James Morrison -- Higher Education in Transition

Example slides/excerpts:





One example — of several great slides — regarding the old vs. the new paradigm:




From DSC:
Re: one of the bullet points on the last slide — i.e. “Faculty work as part of instructional team” — here’s my take on what that team increasingly needs to look like in order to engage our students and to compete:


London: Videos from the Learning Without Frontiers Festival now online

Learning Without Frontiers is a global platform for disruptive thinkers and practitioners from the education, digital media, technology and entertainment sectors who come together to explore how new disruptive technologies can drive radical efficiencies and improvements in learning whilst providing equality of access.

If you were unable to attend the recent LWF Festival of Learning & Technology in London we’re pleased to let you know that videos from the conference are now online for your personal or group viewing pleasure.  There are a number of ways to view these videos so just choose the one you prefer.

To view, comment & join the discussions you can visit the video pages on the LWF site here

Amongst the alternatives, they are available on the following platforms:

iTunes (download to your PC, iPad or iPhone)*



And for users of Apple TV simply search for the Learning Without Frontiers channel under podcasts.

*You can also search for Learning Without Frontiers in the iTunes store – they are FREE!

Online Communities Spark Future Changes in the Training Profession (Interview) — from Bloomfire.com


Q. Could you envision a 21st century training program for us? What might it look like?

This can be best described by what was said by John Chambers, CEO, Cisco Systems: “Education over the internet will make email look like a rounding error.” Chambers explains that education is not just evolving, but rather going through a complete transformation.

Q. How might these challenges differ from the challenges of yesterday?

Emerging communication methods, like instant communication and collaboration, have vastly changed the landscape of the way people assimilate information. Time has always been considered a scarce resource, but it has now become even scarcer than before.  We need to adapt to the very rapidly changing environment as training shifts its focus to learning.

Q. In response to this shift, what are some research and technological trends today that will have an impact on tomorrow?

The high-definition video conferencing, mobile learning, and innovative developments centered around social learning and performance support have the potential to lay the foundation of anytime-anywhere learning, in real-time.

mahalo.com -- learn anything

— originally from Kirsten Winkler’s posting, “Friend or Enemy? Mahalo 4.0 – Learn Anything

Who wants a self-paced, free, world class education? — from OpenSesame.com

From DSC:
I work within higher education…so why am I posting this? For several reasons:

  1. To help those folks who may not have the funding to attend a college or university.
  2. To help those students who are already in a college or university and who want further resources on a particular discipline.
  3. For lifelong learners — and for those who love to learn — who want to pick up further knowledge re: a discipline.
  4. To prompt leadership/management within higher education to talk about their strategies in how to respond to this game-changing trend/environment. Such disruptive trends can be opportunities or threats.
  5. It’s published at OpenSesame.org — an organization that is forming another online marketplace/exchange that involves education.
  6. It relates to my thoughts on The Forthcoming Walmart of Education (and also here). Something that all universities and colleges will have to deal with…sooner or later.

Millions of TV’s (as completely converged/Internet-connected devices) = millions of learners?!?

From DSC:

The other day, I created/posted the top graphic below. Take the concepts below — hook them up to engines that use cloud-based learner profiles — and you have some serious potential for powerful, global, ubiquitous learning! A touch-sensitive panel might be interesting here as well.

Come to think of it, add social networking, videoconferencing, and web-based collaboration tools — the power to learn would be quite impressive.  Multimedia to the nth degree.

Then add to that online marketplaces for teaching and learning — where you can be both a teacher and a learner at the same time — hmmm…



From DSC:
Then today, I saw Cisco’s piece on their Videoscape product line! Check it out!







From DSC:
I have a saying that folks who know me well have heard me say it too many times…and that is, “We don’t want to be the Blockbuster of higher ed.”

Why do I say something like that? Check out this article:
Blockbuster Wants $250 Million More to Escape Bankruptcy: Can It Be Saved?


No other company faces this issue more than Blockbuster, the struggling rental chain, which the Wall Street Journal today reported is struggling even more than expected. After filing for Chapter 11 protection in September, the company is asking bondholders for an extra $200 million to $250 million, due to poor holiday performance and underestimated costs for exiting bankruptcy protection.

But the central reason for Blockbuster’s struggles, both now and before bankruptcy, is its difficulties transitioning its bricks-and-mortar business to digital delivery.

From DSC:
Blockbuster blissfully discarded any impact that the Internet might have on their business. Next thing you know, they got broad-sided. This is why I think peering into the future and taking a pulse check on a variety of items is critical in today’s environment.

How will technologies like AirPlay affect education? I suggest 24x7x365 access on any device may be one way. By Daniel S. Christian at Learning Ecosystems blog-- 1-17-11.


Addendum on 1-20-11:
The future of the TV is online
— from telegraph.co.uk
Your television’s going to get connected, says Matt Warman

Realtime voice translation moves closer — from Education Stormfront blog


There are some industries, such as education that have been shielded from globalization so far because of the language barrier.  This is about to fall.

Tagged with:  

‘First iPhone app that lets you transfer money’ — from The Telegraph by Kara Gammell
First Direct has become the first UK bank to launch a true transactional banking app for Apple’s iPhone and iPod Touch.

Tagged with:  

“Predicting the future of the Internet is easy: anything it hasn’t yet dramatically transformed, it will.” — from Chris Dixon

The Internet has gone through fits and starts – in particular the dot com crash of 2000 disillusioned many – but every year we see it transform industries that previously sauntered along blissfully denying its existence (emphasis DSC). Already transformed: music, news, advertising, telecom. Being transformed: finance, commerce, TV & movies, real estate, politics & government. Soon to be transformed (among many others): healthcare, education, energy.

From DSC:
I used to think education was “on-deck” — but not anymore. It’s at bat.

Math that moves -- the use of the iPad in K-12 -- from the New York Times


From DSC:
I post this here — with higher ed included in the tags/categories — because if the trend within K-12 continues (i.e. that of using such technologies as the iPad, digital textbooks, mobile learning devices, etc.), students’ expectations WILL be impacted. When they hit our doorsteps, they will come with their heightened sets of expectations. The question is, will we in higher ed be ready for them?

Disruptive innovation — reflections/recap of by Lord David Putnams’s speech by Steve Wheeler

© 2025 | Daniel Christian