Digital learning: What kids really want — from The Journal by Chris Riedel


According to [Project Tomorrow CEO Julie] Evans, the data from those surveys indicated that students:

  • Have a growing interest in social-based learning;
  • Want to connect with and develop a personal network of expert resources;
  • Are looking for tools that increase untethered learning; and
  • Want a digitally rich learning environment, unencumbered by traditional rules.


Other things students at all grade levels are looking for include access to online tutoring, the ability to take online classes, access to real-word data and databases, greater access to teachers using SMS/text messaging, education-based virtual reality and games, and increased access to digital collaboration tools.

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iPad-Docking Conference Table by Kogrodesing




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Purple Meeting Chairs with Low Table from Ior Group


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Ernst & Young Board of Directors Meeting Table by Kinzo

Mass participation TV



— I originally saw this at and a posting there by Natan Edelsburg:
How Theatrics’ Beckinfield is creating the future of social TV acting [Interview]

Some tools to consider:


Blackboard Collaborate has real-time polling features


Poll Everywhere -- real-time polling


From DSC:
By the way, faith-based organizations might want to consider using this tool as well.  Also, my thanks to Professor Randall Pruim, in the Mathematics Department at Calvin College, for bringing the options below to my attention. Note: Professor Pruim doesn’t necessarily recommend these tools — as both SMS Poll and require that students pay a subscription. However, I list these tools here in case you want to compare functionality/pricing/etc.

. -- real time polling of your students




Addendum on 2/2/12: -- engage the class using any device

NOTE:  Randy mentioned that Socrative requires access to the Internet (laptop or smart phone); there is no cell phone interface at this time. So you must have a web-enabled device.


Addendum on 2/21/12:


Addendum on 7/18/12:
A web based clicker and online homework tool; polls and quizzes

No clickers to buy! Students can use any device to participate in class

  • For in-class and homework use
  • Questions, open ended discussions and interactive demos
  • Use with any presentation software, such as PowerPoint
  • Amazingly simple! Takes minutes to setup


Addendum on 11/15/12:


Collaboration Tools: Provisioning the New Learning Ecosystem -- Wesch, Davis, Jackson -- Feb 14, 2012


Educause Learning Initiative’s Annual Meeting
February 13–15
Hilton Austin, Austin, TX, and Online



The Evolving Digital Ecosystem - from Moxie's Trends for 2012

  • The Always On Web
  • Web of Things
  • Big Data
  • Next Gen Search
  • Mobile Sharing
  • Mobile Social Activism
  • Impulse Commerce
  • Brands As Partners
  • The New Living Room  <– From DSC: This is one of those key areas that I’m trying to keep a pulse check on for re: our learning ecosystems of the future 
  • Personal Data Security


Also see:


From DSC:

  • Why do I post things like this? Because the infographic below relates to an emerging future and some developing trends whereby we’ll also be able to “Learn from the Living Room” at extremely affordable prices (if not free).


INFOGRAPHIC: Welcome to the Digital Living Room: How is the TV Landscape Changing?



Also see:


From DSC:
I read the following quote from Codecademy signs up 97,000 people for its New Year’s resolution coding class (emphasis mine):

Codecademy, a startup that uses interactive online lessons to turn anyone into a computer programmer, has signed up 97,000 students in less than 48 hours for its New Year’s resolution class Code Year.  That’s more than twice as many students as were enrolled in the 150 U.S. computer science undergraduate programs that the Computer Research Association surveyed last year.

This is both positive and troubling to me. Positive in that more people will learn how to program across the world, and thus (hopefully) becoming qualified to fill many of the open programming-related positions out there.  It’s troubling in that the quote mentions that within 48 hours, the number of students signed up was already more than twice the number of students enrolled in Computer Science programs at the undergraduate level in the entire United States.

What does that statement tell us?

  • Are there a lot more people interested in programming out there but can’t afford to pay their way through an undergraduate program?
  • That many people aren’t qualified to get into an undergraduate program but are hoping to gain skills anyway?
  • Perhaps people are just trying it out and many won’t actually pursue this route…
  • Perhaps there’s some duplication here, as some of the same undergrads are also enrolled in Codeacademy…
  • Perhaps the people taking these courses won’t be qualified…but perhaps they will be qualified…
  • Perhaps a student-teaching-student model will unfold here with massive FAQ’s and examples being developed over time…

Hmmm…regardless, this is an excellent example of the disruption being caused by technology and the Internet. I expect many more examples in 2012. Perhaps the “Walmart of Education” that I’ve been tracking over the years will have different components to it, with one major piece of it coming from the Codeacademy’s of the world.

