Physics for the 21st Century

A better understanding of the fundamental interactions is a key to physicists’ search for a new, underlying theory of the physical world. One starting point is to investigate the microscopic description of forces: electromagnetism, gravity, and the two nuclear forces, strong and weak, with increasingly energetic collisions. The Large Hadron Collider at CERN has not only the highest energy yet achieved in a particle accelerator, but also the highest luminosity—with events measured in millions of collisions per second. This presents a challenge for physicists to capture only the most interesting events and to find reliable ways to analyze these to reveal interactions that have never been seen before.

Featured Scientists

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Does The Online Education Revolution Mean The Death Of The Diploma? — from by Michael Karnjanaprakor, CEO of Skillshare
As the options for self-education explode, what does a college education mean? And how can we measure what a good education is?


What we’re witnessing is a bottom-up revolution in education: Learners, not institutions, are leading innovation.

From DSC:
I post this in hopes that those of us working within higher education will strive all the harder to:

  • Create innovative solutions
  • Reinvent ourselves
  • Stay relevant
  • Reduce the costs of obtaining an education

 Also see:

From DSC:
Whether you’re talking the corporate world or the world of higher education…in this fast-paced and increasingly technology-driven world, the role that technology plays in our organizations’ strategic plans needs to escalate.  That is, if our organizations want to survive, we cannot view IT as a cost center. 

Instead, we need to wake up and realize the world in which we are living in.  As such, our IT groups should be playing key roles in determining new business models and helping our organizations identify new sources of income.  IT is not just about infrastructure and plumbing anymore (although that’s important as well).  IT should be about becoming thee key leading group on campus or in your company.  No joke.

If you doubt that or don’t think your IT group has it in them, than you need to identify which other group/dept is developing the strategic plans on how to ride the enormous waves of change being caused by the Internet, shifting consumer expectations, changing methods of tech-enabled communications, and the massive convergence of the TV, telephone, computer (as well as other forces). 

A poster in our shop asserts that you can either ride the waves of change or be crushed by them.  Along those lines, my father-in-law wisely reminds me that it’s much easier to ride on the front side of a wave than trying to play catch up on the backside of the wave.

Excerpt from Succeeding in the New Normal (from by Dian Schaffhauser)

As IT administrators struggle to come to terms with the new normal, one truth is becoming clear: CIOs need to change the conversation about IT on campus. First, instead of driving their beleaguered IT staffs ever harder while service levels drop, they need to reset campus expectations about what IT can realistically achieve. Second, CIOs must rebrand their own organization. They need to start taking credit for how IT saves their institutions money. In the eyes of the university, IT has to go from cost center to efficiency expert.

“Technology people are inherently working to make things more efficient,” Carter points out. “But they do a lousy job of publicizing their results. They do a lousy job of measuring them. As we get more and more into things like performance funding, accreditation, and accountability, what you’re going to find is that IT leaders are going to have figure out a way to justify their existence, or they’re going to end up out of a job.”

From DSC:
I would argue that if IT leaders (at least those leaders who are effective in developing their organization’s strategy and who see the role of IT as different from its past roles) are going to end up out of a job, then the entire organization will end up out of jobs.  No kidding.  The world is changing rapidly, and people can no longer afford to view IT as simply a cost center.  As Thomas Friedman recommends, “Know the world you’re living in.”  As such, IT needs to be one of thee key drivers of business model change and overall strategy within your organization.


Addendum/also see:

  • 61-year tenure for average firm in 1958 narrowed to 25 years in 1980—to 18 years now.
  • A warning to execs: At current churn rate, 75% of the S&P 500 will be replaced by 2027.
  • To survive and thrive, leaders must “create, operate and trade” their business units without losing control of their company.
  • Study led by Innosight director Richard N. Foster, co-author of Creative Destruction.

The future of internet TV [Europe]


From DSC:
Entertainment, some news, and social media at bat — educational apps on deck.

Recordings from Learning Without Frontiers - from the UK from January 2012
Also see:

Learning Without Frontiers (LWF) hosted its annual conference at London’s Olympia on January 25th-26th creating a unique environment to present a compelling exploration into our learning futures.

  • See the talks here.
  • See pictures here.

Get ready for a world of connected devices – from by Richard MacManus


The next big thing in computing isn’t a new model smartphone or laptop. It’s the Internet empowering everything else around us. Our cars, TVs and many other devices. Which means we all need to think about engaging digital Internet experiences for the car, TV and every device imaginable – because that’s where audiences are heading.

From DSC:
What opportunities — and threats — might be present in this trend as they relate to:

  • Learning and education?
  • Learning spaces and smart classrooms?
  • Attention spans and engagement?
  • Memory?
  • Other?

Mass participation TV



— I originally saw this at and a posting there by Natan Edelsburg:
How Theatrics’ Beckinfield is creating the future of social TV acting [Interview]

Free courses, elite colleges — from by Steve Kolowich


Robert Garland, a professor of classics at Colgate University, is not accustomed to discussing Greek religion with the lifeless lens of his MacBook’s built-in video camera. But that was how Garland spent Wednesday afternoon: in his home study, recording lectures on his laptop in 20-minute chunks.

Garland, a novice to online teaching, says it is difficult to think of these solitary sessions as lectures. “I think of them more as chats,” he says.

Garland’s gear is lo-fi: just the laptop, which he owns, and a microphone mailed to him by Udemy, the company that roped him into this.

Stormy waters ahead as ‘disruptive forces’ sweep the old guard — from by Sarah Cunnane
Online education will turn the academy inside out, argue US authors. 


Graduation rates in the US have fallen, and states have slashed funding for higher education. As a result, public universities have raised tuition fees, and many are struggling to stay afloat during the recession. But two authors working in the US higher education sector claim that the academy has a bigger battle on the horizon: the “disruptive innovation” ushered in by online education.

This disruption, they say, will force down costs, lure prospective students away from traditional “core” universities, transform the way academics work, and spell the end for the traditional scholarly calendar based around face-to-face teaching.

Clayton M. Christensen, the Kim B. Clark professor of business administration at Harvard Business School, and Henry J. Eyring, advancement vice-president at Brigham Young University-Idaho, outline their ideas in The Innovative University: Changing the DNA of Higher Education from the Inside Out.


The perfect storm in higher ed


Also see:

Shazam button to appear on traditional TV remotes, as if by magic — from by Austin Carr


Shazam’s future involves applying its discovery engine to television and all of the brands that flow through it, says CEO Andrew Fisher.  And it could be as simple as a button on your channel flipper.



From DSC:
I couldn’t help but think about Maria’s ideas along the lines of the “Learn This” button

Maria Andersen: Where's the "Learn This" Button?

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