Live Ink -- works for me!

From DSC:
What I take from this:

  • Allow for scanning — there’s too much information to take in when drinking from today’s firehoses!
  • Use white space
  • Be brief as possible
  • Bulleted lists can be helpful
  • Provide bolding to highlight key points/topics

I noticed McGraw-Hill is starting to incorporate this technology:

  • McGraw-Hill’s Connect platform is incorporating Live Ink, a cool technology that converts text into an easy to read cascading format.

— from SmartTech Roundup: 2012 Predictions & Digital Reading

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Top 50 Statistics Blogs of 2011

Top 50 Statistics Blogs of 2011 — from


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Blogging for Art Educators -- Jessica Balsley's recent presentation



From DSC:
This brings to mind another graphic…


Smashing Magazine introduces new section focused on WordPress


Also see:


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The Singularity: Five technologies that will change the world (and one that won’t) — from by David Gerrold; originally saw this in Steve Knode’s July 2011 Newsletter

Excerpt I want to comment on:

Now, let’s try a thought experiment. If we apply Moore’s law and assume that the rate of scientific advancement doubles at the same rate as the computer power that we apply to research, then we can project that we will likely accomplish a whole 20th century’s worth of scientific advancement in 5 years—by 2015. As the rate continues to double, we’ll accomplish a century’s work in 2.5 years, then 1.25 years, 7.5 months, 3 months and 3 weeks, then a smidge less than two months, one month, two weeks, one week, then 3.5 days, 1.75 days, and if you ignore Zeno’s paradox, by the end of 2020 we will be accomplishing a century’s worth of research every day, and two weeks later, every second. And after that…?

From DSC:

This is why it is critical that all of us are tapping into streams of content. We can’t be dealing with damned up “water” — but we need to access ever-flowing-streams of content. We need to learn how to learn — and like learning! We’ll also need to know how to manage learning agents in order to sort through the information overload coming at us.

What's the best way to deal with ever-changing streams of content? When information has shrinking half-lives?


Also mentioned in the above article:

  • Graphene
  • Robots
  • Bio-Fabbing
  • Universal Smart Tech

Also from Steve Knode:


‘Narrate, curate, share’: How blogging can catalyze learning — from by W. Gardner Campbell


What is blogging? Is it like an online journal? If so, how is a public journal of academic value? Should I give my students prompts? Will they think this is merely busy work? Should their blogs be about work done in specific classes, work done in several classes, work done outside of class, or all of the above?

10 Best UX (User Experience) Design Blogs — from by Whitney Hess


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Here are some solid instructional technology blogs that Tim Handorf identified out at


Technology, when applied creatively and effectively, punches up lessons for students of all ages and abilities. In the hands of a savvy enough teacher, gadgets and digital services alike can increase their engagement and better encourage learning and retention. Obviously, the Internet serves as an excellent hub for educators worldwide to meet up and exchange ideas, insights and opinions regarding strategies, emerging technologies and every other relevant topic out there. Instructional technology blogs are exceptionally common, with far, far more than these 20 contributing something valuable to the discussion. Use them as starting points before branching out and discovering what other professionals have to offer.



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A fabulous history blog — from Maggie Koerth-Baker

Excerpt from Maggie’s posting:

If I had the time, I could probably spend the bulk of the next two days just trawling around the blog Wonders and Marvels. Curated by Vanderbilt professor Holly Tucker, the site features excerpts and tidbits from a wide variety of historical scholars.

Excerpt from Wonders & Marvels blog:

Wonders & Marvels is now a place for specialists and non-specialists to revel in the stories of the past.  It is provides learning opportunities for the college students who are involved on a daily basis in building the site.  Working closely with Professor Tucker, student interns have a chance to interact with scholars and other experienced authors, as well as with publicists and editors at the major publishing houses.

Wonders & Marvels is proof of the enduring links that exist between teaching and research, readers and writers, past and present.  We hope you will enjoy this site as much as we do!

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Top 50 Blogs By Education Professors — from by Paula Dierkins


As you strive for a Ph.D. in education, it can help to have access to a number of different resources. The education of the next generation is an important duty, and you can make it a career. If you are stuck for ideas and inspiration, you can usually look online for a number of resources. One of the best resources is the large number of blogs on education.

If you are interested in education, you can learn from education professors. Those who teach about educating others can be a wealth of information — especially if they are professors teaching on a college level. You can get access to ideas, insights and more. If you are interested in reading about what’s happening with education today, here are 50 great blogs by education professors:

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Report from EduBloggerCon at ISTE11: Trends and Tools — from by Betty Ray


There are a few interesting ideas that are emerging this year.

  1. “Flipped” Classrooms
  2. Digital Learning Toolsets (Formerly Known as “Textbooks”)
  3. Videogames in the Classroom: World of Warcraft
  4. Management of Digital Life
  5. Some Cool New Tools of Note

…and more

From DSC:
In case it’s helpful to you, this Learning Ecosystems blog is now in the e-learning portion of Alltop.


Featured in Alltop


Potential disrupters in the higher education space — Lloyd Armstrong, University Professor and Provost Emeritus at the University of Southern California


…I thought it useful to introduce a blogroll on some companies, institutions, think tanks, etc. that seem to me to be doing interesting things that might well turn out to be disruptive for various aspects higher education, and/or sustaining for others. The blogroll will not seek to be all-inclusive. Rather, it will be indicative of areas in which I find that very interesting things are happening. I will  add more sites to the roll from time to time as I see things that attract my interest.

The original set of sites I have chosen give an idea of some of the areas that I find to be interesting from the standpoint of disruption of traditional higher education. My descriptions of each are too short to serve them well, so follow some of the links for more details. Most are working on concepts that can be used in both sustaining and disrupting modes.

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