28 amazing examples of cool and creative resumes/CV — from theultralinx.com by Oliur Rahman

8 qualities of remarkable employees  – from Inc.com by Jeff Haden
Forget good to great. Here’s what makes a great employee remarkable. (From DSC: When the subtitle mentions “good to great” — they are referring to Jim Collins’ work.)

Does the cloud really make it rain? Jobs, that is. — from All Things Digital by Arik Hesseldahl


According to the results of a study released today by the Sand Hill Group and commissioned by the software giant SAP, cloud computing is a powerful engine for job creation. In 2010 alone, 11 different cloud computing outfits created 80,000 U.S.-based jobs; cloud-related jobs at these firms grew at a rate that was five times that of the overall tech sector, and they could create a total of 472,000 jobs in the U.S. and overseas by 2017.

 25 Twitter chats for valuable career advice — from onlinecollege.org


Addendum on 3/26/12: