A piece of the Next Generation Smart Classroom -- Daniel Christian -- June 2012


From DSC:
I wonder:

  • If the video wall  pictured above could be a Smart/connected TV and if it can share files as well as play files?
  • If such a setup will involve machine-to-machine communications (NFC, other)?
  • If it will be like banking setups whereby the student’s device must obtain a constantly rotating password to access a resource that expires in ___ seconds — and they must be in that room to get it?
  • If it will be hardware or software based…or both?


Braver, newer literary worlds — from futurebook.mit.edu by Debra Di Blasi

Description of videos:

The following video (in two parts) was part of my presentation to the Louisville Conference of Literature, February 2012. I am presenting a more extensive multimedia paper at the International Book Conference in Barcelona, June 29-July 2, 2012.

The Future of TV  - special from CNBC which airs tonight - May 7, 2012


Also see:



Addendums on 5/8/12:

Double vision: TV gets interactive — from thetowntalk.com by Fraizer Moore

Piers Fawkes: The future of TV — from psfk.com by Piers Fawkes

A solid Q&A with such questions as:

  • The old hierarchical vertical order of: channel – series – episode, seems to be in danger, letting the horizontal disorder take its place. What do you think broadcasters can do to serve people during this shift?
  • The TV channel is being challenged, first by VOD and now by internet based services. How do you think the TV channels’ role will evolve in the next 5 years? Will the traditional push-based model maintain its centrality or will users be looking for search-only and pull-based alternatives?
  • A new form of TV means new revenue models. Who do you think will finance the next successful TV show in 10 years and how? Will the new channels’ role generate new business models? How you imagine them?
  • To protect our brain from information overload we need to filter and recommendations are a form of filtering. How do you think people’s recommendations will shape the future role of TV channels in the next years to come?
  • Artificial Intelligence, Smart Agents and algorithms are directing us into a world of Adaptive User Interfaces capable of recognizing different users and provide them with an anticipated, personalized experience. How do you think the future TV will shape around people’s habits and tastes?

Adobe announces Creative Suite 6 and Adobe Creative Cloud on 4-23-12


Adobe announces Creative Suite 6 and Adobe Creative Cloud on 4-23-12


.Also see:

From DSC:

  • This last piece from David Nagel addresses my fears and concerns with our current emphasis on standardized tests, common core standards, etc.  The emphasis is on STEM and can lead to a one-size-fits-all type of education that doesn’t allow each student to identify and pursue their own passions enough.


Addendum on 5/2/12:




Three new ways to re-think digital literature — from criticalmargins.com

Excerpt (emphasis DSC):

I am not the only writer out there thinking about the e-book’s new potential. Today, I’d like to highlight three examples of writers who take on this challenge. These three approaches are nothing alike, and none of them do what is typical of the e-book today, which is to take a standard, printed novel and put it on a screen (sort of boring). What all three of these approaches have going for them is that they take standard literary modes (the novel, the poem, the art book) and force them to interact with new digital modes (the Web page, the mix tape, the webcam). Both old and new are needed in order for the reader to gain a full experience. This is significant because with most commercially available digital reading, there is not much attempt to play with form.

Considerations for deploying the AppleTV in your school or enterprise — from williamstites.net by William Stites

Excerpt (emphasis DSC):

We are begin­ning to look at using the AppleTV in our school as part of our iPad deploy­ment but much like the iPads them­selves we are in the posi­tion of try­ing to fig­ure out how to deploy and man­age a con­sumer device in the enter­prise (schools to all of you).

The rea­son for con­sid­er­ing the use of the AppleTV in the class­room has every­thing to do (for us) with Air­Play. The abil­ity to give any stu­dent the oppor­tu­nity to share what they are doing on their device with the class and demon­strate their learn­ing is amaz­ing — – can you say bye-bye Smartboards!

But as I play with this idea and dis­cuss it with my col­leagues there are some man­age­ment issues and ques­tions that I have…

Also see:

AirPlay Mirroring & Apple TV — from Steve Zalot

From DSC:

  1. Steve has a nice list of related resources and some helpful items re: deployment considerations such as the network, security, and audio/video considerations.
  2. This topic directly relates to one of my dreams for our “Smart Classrooms” and learning spaces (and why Steelcase’ MediaScape product is exciting and gaining traction)—  to enable students to “play” media from many types of devices (laptops, smart phones, tablets, etc.) without disrupting the flow of the classroom!
  3. Apple must address the network, security, and A/V-related issues for this to really take off in our learning spaces — but if and when they get by these hurdles, amazing results will soon follow!


