The world changed, colleges missed it — from by Tom Vander Ark

A bunch of colleges are going out of business, only they don’t know it. They pretend that trimming costs and jacking tuition is a solution.  They haven’t come to terms with a world where anyone can learn anything almost anywhere for free or cheap. Art Levine, Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, sees three major change forces: new competition, a convergence of knowledge producers, and changing demographics.

To Art’s list of three big change forces, add shrinking government support, the press for more accountability, and emerging technology…the next few decades will be marked by a lumpy move to competency-based learninginstant information and the ability to learn anything anywhere.

The shift to personal digital learning is on.  Some colleges get that.  Others will seek bailouts until they go out of business.  Working adults are getting smart on their own terms.


From DSC:
Time will tell if Tom’s assertions are too harsh here, but personally, I think he’s right.

I have it that:

  • There is a bubble in higher ed
  • There also exists a perfect storm that’s been forming for years within higher ed and the waves are cresting
    .The perfect storm in higher ed -- by Daniel S. Christian

  • Institutions of higher education need to check themselves before they become the next Blockbuster
    .Do not underestimate the disruptive impact of technology -- June 2009

  • We must not discount the disruptive powers of technology nor the trends taking place today (for a list of some of these trends, see the work of Gary Marx, as well as Yankelovish’s (2005) Ferment and Change: Higher Education in 2015)
  • Innovation is not an option for those who want to survive and thrive in the future.

Specifically, I have it that we should be experimenting with:

  • Significantly lowering the price of getting an education (by 50%+)
  • Providing greater access (worldwide)
  • Offering content in as many different ways as we can afford to produce
  • Seeking to provide interactive, multimedia-based content that is created by teams of specialists — for anytime, anywhere, on any-device type of learning (24x7x365)at any pace!
  • “Breaking down the walls” of the physical classroom
  • Pooling resources and creating consortiums
  • Reflecting on what it will mean if online-based exchanges are setup to help folks develop competencies
  • Working to change our cultures to be more willing to innovate and change
  • Thinking about how to become more nimble as organizations
  • Turning more control over to individual learner and having them create the content
  • Creating and implementing more cross-disciplinary assignments



Change Agent — from by Anthony Rebora
Will Richardson, a former teacher-turned-tech expert, says schools need to revolutionize teaching and learning to keep pace with societal changes.

Will Richardson at work, speaking to faculty members at Hunterdon Central
Regional High School in Flemington, N.J.  —  Emile Wamsteker


You’ve written that too many teachers are “un-Googleable.” What do you mean by that and why does it matter?

What I mean is that too few teachers have a visible presence on the Web. The primary reason this matters is that the kids in our classrooms are going to be Googled—they’re going to be searched for on the Web—over and over again. That’s just the reality of their lives, right? So they need models. They need to have adults who know what it means to have a strong and appropriate search portfolio—I call it the “G-portfolio.” But right now—and this is my ongoing refrain—there’s no one teaching them how to learn and share with these technologies. There’s no one teaching them about the nuances involved in creating a positive online footprint. It’s all about what not to do instead of what they should be doing.

The second thing is that, if you want to be part of an extended learning network or community, you have to be findable. And you have to participate in some way. The people I learn from on a day-to-day basis are Googleable. They’re findable, they have a presence, they’re participating, they’re transparent. That’s what makes them a part of my learning network. If you’re not out there—if you’re not transparent or findable in that way—I can’t learn with you.

Also mentioned:

From DSC:
The other day, I was lamenting that the love of learning gets lost waaayyy too quickly in our youth. With drop out rates in the 25-30% range nationwide, we must turn this around.

A piece of that turn-around picture involves the opportunity for students to collaboratively create things (in a cross-disciplinary sort of way). This is why I am a big fan of multimedia-based projects:

  • One student can write the script.
  • Another can do the filming.
  • Another can take pictures for still shots.
  • Another can do the film and/or image editing.
  • Others the acting or singing or playing music.
  • Others can create the artwork or use their knowledge to create props
  • Etc.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. The film below discusses the dark side of our culture as it involves schools and education. But the topic is not just related to schools, but to our society in general. That is, we’ve been sold a bill of goods. We believe that you must earn a lot of money to be successful and happy…and that whomever dies w/ the most toys wins.

