2013 media technology trends — from weezergroup.com by Richard McLeland Wieser


Since the turn of the Millemium we’ve been hearing about the AV/IT convergence.  It started slowly, gaining speed.  Now it is roaring down the track like a 110 car freight train.  In 2013 most of the equipment that audiovisual and video production professionals use is digital, networkable and software controlled.  If your Boss is not the CIO, he may be by January 1, 2014.

Media Manager, Videographer, AV Technician, whatever your title, I believe you will find this information helpful.

From DSC:
As Richard mentions in his blog, the convergence of AV and IT continues to occur.  In fact, just recently, our AV Department joined our IT Department.  I look forward to even closer collaboration with the experts from that group.

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The hottest IT skills for 2013 — from itstrategynews.com

Top 4 traits of “future proof” employees, according to 1,709 CEOs — from forbes.com
What should you look for as you recruit new hires in 2013? As an employee yourself, what traits will serve you best in the years ahead?


Late last year IBM conducted interviews with 1,709 CEOs around the world, and published the results in a white paper titled “Leading Through Connections.” It’s a fascinating look at how business leaders are reacting to recent convergence of digital, social and mobile technologies, known by many as the “connected economy.”

From DSC:
How are K-12 and higher ed doing on developing this type of employee?

Also see:





Example slides from today’s presentation:

















From DSC:
I also support one of the questions which, paraphrasing, asked, “Do you pulse check students’ expectations?


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The education giant adapts — from MIT Technology Review by Jessica Leber
Pearson is the world’s largest book publisher. Now it wants to be a one-stop shop for digital education.


Pearson pulled this off with a decade-long string of acquisitions that helped it shift its emphasis from selling books to selling education services. The London-based company styles itself as the “world’s leading learning company,” even if that learning isn’t delivered through traditional books. These days, Pearson is more like an IT department for classrooms and schools. It sells technology infrastructure, software, and consulting services to schools—services that in turn help deliver the vast stock of textbook content Pearson owns. The company says its revenue from online content and services will surpass those of the traditional publishing business this year.

From DSC:
I congratulate Pearson on reinventing itself.  The words of Steve Jobs ring in my mind…something about cannibalizing one’s business before someone else does it for you.  Several other words and phrases come to my mind after seeing the above article — that regular readers of this blog and my archived website will instantly recognize:

  • Dangers of the status quo
  • Staying relevant
  • Survival
  • Disruption/change
  • New business models
  • Game-changing environment
  • Using teams of specialists

Also relevant here/see:


Reflecting on the Top IT Issues of 2012 — from campustechnology.com by Dian Schaffhauser

  1. Updating IT professionals’ skills and roles to accommodate new technologies and changing IT delivery models
  2. Supporting IT consumerization and bring-your-own device programs
  3. Developing a cloud strategy
  4. Improving the institution’s operational efficiency through IT
  5. Integrating IT into institutional decision-making
  6. Using analytics to support the important institutional outcomes
  7. Funding IT initiatives
  8. Transforming the institution’s business with IT
  9. Supporting research with high-performance computing, large data, and analytics
  10. Establishing and implementing IT governance throughout the institution


Also see:

Involving students in IT — — from campustechnology.com by Keith Norbury
IT shops are turning to students to staff help desks, troubleshoot, and more. For schools, it’s a way to cut costs; for students, it’s a learning experience and a pathway to employment.



The incredible, shrinking cloud based-library — from CampusTechnology.com by Alicia Brazington
By migrating to a cloud-based platform, Bucknell’s library services have improved the school’s research capabilities while drastically cutting costs.


Today, Bucknell University (PA) no longer runs a local library system. It has no library system server, and it’s free from cumbersome data-entry tasks. What it does have are huge savings, freed-up FTEs, and the cloud-based OCLC WorldShare Platform for streamlining library resources.

The changing face of the campus CIO - University Business September 2012




  • On 9/27/12 which regards the business/corporate world:
    CIO must become Chief Innovation Officer
    — from innovationexcellence.com by Linda Bernardi
  • On 10/1/12:
    The question CIO’s must really ask — from cnn.com by Jeanne G. Harris, Allan E. Alter and Aarohi Sen
    Asking whether CIOs will play a strategic or supporting role is indulging in a stale debate. The more important question is whether CIOs are prepared to lead their organizations into a future environment that could be completely unlike today.
  • On 10/16/12 — but moreso on the corporate side
    The New Chief Connected Officer
    — from by Gregg Garrett

Joining the brave CIO, who takes a step forward while many other IT leaders are standing still, is the motivated CEO. The adage that “it is lonely at the top” couldn’t be more true during this transition period. Most major advisors for top leadership, many of whom are part of well-recognized strategy consulting firms, understand the promise of the connected world, but aren’t pushing this advice yet.

