Do you Webdoc? [Ana Cristina Pratas]

Do you Webdoc? — from by Ana Cristina Pratas

From DSC:
Multimedia-based communication — the new language — continues to develop and find additional tools/ways to communicate one’s message.

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All That Jazz … and Humor, Opera, Dance Music … — from The Library of Congress

[On May 10, 2011] the Library of Congress, in conjunction with Sony Music Entertainment, launched a website – “the National Jukebox” – that streams 10,000 sound recordings from the historic Victor Records collection.  It’s a fun and fascinating ramble for anyone who loves American music and wants to dig down into the roots of jazz, opera, a vast range of popular music, famous political speeches — even early sound effects.  The collection launched today (which will expand over time) is the soundtrack of our grandparents’ and great-grandparents’ early lives – music from the dawn of sound recording just after the turn of the 20th Century to the eve of the Great Depression.  The url is

Passion-based learning in the 21st century: An interview with Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach — from by John Norton

Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach often speaks of the “moral imperative” for K12 educators to assure that all students gain the skills, knowledge and dispositions they need to be successful in a connected world “where the ability to think critically, collaborate effectively and master increasingly powerful digital technologies” will determine their success in school, college and careers.

Nussbaum-Beach has been an educator for 20 years, serving as a public school classroom teacher, technology coach, charter school principal, district administrator, university instructor, and digital learning consultant. She is a frequent international speaker and the chief executive officer of Powerful Learning Practice LLC, a company she founded with educator-author Will Richardson to provide “professional development for 21st century educators.” PLP’s client list includes public, parochial and independent schools in the United States, Canada, Australia and Norway.

Nussbaum-Beach is also president of the digital consulting firm 21st Century Collaborative, LLC and a doctoral candidate at The College of William and Mary. She serves on the advisory board for the 2011 Horizon Report on trends in K12 education. Her first book, The Connected Educator, will be published by Solution Tree later this year.

In this interview, Sheryl describes the “shift” she believes must take place in teaching and learning practices if elementary and secondary schools expect to remain relevant in an era when information and communication technologies will continue to expand exponentially.

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The Connected Life at Home — from Cisco

The connected life at home -- from Cisco



From DSC:

How will these types of technologies affect what we can do with K-12 education/higher education/workplace training and development? I’d say they will open up a world of new applications and opportunities for those who are ready to innovate; and these types of technologies will move the “Forthcoming Walmart of Education” along.

Above item from:

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Cool Tools – Rapid e-Learning with Brainshark or Captivate — from Blackboard’s Next Level Learning blog

Let’s say your company has a new product update and you need to get the information out fast to your team of sales and product managers. Or maybe your company is growing quickly and you need to train a brand new team in a matter of days.  Did a new certification just get released and you need to get information out to your association members ASAP?  No problem!  This is where Blackboard and rapid e-learning tools like Brainshark and Captivate come in.

Also see:

  • Brainshark Mobile & QR Tags: An Exciting Combination
    QR Codes 101
    QR (“quick response”) Code or Tag is a square barcode that you can scan with your smartphone’s camera with the help of a QR Code app to immediately launch a link or URL on the mobile phone’s web browser.   Said another way, QR Codes are a simple way to connect the offline world with the online world. This represents a huge new point of delivery for Brainshark video presentations. Why is this important?  …Because you want your content available when and where your audience is primed for it.

2020 Workplace — from Harold Jarche

In The 2020 Workplace, Jeanne Meister & Karie Willyerd make 20 predictions at the end of the book. William Gibson said, “the future is already here –  it’s just not very evenly distributed.” Here are my thoughts on where we are with some of these predictions…

Students Tap iPhone to Film, Distribute TV Series — from by Ina Fried

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Voki for education

Originally saw this item at


Voki is a free web tool that let’s students create personalized speaking avatars that can be used in a variety of online formats (blogs, email, direct link, social network profiles, etc.).  Now, Voki has released an exclusive education edition of their service. Voki Education has some additional features that make it even more useful for the classroom. Sharing is now easier than ever.  Students and teachers can embed their finished Voki in webpages, email, and social network profiling, they can also share using a “Voki link” which will allow students to share a simple URL to a Voki page.  Students no longer need access to a website or blog to share their Voki scene!  Voki also provides custom links for educational partners like SymbalooEdu, very handy. A new lesson plan database provides teachers with a searchable database of lesson plans that utilize Voki for learning. Teachers are encouraged to share their Voki enhanced lesson plans. In the new Teacher’s Corner, teachers and “expert” users can discuss anything related to Voki. There is even a Newbies corner with a series of discussions in Q&A format. Voki is now ad-free, this makes it an even sweeter deal for the classroom!

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Next Generation Learning — from The Great Ideas Conference

Learning is undergoing drastic changes. Access to technology has allowed us to engage in a range of new media activities including blogging, co-creation, gaming, instant messaging, podcasting, social networking, social sharing and video creation. These new forms of media allow us to communicate and collaborate in new ways.

Next Generation Learning at Great Ideas 2011 will look at what the research says in terms of how people learn differently with the use of these new forms of media and how to successfully apply and implement the research in your association. No other time in history has there been this type of convergence for associations providing learning and education. It will also be a learning lab that models unique, innovative education formats including hands-on interactive activities to live-streaming to facilitated Peer2Peer Roundtables. Come experience the content and see new ways to involve others in learning.

Six Hot Workplace Trends for 2011 from by Shane O’Neill

  1. Digital Portfolios Replacing Resumes <— From DSC: This speaks to the eventual need for digital literacy for all students
  2. Mobile Is the New Desktop
  3. Online Work: Hiring in the Cloud
  4. The HTML5/Flash War: Programmers Needed
  5. Businesses Will Get Even More Social
  6. The Death of Traditional Marketing

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Connections, Clouds, Things & Analytics – from George Siemens

From DSC:
In looking through George’s presentation, the following graphic reminded me of a learning ecosystem. The idea of activity and content streams speaks of constant flow, change, new information. Look are the sources of where learning can come from:

George Siemens 12-9-10 presentation: Connections, Clouds, Things & Analytics


As an instructional designer, how do we incorporate all of this?

Finally, one other thought, if we are not connected to a network of bloggers (and have a series of RSS feeds keeping us constantly up-to-date) or have some other means of tapping into these streams of activities and sources of content, we will look like this:

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