The Ed Tech Journey and a Future Driven by Disruptive Change — from Campus by Mary Grush
Teaching and learning in higher ed have advanced incrementally alongside rapid changes in technology. Is it time for some radical shifts?

As the closing keynote speaker at Campus Technology 2010, Josh Baron, director of academic technology and e-learning at Marist College (NY) and chair of the Sakai Foundation board of directors, scanned emerging technologies and trends to identify the future potential for fundamental, revolutionary change in higher education. The following is based on excerpts from his hour-long talk. (A recording of Baron’s keynote is available at; click on Recordings. Or click below graphic.)


Kno raises $46 million to build a very powerful tablet

Why is the device compelling? [Marc] Andreessen and [Osman] Rashid talk about how Kno is offering a total product – software, hardware and services – that will be compelling to the college user. They can purchase textbooks and view them just as they look in printed format. Users will be able to take notes, draw on the pages, etc., just like the print versions. And they’ll be able to access those books on a variety of devices – even eventually their desktop and laptops – because Kno’s software is built on webkit and designed to run on a variety of hardware setups. And there’s a normal web browser too for the Internet in general.

As for textbook pricing, Rashid says the model will work. Imagine an iTunes for college textbooks, he says, and users who purchase the tablet and all their books will be paying about the same amount v. just buying print books over the first 13 months. That means individual books on the Kno will be priced lower than the average of $100 for the print versions.

The Wild World of Massively Open Online Courses — from by Emily Senger
Would you participate in a class with 2300 other online students?

In a traditional university setting, a student pays to register for a course. The student shows up. A professor hands out an outline, assigns readings, stands at the front and lectures. Students take notes and ask questions. Then there is a test or an essay.

But with advancing online tools innovative educators are examining new ways to break out of this one-to-many model of education, through a concept called massively open online courses. The idea is to use open-source learning tools to make courses transparent and open to all, harnessing the knowledge of anyone who is interested in a topic.

George Siemens, along with colleague Stephen Downes, tried out the open course concept in fall 2008 through the University of Manitoba in a course called Connectivism and Connective Knowledge, or CCK08 for short. The course would allow 25 students to register, pay and receive credit for the course. All of the course content, including discussion boards, course readings, podcasts and any other teaching materials, was open to anyone who had an internet connection and created a user profile.

“The course was the platform, but anyone could build on that platform however they wanted,” says Siemens. “There’s this notion that technology is networked and social. It does alter the power relationship between the educator and the learner, a learner has more autonomy, they have more control. The expectation that you wait on the teacher to create everything for you and to tell you what to do is false.”

More here…

Also see:

California State University to license content from major college publishers — from TeleRead: Bring the E-Books Home by Paul Biba

The Digital Marketplace, an initiative of the California State University Office of the Chancellor, announced plans today to launch a pilot to license digital course content from Bedford/Freeman/Worth, Cengage Learning, McGraw-Hill Education, Pearson, and John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

College journalists: Master new media or disappear — from

Last month, a college newspaper adviser from Florida, writing in the Huffington Post, took student journalists to task for failing to exploit their multimedia savvy. He’d been judging a contest and concluded that, except for some clear standouts, most of the stories on college newspaper websites looked like they were “tossed online without much thought. Or pictures, graphics, or video.”

Here, Jerod Jarvis, a senior majoring in journalism at Whitworth University in Spokane, Wash., challenges aspiring scribes everwhere to “be on the forefront of this revolution” and “move the industry forward.” Take it away, Jerod:

Also see:

Blockbusted: A Netflix Knock-Out, Bad Metaphors on the Path to the Movie Monster’s Bankruptcy — from Fast Company – Technology by Austin Carr

The Blockbuster age is fading, and at last the company is preparing for bankruptcy. In the past two years, the shrinking video-rental store has struggled to stay afloat with $920 million in debt, drowning all the while in revenue losses of $1.1 billion. The LA Times reports that Blockbuster executives and senior debt holders have entered discussions with major movie studios for a “pre-planned” bankruptcy mid-September.