They are putting their toes in the water with social-media practices and CMO-to-CIO forums. However, very few of them are actually broaching the sacred space of product-to-service conversations that could potentially reposition the chief information and chief technology officers to fulfill much more critical and senior roles within the organization.

The last time IT grew to such prominence in the corporate structure was the Y2K scare or the “ecommerce” movement (“brick and mortar” to “virtual”). As already discussed, “connected” is on a similar scale, if not more grandiose. A connected world both overlays a layer of relevant information-fed services on top of today’s processes, and also reformulates entire industries through disruptive innovation.

Going to the cloud -- an infographic from OnlineColleges.net - September 2012

Aerohive ships Bonjour Gateway, an Apple mobile device management enrollment solution and 2 new 802.11n Access Points — from marketwatch.com


SUNNYVALE, Calif., Jul 23, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) — Aerohive Networks, the pioneer in controller-less Wi-Fi and cloud-enabled enterprise networking, today announced the general availability of its HiveOS 5.1 and HiveManager 5.1. These new upgraded systems provide several significant enhancements including Bonjour Gateway and recently announced JAMF Software Mobile Device Management (MDM) integration for more granular control and management of customers’ BYOD dilemma and advanced reporting dashboards to help reduce troubleshooting.
In addition to the release of 5.1, Aerohive is delivering two new 802.11n access points (APs): AP121 and AP141. Designed to provide greater throughput and coverage, these two new APs are offered at a cost-effective price point ideal for education, healthcare, retail and distributed enterprise environments.

Cisco to unveil Apple Bonjour gateway for enterprise WiFi networks — from techworld.com by John Cox
Cisco joins rivals in giving Apple’s discovery protocol enterprise behaviours


[July 24] Cisco plans to add code to its wireless LAN controllers to make Apple’s Bonjour-based technologies like AirPlay and AirPrint better behaved on enterprise networks. The code will turn the controller into a Bonjour gateway, and couple this with policy-based end user privileges. For users, this will mean that Apple clients will be able to find and access network-attached AirPrint printers, Apple TVs and the like on different subnets, so everything will just work as it does on their own home networks. A second expected result will be a big decrease in the amount of Bonjour-based discovery traffic that today is putting a heavy load on enterprise nets teeming with Apples MacBook laptops, iPhones, iPads and more.

ARUBA AIRGROUP™: Get your Wi-FI ready for AirPrint and AirPlay

Making AirPlay, AirPrint work in large scale WLANs — from community.arubanetworks.com by genieki

Screen Shot 2012-03-22 at 5.13.34 AM.png



From DSC:
I hope to use these sorts of tools to enable students to seamless contribute content to the classroom-based discussions. However, this IT-related item is not just relevant to the K-12 and higher ed worlds, but also to the corporate world as well.

A piece of the Next Generation Smart Classroom -- Daniel Christian -- June 2012


From DSC:
Some reflections after reading Tech industry job cuts in first half hit 3-year high — from investors.com by Brian Deagon

Two-three years ago, someone who has spent years working in the Computer Science arena within higher education remarked to me that he was seeing far fewer students pursuing a degree in Computer Science.  You’re kidding me, right?  With all that’s happening in the Internet space, tech-based start-ups, etc…are you serious? No, he wasn’t kidding around.

When I asked him why, he mentioned that many high school counselors/advisors were steering high school students away from such a career path. Why? Because, as the article above points out, it’s too unstable. (No doubt the Dot Com crash added to this sentiment.) IT folks are often susceptible to the ax.

That got me to thinking…at a time when corporations are sitting on a trillion+ dollars, why aren’t we re-training people and/or reinventing ourselves? We lay people off way too quickly…answering only to Wall Street and to its shareholders, but not to the greater good of society at large.  Why do we emphasis STEM so  #@*^ much only to then have students take on debt…only to fire them all too quickly once they finally start earning a living?  Oh…and by the way, don’t expect corporations to help train you much.  They can pick from the 100’s of people who have already been laid off and who had to go out and get the marketable skills on their own dime.

(Even though the Tech industry is far more than programming and establishing/running data centers, I’d wager to say such other types of careers get lumped into CS at times.)