This competitive streak is a worldly way of looking at things…but is a powerful current to fight. In fact, coming from a competitive background and being a Christian (in faith) myself, I’ve often asked myself whether I believe competition is a good thing or a bad thing. I don’t think I’ve arrived at the final answer to that question, as sometimes I think it can be good (as it can be helpful in developing characteristics of discipline, perseverance, character, integrity, etc.) and sometimes it can be bad. Check out the video/trainer here to see what I mean.

White House Summit touches on K-12, college link — from by Caralee Adams

Buoyed by White House attention to the importance—and needs—of community colleges, some in the K-12 community are waiting to see if that spotlight will generate momentum for improved college readiness and better alignment of high schools with higher education.

This week’s White House Community College Summit was largely a symbolic event drawing about 150 leaders in education, business, and philanthropy and aimed at focusing attention on what is often labeled an undervalued sector of higher education.

But while the summit produced no big policy recommendations, the issues of high school preparation and college access hovered in the background as participants broke up into working groups after opening remarks by President Barack Obama.

More here…


From DSC:
Some might look at what I cover in the Learning Ecosystem blog and comment, “What the heck is he doing? He can’t know everything about the teaching and learning worlds within the K-12, college, and the corporate training spaces!”  And they would be right. But I don’t base my work here on myself.  As a regular follower of this blog would know, I look to the expertise of others.  While I will often interject my own thoughts and contributions here, I try to aggregate the valuable experiences and insights of others.

Along these lines, I want to interject that those of us in higher ed need to be very aware of what’s happening in K-12. Students’ expectations are the key items to note here. Graduates from high school will come to our doors (physical and virtual) with a set of expectations and skill sets. To me, these expectations seem to be changing. We must meet them where they are at.

So this item caught my attention. More later…

Reinventing management for a networked world — one of topics/presentations at Educause 2010

From DSC:
The following summary of this presentation is a powerful message that I’m looking forward to hearing (emphasis mine):

Over the past decade, the Internet has had a profound impact on just about every organization around the world. It has enabled dramatic efficiency gains in core processes and has radically changed service delivery in industries as diverse as education, financial services, publishing, and entertainment.

However, the greatest impact of the Internet is likely to come over the next decade as it starts to reshape the traditional management processes and structures that are used to run large-scale institutions. The management practices found in most organizations today trace their roots back to the Industrial Age or to medieval religious orders. While this model was well suited to a world requiring conformance and discipline, it is woefully inadequate and even toxic in today’s world of accelerating change.

To thrive in the years ahead, every organization must become as nimble as change itself—a challenge that will require a fundamental rewiring of our tradition-bound management principles and practices.

Unlike most organizations, the web is a cauldron of innovation; it is extraordinarily malleable and highly adaptable. In these respects, it already exhibits exactly those qualities that will be most critical to organizational success in the years to come.

That’s why the management model of every organization will need to be rebuilt on the fundamental values of the web: freedom, openness, transparency, collaboration, flexibility, and meritocracy. In this provocative and practical presentation, Gary Hamel will lay out a blueprint for “Management 2.0” and outline the steps you can take to help your organization to become as adaptable as the times demand.

While looking at the video for Sonos Controller for the iPad, I wondered…what if we could replace the selection below — i.e. the word music with the words “educational providers” — and then control which room received which signal/content?

Wow…talk about a home dedicated to learning!   🙂


Mind Map of the Digital Age — from by Richard Watson

A new map showing how the digital era is changing our minds and in particular about how new digital objects and environments are re-wiring our brains. Best viewed by people aged 35+ with full-time jobs and teenage kids.

Blockbuster Bankruptcy: A Decade of Decline — from by Austin Carr

Is the wait for ‘Superman’ over? — from by Jasmine Boussem

This moving and instructive documentary follows the lives of five children in their demanding search for a better education. Though each story is unique, every kid shares an anxious desire to be accepted by a high-performing charter school, in order to avoid the trap of low-performing schools known as “drop out factories.” The odds they face are daunting. The number of applications to charter schools often far outweigh available openings, so in an ironic attempt to be fair, these schools resort to a lottery system to decide who gets in and who doesn’t, leaving those that lose out to an education more likely to fail them than not.

The bitter reality of the lottery scene makes it one of the most powerful in the movie. While the numbers are drawn, the kids and their parents look on, their faces a complex blend of hope, fear and trepidation. However young the children, it is clear that they are fully aware that their future could hinge on whether or not they win the lottery.