But for everyone other than Blockbuster’s sunny faced spin masters, bankruptcy was about as surprising as another Rocky comeback. Blockbuster’s brick-and-mortar business was unviable in the digital world, and competitors Netflix and Redbox took every advantage to pick apart the dinosaur’s carcass. The company’s numbers have signaled extinction, too, with value withering from $8.4 billion when Viacom purchased it in 1994 to total market value of $24 million today. Continuing the Mesozoic metaphor, here’s why bankruptcy hit Blockbuster like a surprise asteroid.

Netflix Who?

From DSC:
And I would add the questions:

  • “Who cares about the iPod?”
  • “What does Internet-related technology have to do with our business anyway?”

In a presentation I created last year (see Section II), I used Blockbuster as an example of an organization who completely discounted the disruptive impact of technology..and now they are paying the price (along with much of the newspaper industry).

There IS a lesson here for those of us in higher ed.

I’ll end this posting with the following quote/excerpt:

“This is a pattern we see over and over,” he said, of the many parallels he could draw to Blockbuster’s financial troubles. “If a company is not able to keep up with the changing needs of its customer, it will become irrelevant,” he said.

Ultimately, it was these words which may have saved the company. Blockbuster was not able to keep up with the changing needs of its customers.

Blockbuster has become irrelevant.

Staying Relevant

Relevant addendum:

Leveraging digital media across the higher education campus
Phil Ice, Ed.D., Dir. of Course Design, R&D, American Public University System
Sebastian Diaz, Ph.D., J.D., Assoc.Professor, Technology, Learning and Culture, West Virginia University
Ellen Wagner, Ph.D., Executive Director, WCET

Note: This webinar from earlier today was sponsored by Adobe. This is the white paper from that webinar, which contains the below excerpts:

The Multimedia Landscape in Higher Education
In higher education, the effective integration of rich multimedia assets and platforms (and the requisite design and development skills demanded for their effective use) has become an expectation from schools of design, art, and communications. Engineering and journalism programs have recognized that as technology transforms industries, students with design and development proficiencies are in high demand. The obvious value of improving analytical and digital communications for teachers is now being addressed through initiatives such as the i3 Fund. Relatively less attention has typically been given to the integration and use of multimedia in other disciplines.

Emerging New Media Literacy in Academia
This paper has thus far explored the implications that collaborative, creative software solutions have on how we evaluate academic work. Just as importantly, one needs to consider the changing nature of how we communicate that work within the Academy. As the prices for video cameras continue to fall, the expectations for manifesting our work in new media formats will continue to rise. Given the availability of software such as Adobe Premiere Pro, we are finding that it is increasingly quite reasonable to expect that students possess the tools and skills necessary to produce representations of their work in dynamic visual formats, as is evidenced by Although for a while it was believed that YouTube was an online version of America’s Favorite Home Videos, it is dangerous to assume that this phenomenon is merely a fad among the younger generation. Today’s YouTube is a marketing machine used by commercial and nonprofit entities alike, an online school and a news portal as well. YouTube serves as an accurate indicator of how newer generations will express themselves personally, artistically, and academically through what is commonly referred to as new media literacy.

Members of the Academy should anticipate that in the future conventionally printed papers will be replaced by much more dynamic multimedia representations of academic work. This applies not only to student assignments, examinations, and theses; it also applies to faculty work. Even as we begin to struggle with the fundamental shift from paper-based publication of work to electronic formats on the Internet, we also need to anticipate that in the near future, this research will take on new media formats. To help our faculty prepare for these changes, academic institutions must develop formal and informal faculty development initiatives to address the changes. In anticipation of these changes, it is imperative that academic departments and colleges begin to embrace technologies like Adobe Creative Suite such that we continue to develop our own intellectual capital as well as that of our respective institutions and the Academy.

From DSC:
I appreciated this well-done webinar. I also appreciate the work Adobe has done in the past and is currently doing.