Also see:




Are apps the future of book publishing? — from forbes.com by Alex Knapp


It’s no surprise, then, that publishers are turning to the app as a possible product for books moving forward.  This has led to another movement towards enhanced books, particularly as apps for iPhone, Android, and other tablets. Are tablet apps the book of the future? In order to find out, I talked to authors, publishers, and app programmers, and read more than a few book apps.

The Digital Classroom
Accredited Online Universities Guide

Addendum on 2/14/12 — also see:

Digital learning: What kids really want — from The Journal by Chris Riedel


According to [Project Tomorrow CEO Julie] Evans, the data from those surveys indicated that students:

  • Have a growing interest in social-based learning;
  • Want to connect with and develop a personal network of expert resources;
  • Are looking for tools that increase untethered learning; and
  • Want a digitally rich learning environment, unencumbered by traditional rules.


Other things students at all grade levels are looking for include access to online tutoring, the ability to take online classes, access to real-word data and databases, greater access to teachers using SMS/text messaging, education-based virtual reality and games, and increased access to digital collaboration tools.

Tyrrany-of-the-textbook----Jobrack- 2011.

Book Description
Publication Date: December 16, 2011 | ISBN-10: 1442211415 | ISBN-13: 978-1442211414


Educational reforms and standards have been a topic of public debate for decades, with the latest go-round being the State Common Core Curriculum Standards. But time and again those reforms have failed, and each set of standards, no matter how new and different, has had little impact on improving student achievement. Why? The textbooks. Textbooks sell based on design and superficial features, not because they are based on the latest research on how children learn and how well they promote student achievement. In Tyranny of the Textbook, Beverlee Jobrack, retired from educational publishing, sheds light on why this happens. She gives an engaging and fascinating look behind-the-scenes of how K-12 textbooks are developed, written, adopted, and sold. And, perhaps most importantly, she clearly spells out how the system can change so that reforms and standards have a shot at finally being effective.

Did you Know?

  • Reform efforts have focused on writing and rewriting standards and tests, but these rarely have any effect on the core curriculum that is published.
  • School districts and states don’t use effectiveness as a criterion for evaluating and purchasing textbooks.
  • Publishers don’t offer textbooks with better content or the latest teaching methods because teachers don’t want textbooks that require them to change their practices.
  • Teachers report that they don’t rely on a textbook in their class, but research shows that they do.
  • Three companies publish 75 percent of the K-12 educational materials.
  • Those three companies are producing similar programs with the same instructional strategies, none of which require teachers to change their practices significantly.
  • Publishers write textbooks for California and Texas. All the other markets have to make do with books only superficially adjusted for their states.

From DSC:
I originally saw this at:


Data via Wischenbart; Graphic via Publishers Weekly

Also see:

How iBooks Author Stacks Up to the Competition [CHART] — from Mashable.com by Chelsea Stark

Author, Author! Apple, Apple! — from The Journal by Therese Mageau
Apple’s new interactive textbook authoring system might just revolutionize the way districts develop their own curriculum. 

iTunes U vs. Blackboard – A Look at Apple’s New Online System — from padgadget.com

Thanks to iPads and Kindles, E-Book Lending at Libraries Explodes — from ReadWriteWeb.com by John Paul Titlow

Why textbooks of the future are not books — from gigaom.com by Erica Ogg

Apple Jumps Into Textbooks — from the WSJ
With More iPads in Classrooms, Education Push Would Help Fend Off Android-Device Competition

Apple’s iTunes U Morphs Into a Tool for Full Online Classes — from Mashable.com by Sarah Kessler

Reinventing Textbooks: A Hard Course — from the New York Times by David Streitfeld


Also see:


Donald Chan/Reuters
People flooded Foxconn Technology with résumés at a 2010 job fair in Henan Province, China.

AcademicPub adds 22 new publishers to its content library — from edukwest.com by Kirsten Winkler


AcademicPub is an online platform for college professors that enables them to create custom print or digital textbooks. This way professors can pick the content relevant to their course only which leads to much lower prices for the students when they purchase the books.

Launched in April 2011 by SharedBook Inc., AcademicPub started with less than 20 publishers but the platform quickly attracted new partners and now offers copyright-cleared material from over 100 publishers including…

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