for open, shared office space, they didn’t expect to hate it. After all, numerous academic studies have shown that workers are more productive in open offices and, in the trendsetting tech industry, open plans are standard. For the law firm, it didn’t work out that way. “We had a receptionist and secretary sharing a workstation,” said Thomas Tuft. “The one with the biggest voice could be heard on the other’s phone calls and in attorney offices by clients on the phone with the attorneys.” If two people had to take a call simultaneously, they were forced to whisper..
  • Creating Learning Spaces Through Collaboration – The Library is a 3rd Place to Consider — from Aaron Cohen Associates
  • Space-saving dome shaped bookshelf built into workspace ceiling – – from


Space-Saving Dome Shaped Bookshelf Built Into Workspace Ceiling


A sample image from University of Exeter item re: learning spaces


The refurbished Forum Library
opens 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Addendum on 5/24/12:




The evolution of a couch potato: How TV and viewers are changing — from by Abhishek Baxi

Section headings:

  • Remote controls are dead
  • Let’s bring social in
  • There’s an app for it
  • Viewer is the king


The future of TV will be based on experiences to engage, entertain, and activate viewers stemming from creativity, imagination, and innovations in technology. While traditionally, TV has been a medium of consumption, the Web experience via PC, mobile, or stand-alone devices, has also brought in real-time engagement. While many call it the death of traditional TV industry, it might just be the factor which brings growth.
Addendum/also see:
  • Luminous Design – the Future of Smart TV — from
    What is the future of Smart TV? How to create a luminous design that will enlighten TV experience across devices, and make it really consistently Smart? Who could tell us the way better than Dale Herigstad? Dale is Chief Interaction Officer at Possible, and an internationally recognized designer and thought leader on the future of interactive and “many-screen” rich media interfaces.

Considerations for deploying the AppleTV in your school or enterprise — from by William Stites

Excerpt (emphasis DSC):

We are begin­ning to look at using the AppleTV in our school as part of our iPad deploy­ment but much like the iPads them­selves we are in the posi­tion of try­ing to fig­ure out how to deploy and man­age a con­sumer device in the enter­prise (schools to all of you).

The rea­son for con­sid­er­ing the use of the AppleTV in the class­room has every­thing to do (for us) with Air­Play. The abil­ity to give any stu­dent the oppor­tu­nity to share what they are doing on their device with the class and demon­strate their learn­ing is amaz­ing — – can you say bye-bye Smartboards!

But as I play with this idea and dis­cuss it with my col­leagues there are some man­age­ment issues and ques­tions that I have…

Also see:

AirPlay Mirroring & Apple TV — from Steve Zalot

From DSC:

  1. Steve has a nice list of related resources and some helpful items re: deployment considerations such as the network, security, and audio/video considerations.
  2. This topic directly relates to one of my dreams for our “Smart Classrooms” and learning spaces (and why Steelcase’ MediaScape product is exciting and gaining traction)—  to enable students to “play” media from many types of devices (laptops, smart phones, tablets, etc.) without disrupting the flow of the classroom!
  3. Apple must address the network, security, and A/V-related issues for this to really take off in our learning spaces — but if and when they get by these hurdles, amazing results will soon follow!


Also see:

Addendums -- remote desktop software with high performance video and audio

Also see:

  • Splashtop Remote Desktop for iPad — by Splashtop Inc.
    Celebrating Splashtop named by Apple as “Top 25 best-selling iPad app of ALL-TIME!”  Splashtop apps: Remote Desktop, CamCam, Touchpad, FileHound, etc.  Over 6 million users are enjoying Splashtop apps today! Go everywhere with your iPad and have full access to your PC or MAC!
    ** #1 iPad app in US in June 2011
    ** #1 iPad app in 23 countries
    ** #1 iPad business app in 63 countries


Tagged with:  

Project Glass from Google


Also see:

NTT videoconferencing system transplants faces onto mobile telepresence screens


From DSC:

  • Another innovation that aids web-based collaboration.
  • Make that one more movement up the disruptive innovation curve (of online learning).



As an addendum on 3/4, check out:

From DSC:
I especially like this one:

  • Remote learning – follow professors around the classroom; see who is asking questions


Galileo - your -iOS in motion

Tagged with:  

Smart TV — from by Tan Ming Sin


A Smart TV is simply a device that aggregates services and displays them on a screen. Satellite channels are an example of one such service. At this point of time, different manufacturers make different Smart TVs with different services.

100 million TVs will be Internet-connected by 2016 — from by Dawn Chmielewski


Big-screen TVs are displayed by Panasonic at the recent Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. Internet connectivity is becoming a more important feature of TVs, a new report says.
Soon, the living room TV will become as hyper-connected as the people watching it.

A new report from researcher NPD In-Stat predicts that 100 million homes in North America and Western Europe will own television sets that blend traditional programs with Internet content by 2016. These new hybrid devices, capable of displaying interactive content related to TV shows, are a bid to hold the viewer’s attention in a device-cluttered world.

“The TV people figured out nobody’s just watching TV anymore,” said Gerry Kaufhold, NPD In-Stat’s digital entertainment research director. “They’re watching TV with a tablet or a smartphone or a laptop in their hands. They’ve completely lost control.”

