How ‘big data’ is transforming business — from


Right now at your own company, it’s quite possible that sensors in process machinery are collecting operational data, marketers are using location data from smartphones to demystify teenagers’ buying quirks, and data exchanges are creating networks with your supply chain partners. As an explosion of data transforms processes, corporate ecosystems, and approaches to innovation, it’s important to remember that new technologies and tools raise productivity not only because companies adopt them but also, more critically, because they enable new management practices and organizational structures. So in this month’s newsletter, we highlight a package of articles that can help executives navigate the era of big data.


Quoting from Transmedia vs Multi-screen Distractions — by Michael Matthews at — which provides an example of how multiple devices are starting to work with each other:

In Canada, the Food Network and Paperny Films integrated mobile strategy into the release of a new TV series called Eat St. The TV show launched simultaneously with an iPhone app of the same name. The app offered location-based services linking users to vendors featured on the show as well as thousands of others across North America. The app gives fans a deeper experience — they can find carts in their cities and begin accessing them. This digital integration worked two ways: fans of the app could check out the TV show, and fans of the show were introduced to the app.


12 Trends from Cannes 2011 - from The Social Practice


  1. Social TV
  2. Digital storytelling
  3. HTML 5 and the rise of web apps
  4. Collaboration and co-creation
  5. The power of real-time
  6. The rise of social business
  7. Designing for networks and understanding social spread
  8. Seamless integration across devices
  9. The power of the tangible / creating social objects
  10. The rise of the tablet
  11. Getting creative with players and browsers
  12. Socially connected objects


See also:

Wiki of Social Media Marketing - April 2011

Swedish Online Store Features Live, Interactive Salespeople [VIDEO] — from

Swedish telecom company 3 Sweden has bridged the gap between Internet commerce and brick and mortar with 3LiveShop. The new site features employees interacting with customers, live, over videoscreens. As the video above shows, the Chatroulette-like site was made possible with custom-built touchscreens that look like they’re right out of The Minority Report. Using the screens, the online salespeople are able to bring up images of phones the company sells and field questions about them.






Questions/reflections from DSC:
If this does turn out to be the case:

  • Should students have a solid comfort level with technology in order to be marketable in the future?
  • What changes do we need to make to our curriculums — at all levels — to insure their success in this type of world?
  • Will this setup be similar for the online teachers/professors out there?
  • Will this type of setup lead to incredible levels of individualized attention? Or will such services only be for people who can afford this level of personalized attention?
  • What changes will the corporate world need to make to incorporate this type of channel?
  • Will this offer 24x7x365 access, with certain call centers either online 24 hours a day, or different call centers spread throughout the world coming online and offline in synch w/ each other?


Originally saw this at:


From DSC:
I appreciated the variety of clever interface elements at play here. Worth checking out just from an interface design standpoint, if not from a standpoint of relaying/processing information in a creative way (as well as discerning the critical business-related items/decisions).





March’s Top Ten Innovation and Marketing Articles — from Blogging Innovation by Braden Kelley
My thanks to Mr. Brian Christian for this resource/blog as well as for the resources mentioned below.

  1. Innovator Lifetime Value – by Braden Kelley
  2. Innovation is Highest and Best Use for Social CRM – by Hutch Carpenter
  3. 5 Design Thinking Myths in Business – by Idris Mootee
  4. 8 Ways to Measure Innovation Potential – by Jeffrey Phillips
  5. Welcome to the Brave New World of Innovation Ecosystems – by Paul Hobcraft
  6. 5 Ways to Ignite a Culture of Innovation – by Mitch Ditkoff
  7. How PepsiCo, Kraft & MWH Accelerate Innovation – by Andrea Meyer
  8. Leadership and Knowledge Management – by Mike Myatt
  9. No Vision = No Innovation – by Jeffrey Phillips
  10. Innovation Thrives Between the Lines of Chaos and Control
    – by Hutch Carpenter

Two from the archive of 2,500+ articles that shot to the top:


From DSC:
Brian also recommends four LinkedIn Groups:

  1. PDMA
  2. Front End of Innovation
  3. Innovate the Future
  4. New Product Development, Innovation and Growth

…as well as the RSS feed called Innovation Daily. -- Real Time Qualitative Market Research


Also see:

Focus Groups No More: GutCheck Makes Market Research Affordable and Cool
DIY Online Platform Simplifies Research Without Need for Big Budgets
DENVER, CO — (MARKET WIRE) — 03/01/2011 — GutCheck today launched its do-it-yourself online qualitative market research platform, which lets companies or individuals test their ideas, services and campaigns in real time, with their real markets, at a fraction of the cost of traditional focus groups.

While online surveying is nothing new for quantitative research thanks to companies like SurveyMonkey, GutCheck is the first to enable real-time experience-based (qualitative) feedback online, saving thousands of dollars and hours of hassle — and making high-quality feedback available to anyone, from sophisticated agencies working on messaging to small startups wanting to test their market strategy.

Winner DEMO 2011




Also see:




From Total Immersion’s site:

Virtualmob is a leading and a growing firm with in Mobile Marketing Media. We are the first company with in UAE and EU, which focuses exclusively on Full-service with in the Mobile Ecosystem; that is from displaying and capturing digital image in to reality, advertising & marketing, consulting and helping businesses to understand the potential of the mobile space

We merely specialise in Augmented Reality solutions for businesses, helping industries to display their digital image in to the Real World! Our offerings are unique, as we boast to provide customised solutions for businesses on various platforms with in the Mobile Marketing space, such as Augmented Reality, Location based Advertising, Geo-Fencing, Behaviourial ad targeting and so on…

© 2025 | Daniel Christian