2011 Cloud Computing Predictions For CIO’s And Business Technology Leaders — from Forbes.com by Ray Wang

The Bottom Line: Cloud Adoption Provides A Path To The Next Generation Enterprise
Cloud adoption is inevitable.   Business technology leaders will move beyond “try and buy” across the Cloud Stack for seven reasons:

  1. The cloud has moved from “when” to “how”
  2. As the economic climate improves, the cloud adoption discussions are moving from cost to value and from tactical to strategic
  3. Reducing hardware cost, increasing competition amongst vendors, and economies of scale have put the customers in a driver’s seat
  4. Customers have realized that TCO of software should be a vendor’s problem, and not theirs
  5. Cloud will deliver the optimization savings to pay for future innovations
  6. Future innovations will arrive cloud first and maybe never as an option on-premises
  7. Time to value, ease of use, and good-enough functionality will lead as the primary drivers for SaaS adoption

This slide was from an EDUCAUSE Live! Webcast on 16 Dec 2010 by H. David Lambert, president and CEO, Internet2:

The importance of being connected


From DSC:
To me, it again reinforces the great need to be connected to networks of subject matter experts (SME’s) within a discipline. Without such personal learning networks, there is a chance that what  a professor is teaching may not be entirely accurate and up-to-date.

Internet Use Explodes, Occupies As Many Hours As TV — from FastCompany.com by Kit Eaton


A new survey by Forrester tracking U.S. consumer activity has revealed that the Net has caught up with TV as a pastime–and while TV’s not going away just yet, this pretty much cements the future of web-based TV.

Forrester has been carrying out this kind of research for years, but this is the first year in its surveys of U.S. consumers–40,000 of them, in this case–that the amount of time spent watching TV has been equalled by time spent online. Both see the average U.S. consumer devoting 13 hours a week.

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Cutting the Pay TV Cord, Chapter 5: Unlimited Internet TVfrom Phil Leigh


In short, often there is no reason why modern flat panel TV screens cannot function as giant monitors for up-do-date computers.

Thus a growing number of us are attaching computers to our TVs.  The trend is especially prevalent for WiFi enabled computers because they can connect over a home network and thence to the Internet. In such configurations computers – commonly dedicated laptops – function as Internet gateways for televisions. They transform TVs into dual function devices normally controlled from a comfortable viewing distance with ordinary TV remote units.

Also see:

The 2011 NMC Summer Conference includes four themes:

Threads in these themes include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Emerging uses of mobile devices and applications in any context
  • Highly innovative, successful applications of learning analytics or visual data analysis
  • Uses of augmented reality, geolocation, and gesture-based computing
  • Discipline-specific applications for emerging technologies
  • Challenges and trends in educational technology
  • Projects that employ the Horizon Report or Navigator in any capacity


  • Challenge-based learning
  • Game-based learning
  • Digital storytelling as a learning strategy
  • Immersive learning environments
  • Open content resources and strategies
  • New media research and scholarship
  • Challenges and trends in new media and learning


  • Fostering/Supporting/budgeting for innovation
  • Supporting new media scholarship
  • Collaboration as a strategy
  • Learning space design, in all senses of the words
  • Use, creation, and management of open content
  • Experiment and experience; gallery as lab, lab as gallery
  • Challenges and trends related to managing an educational enterprise


  • Designing for mobile devices in any context
  • Social networking — designing, monitoring, maximizing social tools
  • Experience design
  • Creating augmented reality
  • Creating the next generation of electronic books
  • Optimizing digital workflows
  • Strategies for staying current with new media tools

10 questions every Internet Exec needs to ask and answer
— from Morgan Stanley by Mary Meeker; original resource from George Siemens

Question Focus Areas

  1. Globality
  2. Mobile
  3. Social Ecosystems
  4. Advertising
  5. Commerce
  6. Media
  7. Company Leadership Evolution
  8. Steve Jobs
  9. Ferocious Pace of Change in Tech
  10. Closing Thoughts

From DSC:
Below are some notes and reflections after reading Visions 2020.2:  Student Views on Transforming Education and Training Through Advanced Technologies — by the U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Department of Education, and NetDay

Basic Themes

  • Digital Devices
  • Access to Computers and the Internet
  • Intelligent Tutor/Helper
  • Ways to Learn and Complete School Work Using Technology

Several recurring words jumped off the page at me, including:

  • Voice activation
  • A rugged, mobile, lightweight, all-convergent communications and entertainment device
  • Online classes
  • Interactive textbooks
  • Educational games
  • 3D virtual history enactments — take me there / time machine
  • Intelligent tutors
  • Wireless
  • 24x7x365 access
  • Easy to use
  • Digital platforms for collaborating and working with others on schoolwork/homework
  • Personalized, optimized learning for each student
  • Immersive environments
  • Augmented reality
  • Interactive
  • Multimedia
  • Virtual
  • Simulations
  • Digital diagnostics (i.e. analytics)
  • Wireless videoconferencing

Here are some quotes:

Math and reading were often cited specifically as subjects that might benefit from the use of learning technologies. (p. 5)

