Google buys BumpTop: 3-D multitouch tablet interface on the way? –– from
The Touch Gesture Reference Guide — by Luke Wroblewski
Also see:
GestureWorks Open Source Gesture Library
Apple’s latest patent outlines the future of multitouch — from
Total control at the tip of your fingers
Microsoft’s Deskerity Project combines the powers of pen, touch, gesturing, voice — from via Mr. Yohan Na, Calvin College, Teaching & Learning Digital Studio
From DSC:
This is where publishers need to go — at least as part of their delivery of educational content. Bring up a textbook, maneuver to chapter ___, and drag the video from the left side of the screen to the right side. Or drag an entire chapter to the right side of the screen to have that chapter unfold before your eyes — and then select the item you want to focus on. Drag your fingers to enlarge the graphics/graph/photo/table/etc.; when you are done discussing that item, shrink it back down, gesture it to the side, and go to the next item. Have the board take pictures accordingly and send those pictures to multiple sources.
Beyond the iPad: Massive MultiTouch Displays Have Big Social Potential — from [via]
Apple appears to have been right in betting that people would embrace a big version of the iPod Touch; the increased sense of intimacy with no keyboard or mouse chaperons is palpable. But even larger touchscreens, like the one the Finnish company MultiTouch let us play around with last week, can track each fingertip of a large group of people — a key distinction that enables a more social set of behaviors, because multiple people can use them at the same time.
These screens maintain their sensitivity to touch even when mounted behind bulletproof glass up to one inch thick, which makes MultiTouch’s screens equally suited to the board room, a university lab or public displays. Though they are probably too expensive to put one in your home, unless your home has been featured on Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous or Cribs.
Recommendation from DSC:
Investigate piloting a multi-touch wall in one of your smart classrooms. I am aiming for this — as it is nicely addresses multiple disciplines.
Gartner: Most kids will use PCs with touchscreens by 2015 — Mashable
See also:
Gartner Says More Than 50 Percent of PCs Purchased for Users Under the Age of 15 Will Have Touchscreens by 2015
However, Fewer Than 10 Percent of PCs Sold to Enterprises in 2015 Will Have Touchscreens
My objective with this blog is to provide you with a broad-range of insights and resources regarding some tools, technologies, and strategies that help people learn and communicate. I address elements that relate to the worlds of higher education, K-12, and the corporate training/development. I seek to identify and relay patterns and trends in the quickly-changing landscapes out there, helping folks keep a pulse check on such items as:
- 1:1 computing, AI, personalized learning
- “The Forthcoming Walmart of Education”; changing business models, opportunities, and threats within the world of higher education
- The disruptive power of technology
- What elements should be in your learning ecosystem
- “Learning from the Living Room”
- Keeping students engaged
- Digital storytelling
- Multimedia (tools, techniques, trends, other)
- Mobile learning
- Building your global network
- Instructional design
- Web design and production
- …as well as other educationally-related topics.
To get an idea of my views on the above topics — along with some of the other topics I’ve covered in the last 3 years — please feel free to review my personal site at Calvin College. Here’s an example archives page covering all of 2009:
I look forward to our future discussions as we try to make our individual and corporate contributions to the worlds of education…thereby making the entire world a better place.
Daniel S. Christian