The idea that the quality of a child’s education should depend on geography or luck is difficult to swallow. Clearly, something’s rotten in the state of public education. While the film does not pretend to have all the answers, it does suggest some of the factors that are responsible for stifling much needed innovation and reform, as well as offering some possible solutions.

Well…it’s happened…Blockbuster files for Chapter 11 protection

From DSC:
The one time crusher of mom & pop video stores has, in turn, been crushed. What should cause us to pause (at minimum) is how fast this downfall occurred. From being on top of the world to filing for bankruptcy took a relatively short period of time.  For more on this, see part II of my presentation back from June 2009.

Do not underestimate the disruptive impact of technology -- June 2009


The online learning train continues to pick up momentum

Surprising facts about online education — from [via]

Online education is quickly becoming a prominent and important piece of the education pie in the United States.  The explosive growth of this segment of education, even during a recession, is nothing short of spectacular. It is becoming clear that there is a fundamental shift in how Americans are being educated after high school. The flexibility, lower cost, and variety of choice are just some of the reasons that online education is growing at its current pace. The following infographic will give you a better idea of the scope, impact, and future of online education. Enjoy!

Also see:

The Khan Academy now on iTunesU [via]

The Khan Academy, which already has a robust presence on YouTube and the web, now opens up shop on iTunesU. This gives students yet another way to access 1800+ video tutorials that teach the ins-and-outs of algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, statistics, finance, physics, economics and more. The lectures, all taped and presented by Sal Khan, a Harvard MBA and former hedge fund manager, are watched some 70,000 times per day. And, with this new distribution channel, the numbers only promise to move higher. For more on The Khan Academy, see this August CNN piece. To download iTunes, click …

Khan Academy content available for download [via M. Guhlin]

At the start of the year, a Math teacher specialist pulled me aside and asked me, “How come all these awesome videos are blocked?” As we tried to access the different videos, I finally pulled up the web site–The Khan Academy–and noticed that the majority of the content was located at …

Teacher Development: Starter Kit for Teaching Online — from by Grace Rubenstein
Expert advice on shifting from brick and mortar to bytes and bits.

Starter kit for teaching online


Bellevue College launches program to teach educators about online learning — — [via Ray Schroeder] by the Bellevue Reporter

Bellevue College is launching a new “eLearning for Educators” professional development program for K-12 and college teachers who wish to bring the benefits of online learning to their students. “eLearning” is a broad term that includes all forms of teaching and learning that are supported or enhanced by digital technology. The new program at the college teaches educators how to integrate new instructional technology into their courses, whether they teach in a traditional “in-class” venue, a fully online setting or in a hybrid format that blends the two …

Students Are Motivated to Take Online Courses — [via Ray Schroeder] by via e-learning news blog

Susan Patrick, President of iNACOL writes into the Chicago Tribune to voice her support for online learning initiatives in Chicago Public Schools. She finishes off her letter with a valid point, that students actually are motivated to take online courses, because they like it, and because online better influences their learning. What’s more, students want to learn online: a national study showed 40 percent of middle and high school students want to take online courses. Despite what critics say, there is no evidence that children in online or hybrid classes are any less socially adjusted than those children who attend brick-and-mortar, traditional …

Also relevant:

Are we approaching a mutation in higher education? — from by Lloyd Armstrong, University Professor and Provost Emeritus at the University of Southern California
As mass consumption gives way to the wants of individuals, a historic transition in capitalism is unfolding.

So begins an interesting article in a recent McKinsey Quarterly written by Shoshana Zuboff.  Zuboff’s premise is straightforward:

Every century or so, fundamental changes in the nature of consumption create new demand patterns that existing enterprises can’t meet. When a majority of people want things that remain priced at a premium under the old institutional regime—a condition I call the “premium puzzle”—the ground becomes extremely fertile for wholly new classes of competitors that can fulfill the new demands at an affordable price.

The Ed Tech Journey and a Future Driven by Disruptive Change — from Campus by Mary Grush
Teaching and learning in higher ed have advanced incrementally alongside rapid changes in technology. Is it time for some radical shifts?

As the closing keynote speaker at Campus Technology 2010, Josh Baron, director of academic technology and e-learning at Marist College (NY) and chair of the Sakai Foundation board of directors, scanned emerging technologies and trends to identify the future potential for fundamental, revolutionary change in higher education. The following is based on excerpts from his hour-long talk. (A recording of Baron’s keynote is available at; click on Recordings. Or click below graphic.)


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