The Future of Education -- by Sajan George at Calvin College -- 1-24-11.

From DSC:
It shouldn’t surprise anyone who knows my work when I say that I think Sajan George is right on the mark!   🙂

For example, below are the main points of what I heard him say (with some graphics of my own that back up what I have been saying):

Sajan George: The Future of Education
January Series at Calvin College (January 24, 2011)

We are living in a new age, the Conceptual Age — primary skill sets that we now need are for creators and empathizers. Why? Because those two skillsets aren’t easily automated or outsourced (Sajan referenced Dan Pink’s work).

We built our education system in between the agricultural and industrial ages; mass production model was built during a much different time with different needs.

Speed and acceleration of change has greatly increased.  At a phenomenal pace!

From DSC:
You may have seen me post this graphic a few times:

The pace has changed significantly and quickly

Sajan gave an example that focused on an older model of a coffee maker vs. a newer model: Coffee Maker 1.0 vs. Coffee Maker 2.0. Point was that we still need skills, but design, esthetic, and emotion have become more important.

Also, we live in a society that demands Coffee Maker 2.0 — but our educational systems are still offering Education 1.0.  We are still batching kids by age, using a 1-to-many model, etc.

We still are offering “Education 1.0” where

  • Content is king
  • Collaboration is cheating
  • Poor performance gets you an F – discouraging
  • Teacher role = expert

…but we are living in a “Society 2.0” world

  • Experience is king
  • Collaboration is encouraged
  • Performance is rewarded; like game designers, encouraged to try again
  • Teacher and student roles are interchangeable; teacher more of a facilitator

Also, our current methods of educating students is not scalable, not sustainable!

Previous attempts at changing our educational systems have failed because they’ve been trying to fix the status quo of education! It’s a design problem.

From DSC:
You may have seen me post this graphic a few times:

Daniel S. Christian: My concerns with just maintaining the status quo

Current educational system needs to be completely blown up and redesigned! We live in a digital world, yet kids sitting in analog world.

Technology that customizes learning – recommendation engines, adaptive learning; personalized/customized learning.

Online learning is scalable, sustainable – while offering instantaneous feedback. Per Sajan, “But it’s happening on the fringes; home school kids; supplemental, etc.”

Hybrid environment – hoping to nationally launch this year

  • Each student gets 2 teachers
  • Netbook w/ curriculum – w/ lessons loaded
  • Learning management system progresses each child at that student’s pace
  • Bulk is in online engine
  • Teachers don’t have to lesson plan, grade, etc. – so what do they do? The role of the teacher changes to being a facilitator of learning – a coach, mentor, a guide. Can build better, closer relationships.

Use data to differentiate instruction.

Design problem in education.

Hybrid learning <– Sajan’s current work promoting this model; brings power of human interaction with the customization that technology can bring.

From DSC:
You may have seen this graphic I’ve posted a few times — that aims to capture the best of both worlds:

Let's take the best of both worlds -- online learning and face-to-face learning

When trying to change things, you need a compelling vision of what you are trying to build/achieve.

From DSC:
You may have seen the vision I was trying to relay here.

From Q&A session…with a hybrid mode:

  • Not labeling some kids as struggling students; teachers forced to leave some behind while trying to keep the plates spinning over there for kids who are getting it

Millions of TV’s (as completely converged/Internet-connected devices) = millions of learners?!?

From DSC:

The other day, I created/posted the top graphic below. Take the concepts below — hook them up to engines that use cloud-based learner profiles — and you have some serious potential for powerful, global, ubiquitous learning! A touch-sensitive panel might be interesting here as well.

Come to think of it, add social networking, videoconferencing, and web-based collaboration tools — the power to learn would be quite impressive.  Multimedia to the nth degree.

Then add to that online marketplaces for teaching and learning — where you can be both a teacher and a learner at the same time — hmmm…



From DSC:
Then today, I saw Cisco’s piece on their Videoscape product line! Check it out!







