Coworking spaces team with universities to bridge the gap between classroom and practice — from by Jessica Stillman


With tuition costs mounting, the national student loan burden growing and employers complaining about a lack of certain job skills, no one is really in love with the current university education system. But with frustration comes creativity, as initiatives of all sorts attempt to dream up a better way. Should we go back to an apprentice system? Is online learning the answer? How about re-imagining universities as coffee shops?

Excerpt from

Essentially, Kennel is a collaborative workspace for creative entrepreneurs in Singapore. Set facing the fringe of a forest, with ceiling-to-floor glass windows spanning across the entire space, we like to think that Kennel lets you switch easily between the bustle of Dempsey Hill and the calm serenity of nature. We also love that the walls are covered in Ideapaint, with markers readily available around the entire space for you to write anything on the walls. It is clear that the space was designed for creativity and collaboration to thrive!


An alternative to incubators: the co-working space — from by Genevieve DeGuzman

An alternative to incubators: the co-working space

Considerations for deploying the AppleTV in your school or enterprise — from by William Stites

Excerpt (emphasis DSC):

We are begin­ning to look at using the AppleTV in our school as part of our iPad deploy­ment but much like the iPads them­selves we are in the posi­tion of try­ing to fig­ure out how to deploy and man­age a con­sumer device in the enter­prise (schools to all of you).

The rea­son for con­sid­er­ing the use of the AppleTV in the class­room has every­thing to do (for us) with Air­Play. The abil­ity to give any stu­dent the oppor­tu­nity to share what they are doing on their device with the class and demon­strate their learn­ing is amaz­ing — – can you say bye-bye Smartboards!

But as I play with this idea and dis­cuss it with my col­leagues there are some man­age­ment issues and ques­tions that I have…

Also see:

AirPlay Mirroring & Apple TV — from Steve Zalot

From DSC:

  1. Steve has a nice list of related resources and some helpful items re: deployment considerations such as the network, security, and audio/video considerations.
  2. This topic directly relates to one of my dreams for our “Smart Classrooms” and learning spaces (and why Steelcase’ MediaScape product is exciting and gaining traction)—  to enable students to “play” media from many types of devices (laptops, smart phones, tablets, etc.) without disrupting the flow of the classroom!
  3. Apple must address the network, security, and A/V-related issues for this to really take off in our learning spaces — but if and when they get by these hurdles, amazing results will soon follow!


Also see:




The best stylus for iPad: we review the hits and misses  The stylus is making a comeback, but which one is best?  By Ellis Hamburger on April 10, 2012

Tagged with: -- remote desktop software with high performance video and audio

Also see:

  • Splashtop Remote Desktop for iPad — by Splashtop Inc.
    Celebrating Splashtop named by Apple as “Top 25 best-selling iPad app of ALL-TIME!”  Splashtop apps: Remote Desktop, CamCam, Touchpad, FileHound, etc.  Over 6 million users are enjoying Splashtop apps today! Go everywhere with your iPad and have full access to your PC or MAC!
    ** #1 iPad app in US in June 2011
    ** #1 iPad app in 23 countries
    ** #1 iPad business app in 63 countries


Tagged with:  

Tagged with:  

Flick content from your phone to your TV with a single swipe [Video] — from PSFK by Emma Hutchings


Panasonic have recently added the Media Flick function to the Viera Remote Android app, which allows content to be shared between a smartphone and a TV with just the swipe of a finger.

From DSC:
  • What if students could quickly do this in class — without interrupting the flow of the class —  and transfer a paper they wrote, or a song they composed, or a website they found, etc., up to the main “screen” to “play” it for the rest of the class?
  • What if faculty could just as quickly send files/items to students’ devices?
  • And/or, what if such gestures quickly sent such files up to a cloud-based repository for that course, accessible 24x7x365?


Right now, Apple and other vendors need to work out the wireless network (and related) issues to make this a more feasible idea for an entire campus to implement this. 

But, it would sure be nice!  🙂





Tablet ownership triples among college students –– from The Chronicle by Nick DeSantis


The number of college students who say they own tablets has more than tripled since a survey taken last year, according to new poll results released today. The Pearson Foundation sponsored the second-annual survey, which asked 1,206 college students and 204 college-bound high-school seniors about their tablet ownership. The results suggest students increasingly prefer to use the devices for reading.

