Do ‘glassboards’ have a future in the classroom? — from by Martin C. Barry
Interactive glass for educational purposes ‘is in its infancy,’ insists the SWLSB’s director of educational services


Steelcase: Using our heads and our hands to give information physical form



When we take notes during a lecture, however, something amazing happens. As we write, we create spatial relationships between the pieces of information we’re recording. The region of the brain that handles spatial information is engaged and, by linking it with the verbal information the brain filters wheat from chaff.

Research bears this out. In a study of a lecture class, students who took notes remembered no more content than the students who didn’t take notes; the act of taking notes did not increase the amount of what they remembered. But the students who took notes remembered more key facts, those who merely listened remembered more or less random content from the lecture.

Note taking isn’t the only way to help the brain recall important stuff. Other kinds of writing, such as scrawling ideas on a whiteboard or pencilling a reminder on a calendar, create a link between the spatial and verbal parts of our brains and strengthen how important information is stored in our brains.

20 things educators need to know about learning spaces — from by Miriam Clifford


The 21stcentury is challenging old notions of learning spaces.

The idea that students must be seated at desks working in rows is quickly becoming archaic. Technology and collaborative work environments are changing the design of learning spaces. Experts hope that the emerging paradigm will translate into improved learning spaces and influence future architectural design.

Stephen Heppell and expert panelists recently spoke in Australia about physical spaces in The changing face of Education. Heppell, an international expert in the fields of learning, new media and technology, is known for his “eyes on the horizon, feet on the ground philosophy”.

He has moved countless organizations into the digital age.

From Library learning spaces as curated by Anne Whisken
Design, creation & management of library learning spaces. 


Modern Architecture: Dalian Public Library by 10 Design, Dalian, China

Photo of new modern building proposed for Dalian as seen from the street
Modern Architecture: Dalian Public Library by 10 Design, Dalian, China
©  10 Design


Welcome to the ‘Hive’: Harvard’s new classroom — from CLO by Frank Kalman
Harvard Business School’s recently launched “Hive” classroom is fit to equip learners with three modern components to business leadership: teamwork, collaboration and flexibility.


That is, the newest classroom at Harvard Business School (HBS), “Hives.”


The classroom in 2020 — from by  George Kembel
The next decade will bring an end to school as we know it.




Reconceptualising the School Library as Collaborative Makerspace | Services to Schools




Collaborative teaching: What might it look like?

Also see:
Tagged with:  

Indoor navigation takes signals and sensors from by Tekla Perry



Indoor navigation. You’re going to be hearing a lot about it over the coming months. Apple, having recently dumped Google’s mapping technology from its mobile devices, will be trying to beat Google at the mapping game. Google will fight back with more and more features, many likely intended for use indoors. (I expect to see some mapping demos at the upcoming iPhone 5 introduction later this week.)

From DSC:

  • I have been pondering the best ways to deal with the BYOD situation and how to facilitate students contributing content — quickly, seamlessly, and efficiently — to the classroom without interrupting the flow of the classroom.  Also, the desired solution would need to prevent a hacker/digital vandal/prankster from sending an inappropriate image, movie, and/or message to a projector or display from 1/2 way across campus.  So I’ve been thinking about machine-to-machine communications and wondering if that’s how a projector or display will allow someone to use it if it detects that person/device is sending it the approved signal from within the same room…not sure…perhaps it will be like they do in banking…setting up new randomized passwords every few seconds and the machines communicate to each other what that password should be within the room at any given moment.  But once you leave the room, that password is no longer any good. Not sure…


A piece of the Next Generation Smart Classroom -- Daniel Christian -- June 2012



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Also see:

Sony releases first 4K TV: The 84-inch XBR-84X900 — from by Ty Pendlebury
Sony has announced its first 4K television, the 84-inch XBR-84X900, which features a separate stereo speaker system and passive 3D viewing.


Where can I buy it?

Addendum on 8/31/12 — 3 65” Presenters from Ideum

Recent installation from Ideum - August 2012


 From DSC:
This relates to BYOD, Smart Classrooms, and students being able to participate and contribute content to discussions:


A piece of the Next Generation Smart Classroom -- Daniel Christian -- June 2012

Your future TV is not about Tele-Vision [Eaton]

Your future TV is not about Tele-Vision — from by Kit Eaton

Excerpt (emphasis below from DSC; also see the above categories to see how I see this as a highly-relevant component to our future learning ecosystems):

Then imagine what a hybrid of Apple’s tech and efforts like GetGlue, Shazam, and other interactive systems will be like when they’re more integrated into your 2017 smart TV. The big screen in your living room won’t be a one-way window into another world you can’t touch anymore. It’ll be a discovery engine, a way to learn facts, interact with the world, talk to people, find new and surprising content to absorb. Advertisers will love it, and companies like Nielsen–which largely has to guess all those stats about who watches which show at primetime nowadays–will be able to get accurate data…which may mean more appealing shows.