Georgia Tech Center to explore 21st century universities — from by Dian Schaffhauser

The Georgia Institute of Technology is setting up a new center specifically to serve as a living laboratory for testing new forms of education. Driven by the growth of social networking, online learning, and other developments, the Center for 21st Century Universities will enable faculty at the Atlanta institution to experiment with new approaches to curriculum and its delivery. According to former College of Computing Dean Rich DeMillo, who will lead the center, it will also work with national and international groups involved in higher education reform. The first item on the center’s agenda is to develop a seed grant program for promising early proposals.

ALA 2011: Adaptive and Learning Agents Workshop held at AAMAS 2011 — from Intelligent Systems

Adaptive and Learning Agents, particularly those in a multi-agent setting are becoming more and more prominent as the sheer size and complexity of many real world systems grows. How to adaptively control, coordinate and optimize such systems is an emerging multi-disciplinary research area at the intersection of Computer Science, Control theory, Economics, and Biology.

The Ultimate Study Guide: Wolfram Alpha Launches “Course Assistant” Apps — from ReadWriteWeb by Audrey Watters

The computational knowledge engine Wolfram|Alpha is launching the first three of a series of new “course assistant” apps today. These apps, available for iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad, are designed to take advantage of the Wolfram|Alpha technology in the service of supporting some of the most popular courses in high school and college.

The idea is to be able to quickly access the pertinent capabilities of Wolfram|Alpha relevant for specific subject areas. Currently, these subject areas are Algebra, Calculus, and Music Theory. But the company says it plans to add apps for other subjects – “for every major course, from elementary school to graduate school,” – including those fields outside math and science.

From DSC:
Notice the term engine (in bold maroon above).
This is the type of sophisticated programming that will increasingly be baked into future learning products — as the software seeks to learn more about each learner while providing each learner with a more customized learning experience…pushing them, but aiming to encourage — not discourage — them. I can see an opt-in program where each of us can build a cloud/web-based learner profile — and allow such an engine to be “fed” that data.

How will technologies like AirPlay affect education? I suggest 24x7x365 access on any device may be one way. By Daniel S. Christian at Learning Ecosystems blog-- 1-17-11.


Addendum on 1-20-11:
The future of the TV is online
— from
Your television’s going to get connected, says Matt Warman

Math that moves -- the use of the iPad in K-12 -- from the New York Times


From DSC:
I post this here — with higher ed included in the tags/categories — because if the trend within K-12 continues (i.e. that of using such technologies as the iPad, digital textbooks, mobile learning devices, etc.), students’ expectations WILL be impacted. When they hit our doorsteps, they will come with their heightened sets of expectations. The question is, will we in higher ed be ready for them?

Is the Google-fication of education underway? — from by Scott Olster (emphasis below from DSC)
Among tablets and 3D TVs at CES, one-size-fits-all learning is facing a digital death knell.


Similar to the way that Google collects data based on its users’ search patterns, Knewton collects data from every student that has taken one of its courses and uses it to improve its courses. Eduational content that achieves better student results will then be ranked higher in the system and be used more often. Ideally, the system becomes smarter and better over time.

“It’s like a giant recommendation engine on steroids,” says Ferreira.

The data that the company collects could potentially prove useful to educational researchers.

“We’re still trying to map out the way people learn. Collecting more data rather than looking at course grades is a welcome change,” says Miller.

Towards a new-digital learning ecosystem based on autonomic Web services — from IEEEXplore Digital Library (emphasis below from DSC)

With the latest advances in information and communication technologies, learners can now engage in continuous and rich learning-sessions that characterize today’s digital learning ecosystems. In these ecosystems, learning resources are pervasive and dynamic. A key challenge is to develop a scalable learning system that addresses the inherent complexity of learning sessions and cater for the specific needs and requirements of individual learners. In this paper, we adopt autonomic Web services to capture disparate learning resources and build an autonomic digital learning ecosystem that reconfigures itself in response to changes in the environment such as learners’ profiles, resource availabilities, and type of instructional material. The use of autonomic Web services permits to abstract the learning resources into distributed and uniformly structured objects and to record learners’ attributes into a packaged profile. These Web services sense the learning context and coach learners in their pursuit of constructive instructional sessions. A service-oriented architecture is proposed to connect learning resources, learners’ profiles, and contextual indicators. A prototype is, also, illustrated in the paper to show the feasibility of the proposed solutions.

