Report on education technology investments — from Education Stormfront

Student advancement will be determined by mastery of subject, not the time spent in class. Through real time and ongoing assessment, the ability to do on-the-fly prescription and “one-on-one” instruction is made possible. “Adaptive Technology” which is used with overwhelming success at companies like Amazon and Netflix, is being incorporated in learning technology that is getting smarter and more personalized with each click. Dreambox Learning is a window to the future showing remarkable results with kids playing math games and learning at an incredibly fast rate. Agilix/Brain Honey is in part a next generation learning management system (LMS) and in part a next generation learning platform that has great traction.

An exceprt from the report at:!_files/neXtup%2012.5.10.pdf

The “quiet” growth has been impressive. Currently there are 1.5 million K-12 students online with either a virtual class or blended mode, up from zero students 10 years ago. 38 States have virtual Charter School laws and Alaska has a statewide online program. “Innovator Dilemma” guru Clayton Christensen estimates that 50% of all K-12 classes will be online by 2019.

Advanced Placement Exam Pass Rates -- virtual schools are kicking tail

From DSC:
Thanks crudbasher for publishing this posting. What I found interesting was the amount being invested in the Kno tablet — $46 million. Wow. Change is around the corner…again. -- a great place for innovation for young minds

— original link from Ewan McIntosh

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Ten Tools for Innovative Educators — from edReformer pointing to the Innovative Educator

The Innovative Educator shows teachers a few ways they can use technology to bring viable and dynamic learning opportunities to their students. The ideas are locally implemented in the classroom, but can also produce an impact globally.

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I have long wanted…er… better make that dreamed of having our own kids enjoy the same energy that I experience when I create something on a computer. Computers can be used as tools for exercising and developing our creativity.

So when our son, A.J., put a song together on Garageband (see link below), I was thrilled! He played the song for me and, to me, it sounded great.

But something inside him wanted to have this music published somewhere — for others to hear it as well. So I told him I would post it on my blog and that — via the Internet — people all of the world could hear this song. Boy was he ever excited! His eyes lit up and I could see the gears turning in his head, wanting to go back and create another song.   🙂

“I could be famous he said!” And I told him, “Yes, AJ, you could be famous.” (That’s not the point, but it’s still motivating to him.)

Even though both he and I have stage fright when it comes to sharing our musical interests and (not even half-baked) abilities, he was still excited to think that this song might be heard by others.

I’m posting it for him, but I’m also posting it to put an “Amen!” to the many folks who have already written that publishing students’ work for others to see/hear is an incredibly motivating event.

So without further adieu, here is the song AJ created on a Mac laptop while on the road, simply entitled, “Car Trip.”


Nice work AJ!  🙂

5 K-12 technology trends for 2011 — from by Bridget McCrea
Education technology experts discuss their top technology trends for the coming year

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Keyboarding Research & Resources

Original resource from:

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Hopes and challenges of virtual education: 5 questions with Julie Young — from The Journal by Natasha Wanchek

Florida Virtual School’s Julie Young: “… [A]s leaders in education, we need to create educational experiences that mirror life beyond the schoolhouse.”

Julie Young began focusing on technology initiatives as a classroom teacher and elementary school administrator, but she found her direction in 1995 when she joined a team to explore the concept of online learning. That project aimed to provide high-quality courses to students in rural and high-minority districts. Two years later, Young continued this path when she founded Florida Virtual School (FLVS), the country’s first state-wide, Internet-based public high school.

Now president and CEO of FLVS, Young said her interest in virtual education started at a time when her family was just starting out and she was considering how technology advancements were changing the world.

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Also see:

A National Primer on K-12 Online Learning — iNACOL

  • What does an online course look like?
  • How do students interact with their teacher?
  • What qualifications and training are required of teachers?
  • Does online learning really work?
  • What state or school district policies are needed to implement online learning?

The National Primer on K-12 Online Learning provides a comprehensive overview of online learning by examining the basics about online teaching and learning, evaluating academic success, professional development, technology and other topics.

2010 Industry Trends Part 2: Documenting the Shift from Print to Digital in the K-12 Market — from Educational Publishing blog

In the second of a series on trends in the educational publishing industry, AEP spoke with Dr. Bob Resnick, Founder of Education Market Research, about why the calendar year 2009 may well go down as the year the K-12 school market reached its tipping point in the shift from print to digital.

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Surface computers linked via internet allow for new 'mixed-presence' collaboration

Surface computers linked via internet allow for new ‘mixed-presence’ collaboration — from By Chris Jablonski

Researchers at Purdue and the University of Manitoba (in Canada) have developed software that enables users to use tabletop-sized touch displays to analyze complex datasets interactively over the Internet for business and homeland security applications.

The team created a software framework called Hugin that allows for more than one display to connect and share the same space over the Internet. They describe it as a “novel layer-based graphical framework for mixed-presence synchronous collaborative visualization over digital tabletop displays.”

The large displays of surface computers like the one Microsoft introduced in 2007 already allow for multi-user collaboration, but until now, they haven’t been connected for over the internet for mixed-presence interaction.

Online Learning: An opportunity to transform public education in Georgia — from by Michael Horn [via Ray Schroeder]

From DSC:
Below are some excerpts that caught my eye:

Nationwide, online learning is booming. A decade ago, fewer than 50,000 K-12 students took an online course; today more than 3 million students do, and the growth of online learning is accelerating. Twenty-seven percent of high school students report taking at least one online course in 2009.

Increasingly, students are enrolling in blended or hybrid arrangements, where they learn at least in part at a supervised brick-and-mortar location away from home and at least in part through online delivery.

Change in education is gradual, yet happening much faster than one might expect.

The final direction is still unknown, but one hypothesis is that there will be, broadly speaking, three different roles for teachers of the future:

  • Master teachers who are content experts and can answer content-specific questions.
  • Coaches whose job it is to mentor and motivate students to stay on task and work with them to find solutions for their individual problems when they are stuck.
  • Case workers who work with children who have problems nonacademic in nature.

Expect many teachers to spend less day-to-day time on lesson planning, delivering one-size-fits-none lectures and classroom management.

Teachers already in online environments are reporting that, by and large, they get to know each student far better than they ever did or could in a traditional classroom environment.

eSchoolNews  Special Report: Blended learning on the rise — from by Jennifer Nastu
Combining the best elements of face-to-face and online instruction, these six schools have adopted various blended learning models successfully. Here’s how.

Let's take the best of both worlds -- online learning and face-to-face learning

“With a hybrid model, we can tailor their learning, using technology and face-to-face learning, in a way that we might not be able to in a pure traditional model.”

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