ExoPC and Panama team up to bring ‘tablet desks’ to students— from HuffingtonPost.com and The classroom of the future: Panama wants to give students “tablet desks” — from tabtimes.com by Doug Drinkwater



The teacher controls the interactive board using an user friendly interface


Adobe Photoshop Controller for EXOdesk
Adobe Photoshop TM Controller for EXOdesk makes it possible to control Photoshop TM from an EXOdesk in order to boost your productivity.


What’s happening in the workplace? — from metropolismag.com by Jan Johnson


The evolving office in 2012, equipped with Allsteel’s collaborative furniture collection, Gather



Marriott Hotels & Resorts, Steelcase, and IDEO Collaborate to Innovate on the Future of Meetings and Work
Marriott Hotels & Resorts Launches “The Future of Work Innovation Co-Labs” To Offer Enhanced Hosted Work Experiences for Gen X and Gen Y Global Travelers.

Excerpt (emphasis DSC):

Los Angeles, Calif. – The nature of work is changing: it’s mobile, fast-paced and global. While most people demand choice and control to work when and how they want, wherever they are, working remotely doesn’t always offer consistent options when it comes to access, comforts and convenience. Marriott Hotels & Resorts, the flagship brand of Marriott International (NYSE:MAR); Steelcase, the world’s leading workplace experience provider; and global design and innovation consultancy, IDEO, today announced a collaboration to design, create and test innovative concepts and solutions for the future of work and meetings in hotels. The collaboration comes to life this week as a showcase of these potential solutions is unveiled at the Marriott Hotels & Resorts Global General Manager Conference in Los Angeles.

 Also see:


360.steelcase.com -- The Next Office from Steelcase


The new Steelcase space in Strasbourg

Also see:

Also see:



  • .The Pitfalls of sitting too close — from sales-jobs.fins.com by Kelly Eggers
    It sure sounded like a good idea. When Tuft and Lach Law, a small law practice in St. Paul, Minn. opted for open, shared office space, they didn’t expect to hate it. After all, numerous academic studies have shown that workers are more productive in open offices and, in the trendsetting tech industry, open plans are standard. For the law firm, it didn’t work out that way. “We had a receptionist and secretary sharing a workstation,” said Thomas Tuft. “The one with the biggest voice could be heard on the other’s phone calls and in attorney offices by clients on the phone with the attorneys.” If two people had to take a call simultaneously, they were forced to whisper..
  • Creating Learning Spaces Through Collaboration – The Library is a 3rd Place to Consider — from Aaron Cohen Associates
  • Space-saving dome shaped bookshelf built into workspace ceiling – – from PSFK.com


Space-Saving Dome Shaped Bookshelf Built Into Workspace Ceiling


A sample image from University of Exeter item re: learning spaces


The refurbished Forum Library
opens 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Addendum on 5/24/12:




The Google Drive review you’ve been waiting for — from readwriteweb.com by Jon Mitchell


Google Drive, the long-awaited file storage and syncing service, launch[ed yesterday]. If you follow tech news closely, you’ve seen bits and pieces of the news leaking out over the past two weeks. We’ve tested it and we’ve talked to the team leaders. Forget all the speculation. Here’s what Google Drive actually is.

Full-sized screenshots of the Google Drive iPad app — from readwriteweb.com by Jon Mitchell


Google Drive launched [yesterday], but the iOS version of the app was unexpectedly not ready. Google says it’s almost there, but it won’t launch for “a few weeks.” But Google provided ReadWriteWeb with a bunch of full-size screenshots of the app, so we could know what to expect.

Google’s Drive adds to a complicated cloud — from technologyreview.com by Tom Simonite


A new cloud-storage service from the search giant steps on the toes of startups like Dropbox and opens a new front against Apple and Microsoft.

Addendum on 4/26:

  • Is Google’s onerous TOS designed to steal your stuff?– from PCMag.com by John C. Dvorak
    People are far too concerned about Google’s potential for abuse. (From DSC: I disagree; there is room for concern when you hold that much power/data in your hands. Think of political campaigns as but one example. What if someone — or some government or some terrorist organization or drug cartel — pays off some Google employee to nab Person ABC’s mailbox, documents, data? Call me skeptical…but I think anything’s possible these days given the moral fabric of our world.)
  • Google Drive terms of service: ‘A toxic brew’ — from cnet.com by Rafe Needleman
    Google isn’t about to make your private files public, but that doesn’t excuse its sloppy terms of service. Google has inadvertently stoked privacy concerns about files uploaded to its newly released Google Drive by issuing poorly written rules that are more apt to confuse than to clarify.
  • Hands on with Google Drive — from PCMag.com by Mark Hachman
    While Google has positioned its new Google Drive cloud-storage service as one that straddles the consumer and business space, those using it for collaboration will probably get the most out of it.