Also see:

A technology maestro

A technology maestro — from The Economist

A COMPOSER, inventor and educator, Tod Machover wears many hats. The son of both a pianist and a computer-graphics pioneer, his own career melds these two fields in a mix of music and technology.

This led him to modify his own cello at 14, using headphones and an amplifier. A few years later, while studying composition at New York’s Julliard School in his early 20s, he learnt computer programming. “I definitely caught the computational bug,” he says. In 1978 Pierre Boulez, a French composer, invited him to work at IRCAM, a music research institute in Paris. Seven years later, Mr Machover joined the MIT Media Lab, where he still teaches. He also leads the affiliated Opera of the Future, a research group that explores ways “to help advance the future of musical composition, performance, learning, and expression”.

So what’s next? After spending much of his career looking for ways to make music an active experience for all, Mr Machover predicts the future of the field is in personalisation. “I think more and more we will be developing music that can be customised for a particular person at a particular time,” he says, “almost like a prescription.”

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Test-prep company Knewton takes online courses to next level: university — from by Matt Bowman


Knewton, a company that provides personalized help to boost scores on tests such as the GMAT, is taking online education to the next level: It will now power actual university math programs for Arizona State University (ASU) students.

The announcement marks a shift for the New York based startup company, which to date had only provided test-prep programs. ASU’s decision to use online, instructorless remedial education raises the question of just how much new technologies could disrupt the traditional university model.

ASU students who score below a certain threshold on the math portions of a preliminary assessment will be required to use the Knewton-powered adaptive-learning program. The web-based program will generate homework assignments based on each student’s individual proficiency levels and learning styles, and adapts as students score better in a certain type of problem. Based on the data from the online program, ASU will also provide virtual and in-person tutoring. Once students demonstrate college readiness in mathematics, they will advance into ASU instructor-led math courses. The university hopes this will boost retention and graduation rates.

Gobles (Michigan, USA) third-graders get smartphones — from by Tony Tagliavi;  my thanks to Mr. L. Andrew Thorburn for this resource
Phone function disabled; used as handheld computer

GOBLES, Mich. (WOOD) – More than 60 Gobles Elementary School third-graders are spending at least part of their classroom time with their own smartphones.

“It’s amazing,” 8-year-old Halli Davidson said Tuesday before showing a reporter a diagram she drew to help understand multiplication. “You feel like you’re in your own little personal world in here.”

The phone function actually has been disabled, principal Terry Breen told 24 Hour News 8. The students are using the smartphones as handheld computers, complete with filtered wireless Internet, dubbed “mobile learning devices.”

Tuesday was the second day for the $44,000 Gobles pilot program, 75% of which Breen said was paid for with grant funds.

But these new devices, according to teacher Chris Quist, are “exciting and fun and engaging. And even in two days, I’ve noticed the amount of on-task time and the quiet time.”

Students could use the devices to watch videos to tie in with their Michigan history lessons, Breen said. And Quist said the simple fact that the phones can show photos and other presentations in color — unlike most classroom handouts — is significant.

West Michigan school systems including Allendale, Caledonia and Coopersville — along with Grand River Prep, and Holland Christian Schools — offer one-to-one laptops for at least some grades.

Hopkins Public Schools rolled it out this year with small Internet laptops called netbooks for middle and high school students.

If it is expanded, the principal said administrators will determine which device is best — from smartphones to tablet computers such as iPads or laptops — for the needs of students at each grade level.

The world is my school: Welcome to the era of personalized learning — from the January/February issue of The Futurist by Maria H. Andersen — with special thanks to Paul Simbeck Hampson for this item

“Future learning will become both more social and more personal, says an educational technology expert.”

Top 10 Ed Tech predictions for 2011– from by Christopher Dawson; featuring insights from Adam Garry, Dell’s manager of global professional learning

  • “1:1 should be a learning initiative instead of a tech initiative”
  • Personalized learning instead of differentiated instruction
  • Product-based assessments
  • Increased focus on conceptual learning
  • The evolution of 1:1 – Different access models
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