Some numbers from App Store turns 3 years old [ by Rene Ritchie]

  • The App Store had XXX apps on day one
  • A year later it had over 56,000 that had been downloaded over 1 billion times
  • Last year it had over 225,000 apps — 8500 iPad native — and over 5 billion downloads
  • As of last week we’re over 425,000 apps — 100,000 iPad native — and over 15 billion downloads


Storytelling gets an upgrade: Beyond tactile stories — from by J.C. Hutchins, novelist and transmedia storyteller


Over the course of my two previous pieces on storytelling upgrades, I showed how tactile and kinetic features native to the iPad can be linked to traditional narrative devices, such as foreshadowing. However, where it gets really exciting is how the device can unlock a deeply interactive and immersive environment in which the “reader” is an integral part of a nonlinear story—all narrative features that cannot be rendered in print.

Up to now, I had been focusing on the tactile and kinetic, but there are dozens of ways exist to leverage the iPad’s other built-in features, including…

Also see:


StoryWorld 2011

StoryWorld Conference + Expo is a timely event for:

  • Transmedia content developers
  • Book publishing professionals
  • Television development and acquisition professionals
  • Film professionals
  • Advertising agencies and multi-media marketing firms
  • Game developers (including web, video, roleplaying and alternate reality games)
  • Mobile developers
  • Production companies
  • Literary and entertainment agencies
  • Writers and content creators
  • Media consultants
  • Any firm or professional in the business of producing cross-platform content
Portable Charging Station — from


Tagged with:  

12 Trends from Cannes 2011 - from The Social Practice


  1. Social TV
  2. Digital storytelling
  3. HTML 5 and the rise of web apps
  4. Collaboration and co-creation
  5. The power of real-time
  6. The rise of social business
  7. Designing for networks and understanding social spread
  8. Seamless integration across devices
  9. The power of the tangible / creating social objects
  10. The rise of the tablet
  11. Getting creative with players and browsers
  12. Socially connected objects


See also:

This Visible College — from Educause (Vol. 34, No. 2, 2011) by Bryan Alexander


In this column we’ll explore another part of higher education using only one scenario — but it’s a doozy.

“Class begins when the classroom door closes.” This image is enshrined in many practices, much popular memory, and even campus policies. But the concept may well be turned inside out in the near future as several trends coincide, altering the ways we teach and learn. That shut door is about to be wrenched open and our closed classes drawn into a global, visible college (compared to the invisible college described by David Staley and Dennis Trinkle1).

None of these supporting trends is mysterious or surprising:

  • Social media
  • Mobile computing
  • Open content

When these three trends combine, though, the synthesis surpasses each individual trend. What they do is turn the classroom inside out.

Everything I’ve described is happening now. What happens when these trends continue to grow and cross-pollinate?


Future of Higher Education — from Educause (Vol. 34, No. 1, 2011) by Bryan Alexander


What does the future hold for higher education? How is American academia changing under the impact of continuous technological transformation?

The Future of Scholarly Publication
Scholarly publication is one of the most vital parts of higher education.4 Publications are in many ways the acme of faculty assessment: publish or perish. Our articles and books are the visible, enduring record of academic work, outlasting the lifespans of researchers, staff, and students. An entire industry both depends on and supports this output. Research output is deeply interwoven into many aspects of campus life, from hiring policies to library budgets and admissions materials. It is also a field in crisis, hammered by the Great Recession and torqued by ongoing technological revolutions.

Onswipe launches tablet publishing platform with Hearst, Slate, Ziff Davis, Forbes and more — from


NEW YORK CITY, N.Y. (June 21st, 2011) –  Onswipe, a platform for publishing and advertising on tablet devices, is launching today with an Iconic group of publishers including Hearst, Slate, and Forbes.  The Onswipe platform lets publishers use the scale of their web audience to provide a beautiful app-like experience in the browser.  Onswipe is also joined by Iconic advertisers Sprint with Slate and American Express with Marie Claire.
Onswipe provides the ability for publishers to make their content look amazing on tablet devices such as iPad while providing an advertising platform to make publishers boatloads of money.  In under 3 minutes, a publisher can make their existing content provide an app-like experience within the web browser to their audience.  The Onswipe platform works with publishers of any size whether their audience consists of 100 people or 1 million.

Tagged with:  

(PDF) Connected Device, iPad Impressions Continue to Rise — from




…and several more informative graphics.


Announcing the Cisco umi Mobile App for iOS and Android– from Cisco by Gina Clark


Cisco umi mobile app

Excerpt from Cisco (emphasis DSC):

Today, I’m pleased to announce a new addition to the umi family — the Cisco umi mobile app is now available for iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, and Android devices.

The umi mobile app is a cool new way for umi subscribers to access video messages and recorded videos on the go. In addition, you can use your mobile device’s touchscreen to add/edit contacts easily with the onscreen keyboard, or even as a remote control for umi on your HDTV.


Relevant addendum later on 6/16/11:




Excerpt for features:

  • Televation acts as an independent content access point efficiently tuning all subscribed services and transcoding to the proper format without disrupting household viewing. Changing channels on the tablet is easy and doesn’t affect household members watching TV in other rooms.
  • Designed by our expert engineering team, Televation receives a QAM signal via coax, decodes and decrypts it using a QAM tuner and CableCARD, then transcodes and transrates from MPEG-2 to MPEG-4.
  • Televation protects content distributed within the home with CableLabs and DTLA approved IPRM, part of Motorola’s SecureMedia® DRM. It uses regulation CableCard technology to protect content delivered to the home.
  • Subscribers navigate Televation’s experience using an application on their tablet or device. Providers can either build their own branded App or use a customizable, ready-to-use App created by Motorola.



A mobile learning platform matrix — by Joshua Kim

From DSC:
Joshua give us the pros, cons, costs and considerations of several options.

Tagged with:  -- identify a tree by taking a picture of its leaves

Also see:

  • What’s that tree? Try Smithsonian’s new app to see — from USAToday by Brett Zongker
    WASHINGTON — If you’ve ever wondered what type of tree was nearby but didn’t have a guide book, a new smartphone app allows users with no formal training to satisfy their curiosity and contribute to science at the same time. 

    Scientists have developed the first mobile app to identify plants by simply photographing a leaf. The free iPhone and iPad app, called Leafsnap, instantly searches a growing library of leaf images amassed by the Smithsonian Institution. In seconds, it returns a likely species name, high-resolution photographs and information on the tree’s flowers, fruit, seeds and bark.

Apple’s new video regarding their iOS 5 operating system


Apple's video regarding their new iOS5


Apple's video regarding their new iOS5


From DSC:
I have it that these technologies will be used for educationally-related purposes/materials as well; including digital storytelling, transmedia storytelling, transmedia-based interactive/participative educational materials and more.


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