Some of the questions that come to my mind for those of us working within higher education are:

  • How do we help educate the world at more reasonable prices?
  • What opportunities does the Internet offer us?
  • What new business models and transformations should we be pursuing that use the Internet?
  • Are there things that we can do to better address why all of these people are not enrolling in our undergraduate CS programs?


TVs to become ‘communications hub’ expert claims — from by Luke Johnson


Also see:



Also see:

  • Smart TV is ready for the Apple television moment — from by Jonny Evans
  • Voice Control Will Disrupt Living Room Electronics — from by Patrick Moorhead
    In what seems to be a routine in high-tech journalism and social media now is to speculate on what Apple will do next. The latest and greatest rumor is that Apple will develop an HDTV set. I wrote back in September that Apple should build a TV given the lousy experience and Apple’s ability to fix big user challenges. What hasn’t been talked about a lot is why voice command and control makes so much sense in home electronics and why it will dominate the living room. Its all about the content.

MIT launches online learning initiative –from MIT
‘MITx’ will offer courses online and make online learning tools freely available.


MIT [on 12/19/11] announced the launch of an online learning initiative internally called “MITx.” MITx will offer a portfolio of MIT courses through an online interactive learning platform that will:

  • organize and present course material to enable students to learn at their own pace
  • feature interactivity, online laboratories and student-to-student communication
  • allow for the individual assessment of any student’s work and allow students who demonstrate their mastery of subjects to earn a certificate of completion awarded by MITx
  • operate on an open-source, scalable software infrastructure in order to make it continuously improving and readily available to other educational institutions.

Advancing the open front — from by Steve Kolowich


Forget free content repositories; the Massachusetts Institute of Technology wants to deliver “interactive” elite education to the masses, complete with credentials certifying “mastery” of MIT-grade coursework.

In the latest boon for the “open education” movement, the engineering mecca on Monday announced a new online learning initiative, called MITx, that will give anyone the opportunity to work through MIT course material and earn a certificate of achievement.

M.I.T. expands its free online courses — from the New York Times by Tamar Lewin


While students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology pay thousands of dollars for courses, the university will announce a new program on Monday allowing anyone anywhere to take M.I.T. courses online free of charge — and for the first time earn official certificates for demonstrating mastery of the subjects taught.

M.I.T. led the way to an era of online learning 10 years ago by posting course materials from almost all its classes. Its free OpenCourseWare now includes nearly 2,100 courses and has been used by more than 100 million people.

But the new “M.I.T.x” interactive online learning platform will go further, giving students access to online laboratories, self-assessments and student-to-student discussions.


Designing learning spaces to meet the changing learning needs and expectations of students and staff -- from University of Canberra by Helen Carter & Danny Munnerley




Facilities include:

  • Open lounge – An informal space where you can hold ad-hoc or planned gatherings, whilst still having access to screens or projectors to share work and ideas together. There are skype enabled screens, wireless audio, printing facilities, hot water for tea & coffee or chilled water for filling your water bottle. WIFI is available throughout.
  • Common Spaces 1& 2 – Meeting, presentation or discussion space equipped with an interactive data projector and writable Idea-paint walls, capacity 12-20 (depending on layout)
  • Hothouse Studio – Meeting, presentation or discussion space equipped with interactive data projector and writable Idea-paint walls, capacity 18-26 (depending on layout)
  • Sessional staff office – An open office that provides 3 workstations for staff or sessionals to use for temporary office space, available on a first come basis.

Study: More companies embracing new media for employee communication — Chief Learning Officer


A majority of companies worldwide say they are becoming more knowledgeable about the use of social media tools to connect with and keep their workforces informed.

In fact, more than two-thirds of companies surveyed by global professional services company Towers Watson plan to increase their use of social media tools over the next 12 months, although many question their cost effectiveness.

The biannual study also found that companies with the best communication programs enhance the communication skills of their leaders and managers, and continuously evaluate performance.

Skype announces Facebook-to-Facebook calling — from by Beth Carter

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