Steps for creating and growing your online program — from Faculty Focus by Mary Bart

1: Define your purpose for having an online program
High-quality online programs require a significant upfront investment, and should align with the mission of the university. As a result, it’s important that you’re able to articulate why you want to put a program online. As you develop your business plan and budget, be sure to include a timeline, a realistic assessment of available resources, and metrics for success.

2: Assign an administrative leader
The institution needs to designate an administrative leader who can manage all aspects of program development and delivery. This person needs to understand “the big picture” while coordinating with deans, faculty, instructional designers, support services, library personnel, and others who play a role in the online students’ learning experience, Williams says.

3: Create faculty buy-in
Many faculty feel teaching online is inferior to teaching face-to-face. Williams works hard to dispel those and other myths. She also recommends starting with faculty who are known as innovators on campus, and providing a workload and compensation plan that recognizes the additional time and effort required to design an online course. Providing support from instructional designers is critical as well, she says.

4: Build online student support services
Because many online students may never set foot on campus, all the normal functions related to financial aid, registration, billing, library, and technology support must be available online.

5: Consider outsourcing
Many smaller universities are stretched thin when it comes to marketing and admissions. Adding online programs to their job responsibilities may be a tough sell, and likely won’t get you the results you want. Williams suggests outsourcing these tasks to vendors who specialize in adult learners and online education.