Tablet adoption surging in enterprise — from All Things Digital by John Paczkowski


Tablet adoption is increasing among corporate tech buyers. ChangeWave Research recently polled a group of 1,604 business IT buyers and found that 22 percent of them planned to purchase tablets for their employees sometime in the second quarter of 2012. Of those, 84 percent say they’re likely to buy Apple iPads — an increase of 7 percentage points from ChangeWave’s November 2011 survey.

Lifelong learning ecosystems!!! A powerful vision for our future [Daniel Christian]

From DSC:
The vision below involves:
(click on the image below to access it)

  • The convergence of the telephone, the television, and the computer
  • Cloud-based education stores/marketplaces/exchanges
  • Second screen devices and machine-to-machine communications
  • Social networking/learning
  • Smart classrooms/learning spaces
  • Content recognition/synchronization applications
  • Apps as “channels”
  • Web-based learner profiles
  • Video overlays
  • New business models in higher ed
  • New jobs/needs for the future
  • A new way for employers to hire highly-effective employees/contractors/consultants
  • …and more


Click this thumbnail image to access the larger image / vision



Addendum on 3/20/12:


Tagged with:  
Reflection Mirrors iOS Devices on the Mac– from by Jeff Carlson ; my thanks to Mr. Lucas Moore at Calvin College for the heads up on this item
Reflection on the ReflectionApp and the AirServerApp and Apple TV — from iPad and Technology in Music Education by Paul Shimmons
Also see:
Also see:

A Crystal Lake science class uses iPads instead of notebooks and pencils.
(Peter Parks, Getty-AFP photo / February 22, 2012)

Learning Space Design Resources — from the University of Arizona

The University of Sydney: Standards for learning spaces

The University’s vision of learning space for the 21st century is a student-centred, quality assured, seamless environment encompassing physical and virtual networks that promote engaged enquiry. The Learning Space review will contribute to a shared view on learning and teaching space and facilities and the related issues of flexibility, capacity, innovation, integration and sustainability. Learning space will be developed and evaluated in line with these principles to develop best practice standards for formal, informal and virtual learning and teaching space.

suppose design office: kiddy shonan C/X nursery school

‘kiddy shonan C/X’ by suppose design office


Learning Environments: Where Space, Technology, and Culture Converge — from Educause

Also see:


Edu2.0 from -- learning space designs

Also see:

Famous Miller House Via spfaust

Famous Miller House Via spfaust


Via Novoceram

Via Novoceram

Addendum on 2/14/12

  • The Almere Library has been designed by Meyer en van Schooten Architects and is located in Almere, The Netherlands.


The future of internet TV [Europe]


From DSC:
Entertainment, some news, and social media at bat — educational apps on deck.

Is this the future of touchscreen tech? New video [from Corning] will blow your mind — from Mashable! by Samantha Murphy


Gorilla Glass manufacturer Corning has unveiled a follow-up YouTube video to its wildly successful “A Day Made of Glass,” providing another look into what the future could be like with the growth of glass touchscreen interfaces, from innovative chalkboards and activity tables in classrooms to uses for it in hospitals.

Corning released two versions of “A Day Made of Glass 2? — one with a narrator and another, abbreviated version without commentary — the video follows the life of young Amy and her family as they go through their day using various products made of glass. Amy does classwork on a glass tablet, controls the temperature of the car from the backseat and even attends a field trip at the Redwood Forrest with an interactive signage that brings learning to life. Her teacher also works with students on interactive touchscreen activity tables. Corning expects these activity tables to be rolled out in the near future.

Sample images (by DSC):

From Corning -- A day made of glass -- Part2 -- Feb 2012


Get ready for a world of connected devices – from by Richard MacManus


The next big thing in computing isn’t a new model smartphone or laptop. It’s the Internet empowering everything else around us. Our cars, TVs and many other devices. Which means we all need to think about engaging digital Internet experiences for the car, TV and every device imaginable – because that’s where audiences are heading.

From DSC:
What opportunities — and threats — might be present in this trend as they relate to:

  • Learning and education?
  • Learning spaces and smart classrooms?
  • Attention spans and engagement?
  • Memory?
  • Other?
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