No concept drew greater interest from the student responders than some sort of an intelligent tutor/helper. Math was the most often mentioned subject for which tutoring help was needed. Many students desired such a tutor or helper for use in school and at home. (p. 17)

…tools, tutors, and other specialists to make it possible to continuously adjust the pace, nature and style of the learning process. (p.27)

So many automated processes have been built in for them: inquiry style, learning style, personalized activity selection, multimedia preferences, physical requirements, and favorite hardware devices. If the student is in research mode, natural dialogue inquiry and social filtering tools configure a working environment for asking questions and validating hypotheses. If students like rich multimedia and are working in astronomy, they automatically are connected to the Sky Server which accesses all the telescopic pictures of the stars, introduces an on-line expert talking about the individual constellations, and pulls up a chatting environment with other students who are looking at the same environment. (p.28)

— Randy Hinrichs | Research Manager for Learning Science and Technology | Microsoft Research Group

From DSC:
As I was thinking about the section on the intelligent tutor/helper…I thought, “You know…this isn’t just for educators. Pastors and youth group leaders out there should take note of what students were asking for here.”

  • Help, I need somebody
  • Help me with ____
  • Many students expressed interest in an “answer machine,” through which a student could pose a specific question and the machine would respond with an answer. <– I thought of online, Christian-based mentors here, available 24x7x365 to help folks along with their spiritual journeys

Future of the Internet - National Geographic - Digital Capital Week

— Resource from:
Literacies, Semantic Web and Recommended Resources by Barry Joseph

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Kosmix.com -- Learning Agents

The incredible growth of the Internet since 2000

The incredible growth of the Internet since 2000 — from Royal Pingdom

Internet users worldwide in 2000 and 2010


Internet users by region in 2000 and 2010

If anyone ever thought the Internet was something of a fad, those mouths have been permanently silenced during the past decade, and these numbers show why.

We also like how the Internet is becoming more widely distributed across the world. It’s no longer a club dominated by a few top countries.

And you have to admit that it’s interesting looking back and realizing how relatively small the Internet was back in 2000. The 361 million Internet users from back then seem a tiny amount compared to today’s (almost) 2 billion.

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Steve mentioned in his emails that we can pass this newsletter along…so that’s what I’m doing here.

Steve Knode’s September 2010 edition is out. Some of [his] favorite links this month include:
  • Virtual Tutors being developed at NC State
  • Donald Tapscott’s synopsis of his new book (Macrowikinomics)
  • Georgia Tech mobile phone app for campus events
  • Allosphere stunning video demo
  • A health application 4 times more powerful in improving health than drugs
  • 3D surgery
  • More smartphone apps
  • Some neural network applications
  • Smart credit cards
  • More robots
  • the danger of the Internet of Things.
  • etc.
Steve also mentioned that all applications are categorized at his website — www.steveknode.com/news_updates.htm — and all prior and current newsletters are available at www.steveknode.com/newsletters.htm.

Surviving the Future

From biotech visionaries growing new body parts, to in vitro meat, from a global sensor web that monitors the health of the earth’s biosphere, to a massive effort to reverse-engineer the human brain, Surviving the Future takes a disquieting and astonishing look at some of science’s most radical new technologies.

The film also takes a hard look at the ‘new normal’ of the climate crisis, as we balance our desire to be environmentally responsible—to ‘do the right thing’—and still participate in the consumer economy that is, for better or worse, the basis of our society.

Surviving the future is an unsettling glimpse into the human psyche right now, as our culture staggers between a fervent belief in futuristic utopian technologies on the one hand, and dreams of apocalyptic planetary payback on the other.

Thought provoking and visually stunning, Surviving the Future looks at the stark and extreme choices facing our species as we prepare ourselves for the most challenging and consequential period in our history.

From DSC:
These are some of the things I was alluding to in my post here…I’d be more comfortable with many of these things if the state of the heart were in better condition.

Symposium on Progress in Information and Communication Technology (SPICT’10)

Conference date: 12-13 Dec,2010
Conference venue:
The Royale Bintang, Kuala Lumpur
Conference country:

SPICT’10 aims to bring together scientists, industry practitioners and students to exchange the latest fundamental advances and trends, and identify emerging research topics in the field of information and communication technology.


* Agent & Multi-agent Systems
* Antennas & Propagation
* Artificial Intelligence
* Bioinformatics & Scientific Computing
* Business Intelligence
* Communication Systems and Networks
* Complex Systems: Modeling and Simulation
* Computer Vision
* Database and Application
* Geographical Information Systems
* Grid and Utility Computing
* Image Processing
* Information indexing & retrieval
* Information Systems
* Intelligent Systems
* Internet Technology
* Knowledge Management
* Mobile Communication Services
* Multimedia Technology and Systems
* Natural Language Processing
* Network Management and services
* Ontology and Web Semantic
* Optical Communications and Networks
* Parallel and Distributed Computing
* Pattern Recognition
* Pervasive Computing
* Real-Time and Embedded Systems
* Remote Sensing
* Robotic Technologies
* Security and Cryptography
* Sensor Networks
* Service Computing
* Signal Processing
* Software Engineering
* Strategic Information Systems

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