The world is not enough: Google and the future of augmented reality — from by Alexis C. Madrigal
The new Google FieldTrip app probes the question: What digital information do you want to see overlaid on the physical world?

Also see:

Field Trip


Goalbook app -- great tool for providing excellence for students with special needs


Special Education and the Common Core — from


The three strategic initiatives below are the most fundamental initial steps to fulfill the promise of this new change:

  1. Special Educators Trained in Common Core Standards and Curriculum
  2. Standards Aligned IEPs
  3. General Educators Trained in Universal Design for Learning


Also see:

Big Data in K-12: Attack of the Recommendation Engines – Part I – from by Nelson B. Heller, President, The HellerResults Group — Friday, October 12, 2012


Big Data Meets Education
A wave of K-12 entrepreneurial initiatives sees the application of “big data” as the key to instructional technology’s Holy Grail—intelligent real-time differentiated instruction akin to working one-on-one with a brilliant personal instructor. Investors, aware of the powerful strides made in recommendation engines by Internet giants Google, Amazon, LinkedIn, Netflix, and Zynga, as well as for a host of military and commercial applications, see in big data education’s “next big thing.” In this and my next article, I’m going to explore what’s happening in this arena and in voice recognition technology, which, if you look under the hood, can be thought of as being driven by the same advances in data science and recommendation engines. These articles are based in part on my recent View From the Catbird Seat presentation at EdNET 2012. Read on to see what threats and opportunities this new frontier represents for your own organization.

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Free 123D Catch app makes your iPhone a 3D scanner — from by Jason Dorrier




In three years 3D scanners have gone from $30,000 to $3,000 to—$0.00?! AutoDesk’s free 123D Catch app is now available for the iPhone and iPad. Users can take up to 40 pictures, upload them to the cloud, and receive a digital 3D model. Simply, 123D Catch is a free handheld 3D scanner as mobile as you are. Coupled with 3D modeling software and 3D printing services, Autodesk aims to bring 3D fabrication to the masses.

If you’re an architect or manufacturer or computer animator, chances are you already know Autodesk. Their 3D modeling software AutoCad—first released way back in 1982—is near ubiquitous in the professional world. But not so much at home.

Addendum on 10/4/12:

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Compare web-based response systems

Compare web-based response systems –– from

Comparison includes:

  • Poll Everywhere
  • Socrative
  • Top Hat Monocle
  • ClickerSchool
  • Text The Mob
  • Shakespeak


Also see:

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Aerohive enables every enterprise to support Apple AirPrint and AirPlay with free Bonjour Gateway software
Innovation that changed the BYOD market is now free           


Sunnyvale, Calif. —September 17, 2012 — Aerohive Networks™, the pioneer in cloud-enabled enterprise networking infrastructure, today announced they are giving away a free, downloadable version of Aerohive’s Bonjour Gateway solution. Bonjour®, (or Zero-Configuration Networking,) is used to configure services like AirPrint™, AirPlay®, and file sharing. Aerohive’s Bonjour Gateway was released in July as a standard feature in Aerohive APs, but with today’s announcement the Bonjour Gateway is now available as a free VMware virtual appliance.  This enables Bonjour services across large enterprise wired and wireless networks even in networks without any other Aerohive equipment.


Also see:

Aerohive’s Free Bonjour Gateway | The Techvangelist
Aerohive’s Bonjour Gateway was released in July as a standard feature in Aerohive APs, but with today’s announcement the Bonjour Gateway is now available
Aerohive’s Free Bonjour Gateway
Aerohive’s free Bonjour Gateway is software that runs on the customer’s installed VMWare infrastructure. It enables management and control of Apple’s…
Aerohive: Free Version Of Bonjour Gateway For Apple Environments
Aerohive launched the Bonjour Gateway as a way to enable Apple wireless functions such as AirPlay and AirPrint to run easily across those networks.…/aerohive-free-version-of-bonjo…
Aerohive: Free Version Of Bonjour Gateway For Apple – CRN
Wireless LAN specialist Aerohive is making available a free version of its Bonjour Gateway for solving Apple-related BYOD challenges.…/aerohive-free-version-of-bonjour-gateway-fo…
aerohive bonjour gateway | management/aerohive-does-an-end-run-around-apples-b/240007438. Trent Hurt CWNA…/aerohive-bonjour-gateway
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The Washington Monthly - The Magazine - The Siege of Academe [Kevin Carey]


The ongoing carnage in the newspaper industry provides an object lesson of what can happen when a long-established, information-focused industry’s business model is challenged by low-price competitors online. The disruptive power of information technology may be our best hope for curing the chronic college cost disease that is driving a growing number of students into ruinous debt or out of higher education altogether. It may also be an existential threat to institutions that have long played a crucial role in American life.


From DSC:
If higher ed doesn’t respond more forcefully/significantly to the perfect storm it finds itself in, people will find other ways of getting employed and staying employed. The conversation continues to move away from institutions of traditional higher education (here’s but one example). Control is an illusion.

IBM working on Watson app for smartphones — from by Sebastian Anthony


After conquering Jeopardy, battling patent trolls, and chasing down health insurance fraudsters, IBM now plans to bring Watson to smartphones. Watson is an artificial intelligence that is capable of answering very complex questions using natural language answers. In essence, IBM is hoping to build a better, faster, and more professional/enterprisey version of Apple’s Siri, the voice-controlled assistant that debuted on the iPhone 4S.