Addendums on 7/16/12:


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15 TED talks on the future of medicine — from MedicalBillingandCoding.org

Medical Billing 101: A practical guide — from MedicalBillingandCoding.org

The ICU gets connected — from connectedworldmag.com


For most of us, when we need healthcare we go to our clinic or hospital and see a doctor. But in many parts of the world, that’s not an option. In small towns located far from urban centers, especially in developing countries, the trip to see a doctor may be next to impossible. Luckily, connected technology is making it easier for patients to gain access to healthcare remotely.

In places where healthcare is a scarce resource, technology can bring it closer to people. In India, Fortis Healthcare, www.fortishealthcare.com, is partnering with GE Healthcare, www.gehealthcare.com, to create what’s known as an eICU (electronic intensive care unit). The CritiNext eICU is being deployed in 34 ICU beds in two hospitals in India.

An Alzheimer’s warning 25 years before symptoms show — from technologyreview.com by Karen Weintraub
The rise and fall of certain proteins can indicate dementia’s onset decades before the appearance of symptoms.

MacPractice announces new iPad patient registration clipboard apps — from MarketWatch.com


LINCOLN, NE, Jul 12, 2012 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) — MacPractice, the leading Apple developer of practice management and clinical software for doctors’ offices on Macs, iPhones and iPads, today announced the launch of MacPractice MD, DDS, DC and 20/20 Clipboard iPad Apps that will streamline patient registration and leverage the efficiency and ease of use of Apple’s innovative iPad to save time and reduce the risk of data entry errors.

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Magic Quadrant 2012 for E-Discovery Software — from Gartner.com



The e-discovery market landscape has shifted dramatically as end users have begun to demand more complete e-discovery functionality. Many vendors are responding with broader end-to-end functionality. New products, acquisitions and shifts in buying patterns have led to a radically altered picture.


Magic Quadrant for the Wired and Wireless LAN Access Infrastructure — from Gartner.com

Connectivity at the edge of an enterprise network is more than just a wired or wireless LAN infrastructure. Enterprises must chose infrastructure vendors that support network services, including security and management, and can integrate wired and wireless networking products.


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Higher Ed Tech" Where K-12 & Consumer Collide - Frank Catalano - March 2012



What’s our agenda? It’s basically in three parts:

  1. What student expectations are
  2. Where innovation is coming from and what’s driving it
  3. And what it’s developing into over the next three years – in 5 transcendent trends that span K-20


Also see:

When Technologies Collide: Consumer, K-12 and Higher Ed -- by Frank Catalano -- April 2012

Top Trends of 2012: The Consumer Cloud — from readwriteweb.com by Richard MacManus


In 2012 we’ve seen amazing growth in the Consumer Cloud, meaning cloud computing for everyday users. There are three main categories in the Consumer Cloud: storage, sync, and notes. Dropbox, Apple’s iCloud and Evernote (respectively) have been the most impressive performers in each category so far this year.


How to Comparison Shop the Cloud: 5 Tips — from Inc.com
The cloud is cheap and easy to tap into–sometimes too easy. Make sure you get the right service and price with these tips.


After Amazon, how many clouds do we need? — from gigaom.com by Barb Darrow


With news that Google and Microsoft plan to take on the Amazon Web Services monolith with infrastructure services of their own, you have to ask: How many clouds do we need?

This Google-Microsoft news broken this week by Derrick Harris,  proves to anyone who didn’t already realize it, that Amazon is the biggest cloud computing force (by far) and as such, wears a big fat target on its back. With the success of Amazon cloud services, which started out as plain vanilla infrastructure but have evolved to include workflow and storage gateways to enterprise data centers, Amazon’s got everyone — including big enterprise players like Microsoft, IBM and HP worried. Very worried.

Addendum on 7/2/12:


Aerohive demos Bonjour Gateway and BYOD on stage at Apple’s WWDC 2012 Conference — from community.spiceworks.com


What’s the next best thing to being among the anointed few who get to attend Apple’s WWDC 2012? Being on the WWDC stage with Apple, of course!

Aerohive took the stage at WWDC 2012 just moments ago [on 6/12/12) when our very own Vice President of Business Development Bill Hoppin stood alongside Apple’s Stuart Cheshire (father of the Bonjour protocol) and demonstrated our slick new product – Bonjour Gateway.

In a session called Simplify Networking with Bonjour […tying into Aerohive’s theme of Simpli-Fi Enterprise Networking ], Bill showed attendees how Aerohive is offering (bring your own device) BYOD management to help with the explosion of iPhones, iPads and other mobile devices in the workplace.

Here’s how the demo went down…

Also see:



Matt Gast demos Bonjour Gateway -- for handling the BYOD situation

© 2025 | Daniel Christian