Also see:

Addendum on 4/27/12:

Adobe announces Creative Suite 6 and Adobe Creative Cloud on 4-23-12


Adobe announces Creative Suite 6 and Adobe Creative Cloud on 4-23-12


.Also see:

From DSC:

  • This last piece from David Nagel addresses my fears and concerns with our current emphasis on standardized tests, common core standards, etc.  The emphasis is on STEM and can lead to a one-size-fits-all type of education that doesn’t allow each student to identify and pursue their own passions enough.


Addendum on 5/2/12:




The best stylus for iPad: we review the hits and misses  The stylus is making a comeback, but which one is best?  By Ellis Hamburger on April 10, 2012

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splashtop.com -- remote desktop software with high performance video and audio

Also see:

  • Splashtop Remote Desktop for iPad — by Splashtop Inc.
    Celebrating Splashtop named by Apple as “Top 25 best-selling iPad app of ALL-TIME!”  Splashtop apps: Remote Desktop, CamCam, Touchpad, FileHound, etc.  Over 6 million users are enjoying Splashtop apps today! Go everywhere with your iPad and have full access to your PC or MAC!
    ** #1 iPad app in US in June 2011
    ** #1 iPad app in 23 countries
    ** #1 iPad business app in 63 countries


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NTT videoconferencing system transplants faces onto mobile telepresence screens


From DSC:

  • Another innovation that aids web-based collaboration.
  • Make that one more movement up the disruptive innovation curve (of online learning).



As an addendum on 3/4, check out:


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Paper by 53.com

Description (from iTunes)
Paper is where ideas begin. It’s the easiest and most beautiful way to create on iPad. Capture your ideas as sketches, diagrams, illustrations, notes or drawings and share them across the web.

Mobile creation done right.
Paper was designed from the ground up for touch and creating on the go. No fussy buttons, settings or other distractions. Paper works the way you think, like a familiar notebook or journal. Have all of your ideas with you in one place.

Essential tools, settings-free.
Productivity meets beauty. No settings. Always beautiful—like great tools should be. Just pick up a tool and instantly begin to Sketch, Write, Draw, Outline and Color. Draw comes free with Paper.

Purchase additional tools from the in-app store:

  • Sketch. Ideas start here. The pencil blends from light to dark for sketching scenes, objects, and thoughts in rough form.
  • Write. Words never looked so beautiful. Write messages, add captions, or create lists with this quality ink pen.
  • Outline. Think bold. Graph insights, create a storyboard, or outline a presentation with this marker. Black lines stay black.
  • Color. Give color to your ideas. Move from a light wash to deep, rich color in one stroke with this watercolor made easy. You’ve got to try it.

Expressive Ink Engine.
Our custom ink engine reacts to your movements to optimize each tool for the process of creation. Get a range of expressions from a single tool without fussing with settings for great handwriting, beautiful coloring, and sketching that just works.

Retina Resolution.
Built for the new iPad’s brilliant display. With a full 2048×1536 canvas, see stunning details in your creations you couldn’t before—like pencil texture and watercolor edge bleed.

Paper the web.
Share your ideas instantly. Stream pages to Tumblr, send them over email, or share pages with your friends on Facebook and Twitter.


Also see:


Let’s be real about this. You can’t do everything on an iPad. As Shawn Blanc pointed outthe other day, you can’t make iOS apps on it, for example. But you might be surprised by how much real work you can do on it with the right tools. If your work requires generally office-like capabilities, there are definitely iPad solutions.

Here are five road-tested apps for getting things done on an iPad. It’s not meant to be a complete list, but it’s meant to be a flexible one. These are tools that are not tied to any particular method of working. They’ll help any digital worker stay sane and accomplish things, and you might find that the iPad is a surprisingly nice device to use for them.

Rebuilding the LMS for the 21st Century — from CampusTechnology.com by Jennifer Demski
Can the goals of 21st century learning be met by retooled legacy LMSs, or does the future belong to open learning platforms that utilize the latest technology?

From DSC:
I especially love the last quote:

“We’re doing a disservice to our students by pretending that the traditional LMS reflects the way that the world works. A phrase we use a lot on our campus is that we feel it is our responsibility to train our students for the world they’re going to inherit, not the world they live in now, and certainly not the world we grew up in.”

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Avid Studio for iPad

Avid Studio for the iPad -- March 2012


Avid Studio for iPad


Addendum on 3/16/12:

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Vocre -- translation app

Sketching out a future for the stylus — from All Things Digital by Katherine Boehret


I found two styluses to be strong and steady: Targus’s $20 Stylus for iPad and Wacom’s $30 Bamboo Stylus, available in six colors. Both have the same overall design, with a wider body and a clip for attaching to a shirt pocket or some iPad cases.




The Nomad Compose has brushes at each end.
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