IBM Watson


Watson, come here: A clue to cancer! — from by Jack Uldrich

Excerpt (emphasis DSC; regarding the video there, I don’t think we can so easily access/create/contain “wisdom”):

Last year, I published my top ten trends in health care. Number Five on the list was “artificial intelligence.” Specifically, I addressed the ability of IBM’s “Watson” supercomputer to revolutionize diagnosis.

Well, the folks at Memorial Sloan-Kettering have now hired Watson. If you’re in the healthcare industry, I can’t encourage you strongly enough to watch the following two-minute video because it points toward the future of cancer diagnosis.

As one of the physicians says in the video, “This is beyond evolutionary, this is revolutionary!” He goes on to add, “This could totally change the way we conduct medicine.”

IBM’s new mainframe aimed at assimilating “private clouds” — from by
The zEC12 aims to do what “private clouds” do faster, better, and cheaper.
IBM would like big enterprise customers to reconsider that whole distributed “private cloud” thing and go back to the original big data solution: mainframes. Today, IBM unveiled the zEC12, its next generation of the System Z mainframe platform. And like the Borg, IBM is hoping that companies will let the zEC12 assimilate their virtualization environments into a big, black cube.


Active in Cloud, Amazon reshapes computing — from The New York Times by Quentin Hardy


SEATTLE — Within a few years,’s creative destruction of both traditional book publishing and retailing may be footnotes to the company’s larger and more secretive goal: giving anyone on the planet access to an almost unimaginable amount of computing power.



ClassDojo launches behavior management software for classrooms  — from by Justin Lee


Many apps in the education tech space are focused on educational curriculum and content, and are tools that aim to help students learn and get better marks. Startup ClassDojo, which launched publicly today after 10 months in beta, has a different goal: to help students behave better in the classroom. ClassDojo’s behavior management software platform for classrooms helps teachers improve classroom conduct, while also capturing related data. The company is also announcing $1.6 million in funding from investors including Ron Conway, Paul Graham, Jeff Clavier and Mitch Kapor, among other investors.

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Docking your iPad

Dockem’s Koala Wall Mount for iPads is innovative — from by Nancy Gravley


There are a lot of reasons why Apple customers would like to mount their iPad on the wall, and Dockem has created an aesthetically pleasing mount in the Koala Mount.

Koala Mount holding an iPad with Apple Smart Cover folded back


iPad luxury accessories by STRUT –– from by Katie Smith


Photo Courtesy of STRUT
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Resources from Learning Objects


While on their website, be sure to see information concerning Campus Pack from Learning Objects:


If this works well, it could be great for Smart Classrooms, collaborative workspaces, BYOD environments


From DSC:
The ability for students to contribute content and instantly share that content would be great! Not just display it, but share it! These are the types of concepts, tools, and technologies that I enjoy pursuing as they facilitate learning and collaboration. They have applications not only in K-20, but in the corporate world as well. (I realize there are some issues to work through with virus detection and potential copyright infringement.)

Speaking of not only displaying files but sharing them as well, it seems like this may be possible with Steelcase’s upcoming FrameOne with media:scape — when combined with HD videoconferencing. But I’m not positive about that.


FrameOne with mediascape



The Jot Pro from Adonit — a very precise stylus

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Aerohive ships Bonjour Gateway, an Apple mobile device management enrollment solution and 2 new 802.11n Access Points — from


SUNNYVALE, Calif., Jul 23, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) — Aerohive Networks, the pioneer in controller-less Wi-Fi and cloud-enabled enterprise networking, today announced the general availability of its HiveOS 5.1 and HiveManager 5.1. These new upgraded systems provide several significant enhancements including Bonjour Gateway and recently announced JAMF Software Mobile Device Management (MDM) integration for more granular control and management of customers’ BYOD dilemma and advanced reporting dashboards to help reduce troubleshooting.
In addition to the release of 5.1, Aerohive is delivering two new 802.11n access points (APs): AP121 and AP141. Designed to provide greater throughput and coverage, these two new APs are offered at a cost-effective price point ideal for education, healthcare, retail and distributed enterprise environments.

Cisco to unveil Apple Bonjour gateway for enterprise WiFi networks — from by John Cox
Cisco joins rivals in giving Apple’s discovery protocol enterprise behaviours


[July 24] Cisco plans to add code to its wireless LAN controllers to make Apple’s Bonjour-based technologies like AirPlay and AirPrint better behaved on enterprise networks. The code will turn the controller into a Bonjour gateway, and couple this with policy-based end user privileges. For users, this will mean that Apple clients will be able to find and access network-attached AirPrint printers, Apple TVs and the like on different subnets, so everything will just work as it does on their own home networks. A second expected result will be a big decrease in the amount of Bonjour-based discovery traffic that today is putting a heavy load on enterprise nets teeming with Apples MacBook laptops, iPhones, iPads and more.

ARUBA AIRGROUP™: Get your Wi-FI ready for AirPrint and AirPlay

Making AirPlay, AirPrint work in large scale WLANs — from by genieki

Screen Shot 2012-03-22 at 5.13.34 AM.png



From DSC:
I hope to use these sorts of tools to enable students to seamless contribute content to the classroom-based discussions. However, this IT-related item is not just relevant to the K-12 and higher ed worlds, but also to the corporate world as well.

A piece of the Next Generation Smart Classroom -- Daniel Christian -- June 2012


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