I must say though, I struggle with how much we can load onto 1 person’s plate — i.e. the faculty member. We need a more team-oriented approach I think…as the bar continues to get higher and higher…and 1 person just can’t do it all anymore.


Daniel Christian -- higher ed needs to move towards the use of team-created and delivered content


Netflix app for iPhone and iPod Touch launched — from by Jeff Cormier

Fans of Netflix with an iPhone and/or iPod Touch, the time has come. As promised at the unveiling of iPhone 4 in June, Netflix has lauched their app for the iPhone and iPod Touch. Get the free app here.

Netflix has been available on the iPad since its launch, and is one of my favorite apps as an iPad owner. The iPhone and iPod Touch version is equally as grand, albeit on a smaller screen.


Netflix now available on the ipad, ipod and iphone


HELIX Innovations Collection Press Release

The Higher Education Leadership and Innovation eXchange Launches the HELIX Innovations Collection

Boston, Massachusetts – August 19, 2010 – The Higher Education Leadership and Innovation eXchange announces the launch of their online, crowdsourced resource HELIX Innovations Collection at The Innovations Collection is intended to spark conversation about new ideas and promising practices for the next generation of higher education.

“The Collection invites higher education practitioners, researchers, and policy makers to make their voices heard and speak out about potential solutions to the challenges faced by the education field today,” said Jim Woodell, HELIX co-founder. “True innovation is open. We created the HELIX Innovations Collection to allow everyone concerned with improving higher education to share and comment on innovative solutions.”

Applying the interactive potential of Web 2.0 technologies to problems in higher education provides the opportunity to share innovations quickly, identify their potential, and refine them with the help of peers worldwide. Visitors to the Collection can suggest innovative solutions, comment on suggested ideas, and rate an idea’s potential to influence the field along several ‘innovation dimensions’.

“It is our hope that the innovations which receive broad support and fine-tuning by the ‘crowd’ will be picked up by practitioners in the field and discussed, piloted, and perhaps even implemented by their home institutions. We hope that true linkages between and among research, policy, and practice will be forged from such collaborative efforts,” said HELIX co-founder Greg Lamontagne.

About the Higher Education Leadership & Innovation eXchange (HELIX)
HELIX is a networking and information sharing resource for Higher Education research, policy, and practice. Founded in 2010 by Jim Woodell and Greg Lamontagne, HELIX is located in Boston Massachusetts. More information is available at

Online collaboration: New innovations pave the way for convergence — from
Merger of television and computer takes giant step closer as innovative online tool suite is released

CALABASAS, Calif., Aug. 16 /PRNewswire/ — Anticipating the coming paradigm shift that will merge your television and your computer, NxtGenTV has just released the most cohesive system of online tools to facilitate the ultimate interactive communication platform. Four years of innovating has resulted in, an elegant, easy-to-use online meeting system that supports the diverse requirements of single users, small and medium size businesses as well as enterprise and nonprofit organizations. Creating a new opportunity for the global audience to interact online in even greater and more efficient ways is only one of the many benefits of building a social media broadcasting system that facilitates Communication, Collaboration, Presentation and Education.

An industry leader in online games, apps, widgets, banners and rich media development for major entertainment brands, The Illusion Factory created a new company, NxtGenTV to develop and patent cutting-edge online technologies such as shared synchronized visual media and other key innovations that will further blur the lines between computers and television. “We have been passionate about creating the cumulative new systems that will drive Convergence,” shares Brian Weiner, CEO of The Illusion Factory, “our creation of NxtGenTV will lead the push for truly interactive television.”

The type of learning materials that can be produced by an organization such as Virtual Heroes is the type/quality of material that will be produced in a vision that I have been calling “The Forthcoming Walmart of Education.



Also see:

From DSC:
This is why I would encourage the U.S. government to see if they can get 1-2 billion — from the billionaires who are donating much of their wealth to charitable causes — in order to create such professionally-done, interactive, engaging, team-created learning materials.
Then make those materials available — free of charge — throughout the world.

© 2025 | Daniel Christian