New Smart TVs will create new opportunities for interactivity — from


Beyond voice interaction with smart TVs, what other benefits might this new generation of televisions bring to digital signage interactivity? Perhaps, these TVs will lead to easier syncing with personal smart phones and tablets offering the public interactive takeaways from the sign. Or, they might make it possible to migrate the digital signage experience from outside the home into the living room -sort of an offshoot of the TV Everywhere concept being promoted these days by pay TV operators, such as cable TV companies.

Social TV all about sharing: Viewers using laptops, iPhone to engage online during favorite shows — from by Johnny Diaz, Sun Sentinel


What can I do tonight: watch TV or surf Facebook? Increasingly, people are doing both simultaneously. And checking their email. And interacting with actors or news anchors.

Patent details Apple’s ideas for universal TV remote — from by Angela Moscaritolo

Retro Apple TV

Gravity R&D powers personalized TV recommendations for Canadian telco — from by NatashaStarkell

Americans now watch more online movies than DVDs — from by Julianne Pepitone

The 2012 Apple TV is more than just a speed bump [review] — from by Alex Kahney

The television set-top box will die in 2012 — from by William Thompson

Smart TV Movie Streaming To Replace Video Disc & Blu-ray — from by David Richards
As Samsung, Panasonic and LG get set to launch a new range of TVs in Australia that will deliver a multitude of new content services that include Foxtel, Blockbuster movies and Telstra Movies, new research suggests that consumers will exceed digital video disc and Blu-ray use by downloading movies direct to their TV.

Shift to digital television seen happening by ‘16 — from the Philippine Daily Inquirer by Paolo G. Montecillo
Industry players await decision on PH standard


MANILA, Philippines—The shift to digital TV broadcasting technology in the country, which would result in better services for millions of households, can still be completed before the end of the Aquino administration, a top government official said.

Once the standard to be used for digital TV in the country is chosen with finality, the shutting off of inefficient analogue signals could take just three years, Information and Communications Technology Office (ICTO) Deputy Executive Director Monchito Ibrahim said. This is shorter than the previously projected five years.

One Screen To Rule Them All — from by Jay Fulcher

Also see:

From DSC:
Here are some items related to what I call “Learning from the Living Room” — a trend that continues to develop that involves:

  • Using high-end, personalized, multimedia-based, interactive, team-created content — packed with new reporting tools for better diagnostics/learning analytics — available via a cloud-based “education store”/marketplace/exchange
  • Web-accessible content that’s available 24x7x365
  • The power of social networks/learning
  • Riding the wave of the massive convergence of the computer, the telephone, and the television.


Smarter TV: Living room as digital hub from Samsung and Microsoft to Apple and Google — from by Tim Carmody
Excerpt (emphasis DSC):
  • In the future, the living room will replace the home office as most households’ home for the stationary personal computer. Instead of printers and mice and other corded accessories, networked appliances and post-PC machines share data with one another and with the cloud. Play and productivity both become decentered; gaming and entertainment might be on a tablet or a television, with recipes at the refrigerator, a shopping list for the smartphone, and an instructional video on the television set. All of these experiences will be coherent, continuous and contextual. And like the personal computer at the height of Pax Wintel, the living room will be a platform characterized by triumphant pluralism.“The thing about the living room is that it’s universal; everyone in the household uses it,” Samsung VP Eric Anderson told me at today’s event. “We know that we’re not going to capture every single member of the household. In my family, my wife and my daughter are Apple, me and my sons are Android,” he noted, pointing out that the majority of devices introduced today can interact with either mobile platform.


The modern mechanics of app stores: today, tomorrow and connected TV — from by Dean Johnson


What’s next for app stores?
It’s time for each platform to up its game – smart TVs are coming. The small and medium screen experience will shortly be translated to the bigger screen as connectivity and discoverability takes on even greater importance.

Google and Apple will further interweave themselves into our daily lives as iOS and Android seamlessly combine our smartphones and tablets with our new smartTVs. Electronic Program Guides (EPGs) and the programmes themselves will suggest related content, from apps to music to film to books. This must all be presented in an approachable, then browsable manner to encourage additional discovery.

The quest for the perfect meta-data will become increasingly important and voice commands will need to deliver the best search results with the minimum of fuss. This time next year, the battle of the app stores will be fought on the move, on the desktop and on the living room wall.


Samsung Launches Smart TVs With Gestures, Voice Control — from by Douglas Perry


A Kinect-like feature is made possible via camera and microphone integration that comes standard with the LED ES7500, LED ES8000 and Plasma E8000 models. According to Samsung, consumers can launch apps such as Facebook or YouTube, or search the web via voice commands. Waving the hand will move the cursor and select links. The TVs integrate a Samsung dual-core processor as well as a new Webkit-based web browser to improve overall performance. The high-end 7500 and 8000 TVs ship with a remote with an integrated touchscreen. A wireless keyboard that is compatible with Samsung’s TVs as well as the Galaxy Tab tablet is sold as an option.


New TV experiences through companion apps — from moxie pulse


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