Learn Letter 96: How to make encoding work for you, Three websites to learn something new — from evakeiffenheim.substack.com by Eva Keffenheim

Learning Nuggets:  Three websites to learn something new

  1. Curious claims to increase your “CQ” (curiosity quotient) – it’s a website where you can learn something new every day by dedicating a small amount of time to it: 5, 15, or 30 minutes daily. Whether there is a thing as CQ or not – the site offers plenty of great resources to explore new areas. The drawback is that you need to subscribe for a 7-day free trial to start exploring.
  2. Drawspace is one of the most popular sites for learning how to draw. You choose an image and get a step-by-step guide on creating your drawing.
  3. ?Teoria is a donation-based site that helps you study music theory through articles, references, and interactive exercises. You can do, for example, interval ear training or learn to read music and scales.