Mobile learning considerations – native apps or web apps — from the Upside Learning Solutions blog

I stumbled upon this presentation, shared by Chad Udel, comparing four main mobile OSes. Chad used this for his presentation at mLearnCon 2010. Take a look…

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Press Release: Moodlerooms and DubMeNow Release joule Mobile Application —

Baltimore, MD —Moodlerooms, Inc., provider managed open-source e Learning solutions, in partnership with DubMeNow, a leading developer of modern communication applications, has released joule™ Mobile, an application that will extend the online classroom and deliver on-the-go access to joule™, Moodlerooms’ enterprise learning management platform.

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Mobile Computing and Education – What are the Conditions for Innovation?

A promising development for mlearning

A promising development for mlearning

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Trends in Ed 6.23.10: Smart Phones Used by 50% of Students — from by Jeannie Crowley

According to a recent study by the Institute for Mobile Media Research, smart phones are displacing laptop use for many college students. Nearly 100% of students own a mobile device and 50% of students own a smart phone. The use of smart phone has risen dramatically since the release of other recent reports on student mobile use. Especially important in this study is the finding that text messaging is much more popular than IM and email. This should factor into a university’s decision when developing a new mobile tool. It may be tempting to create educational apps for the iPhone, but it is not a great device for texting and may not be as popular among the student population as other smart phones. Additional findings from the study are included below.

Ready for its closeup: iMovie for iPhone 4 is here — from by J.R. Bookwalter

iMovie for iPhone

After being introduced during his keynote address at WWDC 2010 earlier this month, Apple CEO Steve Jobs quipped that iMovie for iPhone will be available alongside the iPhone 4 “if we approve it.” And approve it they did — iMovie is ready to rock your new iPhone 4.

Apple’s App Store elves were busy overnight in preparation of Thursday’s iPhone 4 launch, including the release of iMovie for iPhone. The new app promises to complement the new handset’s 720p HD movies, allowing you powerful editing tools in the palm of your hand.

From Apple:

Make beautiful HD movies anywhere with iMovie, the fun, feature-rich video editing app for iPhone 4. Create a video postcard of your day at the beach and publish it to the web — without ever leaving your spot in the sand. Or make a movie of your child’s birthday party and send it to your parents — while the party is in full swing. With iMovie…

From DSC:
The ability to record and edit video on the fly presents some interesting applications for mobile learning, don’t you think?

How to create a successful M-Learning strategy: mLearnCon – Part I — from Upside Learning by Amit Garg

Last week I attended a day-long certificate workshop at the inaugural mLearnCon in San Diego titled Creating a successful m-learning strategy: From Planning to Implementation conducted by Judy BrownRovy Branon, Jason Haag, and Chris Raasch. The workshop was well designed and gave a wide range of information along with templates and charts that could be useful for the beginners and the slightly more experienced professionals in the field.

Judy had this quote on a slide which I think summarizes how important mobiles are for our future:

“Mobile phones are misnamed.They should be called ‘gateways to all human knowledge.”
Ray Kurzweil, Futurist (at Handheld Learning ’09)

I believe this to be true and all organizations will realize this sooner or later. The pace of change is phenomenal and m-learning has truly come of age now. Now is the right time to get your m-learning strategy in place.

I’ve presented a short summary of the first session (Judy’s) which mainly covered planning part:

Also see the slides at:

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Mobile learning in the age of the iPad

Higher education’s best mobile technology programs — from by Dennis Carter

Five campuses stood out in a national list of schools making mobile devices an integral part of student life

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Android beats iPhone to the punch with video calling

iPhone Apps - the hottest course on campus

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