The Living [Class] Room -- by Daniel Christian -- July 2012 -- a second device used in conjunction with a Smart/Connected TV



Also see:

4 spaces of learning – raising my awareness — from The Learning Activist blog by Mark Burgess at  the Northern Beaches Christian School in Sydney Australia

  • Physical Space
  • Technological Space
  • Pedagogical Space
  • Relational Space


Similar to the way cafes attract people — from  Mark Burgess



Benefits of Flexible Learning Spaces #1 Teaching in Teams




Also see:


If this works well, it could be great for Smart Classrooms, collaborative workspaces, BYOD environments


From DSC:
The ability for students to contribute content and instantly share that content would be great! Not just display it, but share it! These are the types of concepts, tools, and technologies that I enjoy pursuing as they facilitate learning and collaboration. They have applications not only in K-20, but in the corporate world as well. (I realize there are some issues to work through with virus detection and potential copyright infringement.)

Speaking of not only displaying files but sharing them as well, it seems like this may be possible with Steelcase’s upcoming FrameOne with media:scape — when combined with HD videoconferencing. But I’m not positive about that.


FrameOne with mediascape



Aerohive ships Bonjour Gateway, an Apple mobile device management enrollment solution and 2 new 802.11n Access Points — from


SUNNYVALE, Calif., Jul 23, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) — Aerohive Networks, the pioneer in controller-less Wi-Fi and cloud-enabled enterprise networking, today announced the general availability of its HiveOS 5.1 and HiveManager 5.1. These new upgraded systems provide several significant enhancements including Bonjour Gateway and recently announced JAMF Software Mobile Device Management (MDM) integration for more granular control and management of customers’ BYOD dilemma and advanced reporting dashboards to help reduce troubleshooting.
In addition to the release of 5.1, Aerohive is delivering two new 802.11n access points (APs): AP121 and AP141. Designed to provide greater throughput and coverage, these two new APs are offered at a cost-effective price point ideal for education, healthcare, retail and distributed enterprise environments.

Cisco to unveil Apple Bonjour gateway for enterprise WiFi networks — from by John Cox
Cisco joins rivals in giving Apple’s discovery protocol enterprise behaviours


[July 24] Cisco plans to add code to its wireless LAN controllers to make Apple’s Bonjour-based technologies like AirPlay and AirPrint better behaved on enterprise networks. The code will turn the controller into a Bonjour gateway, and couple this with policy-based end user privileges. For users, this will mean that Apple clients will be able to find and access network-attached AirPrint printers, Apple TVs and the like on different subnets, so everything will just work as it does on their own home networks. A second expected result will be a big decrease in the amount of Bonjour-based discovery traffic that today is putting a heavy load on enterprise nets teeming with Apples MacBook laptops, iPhones, iPads and more.

ARUBA AIRGROUP™: Get your Wi-FI ready for AirPrint and AirPlay

Making AirPlay, AirPrint work in large scale WLANs — from by genieki

Screen Shot 2012-03-22 at 5.13.34 AM.png



From DSC:
I hope to use these sorts of tools to enable students to seamless contribute content to the classroom-based discussions. However, this IT-related item is not just relevant to the K-12 and higher ed worlds, but also to the corporate world as well.

A piece of the Next Generation Smart Classroom -- Daniel Christian -- June 2012


Microsoft buys CNN’s Magic Wall maker — from by Erin Kim


NEW YORK (CNNMoney) — Microsoft is adding a magic touch. Microsoft said Monday that it has agreed to buy Perceptive Pixel Inc., which makes large, multi-touch displays, including CNN’s “Magic Wall.”

CNN's John King used the Magic Wall for his coverage of the Michigan and Arizona primaries this year.

CNN’s John King used the Magic Wall for his coverage of the Michigan and Arizona primaries this year.


Why Did Microsoft Buy Giant-Touchscreen-Maker Perceptive Pixel?— from by Brian Proffitt


From DSC:
I could easily see a “video wall” in the Smart Classrooms of the near future, integrating this technology and more. Intel’s incorporated/captured such a vision as well in this piece here.

I would like to see such a mechanism be able to obtain files from students, check them for any viruses/malware, and then distribute the files to other students (if they choose to receive the files).




Educreations adds to interactive whiteboard lesson app — from by Justin Lee


White boards are a key tool for creative learners, who use them to write down ideas, brainstorm, and wipe it away when the next inspiration hits. Startup Educreations is looking to move beyond the static whiteboard with their free educational app for iPad, which allows teachers to create video whiteboard lessons. Launched in December 2011, the app allows teachers to record their lessons on a virtual whiteboard, record their voice alongside the text, and share them with students. This mont,h Educreations launched a new version of their app, which gives users the option to add text and images to their presentations.


Steelcase Education Solutions introduces new active learning solutions — from
Verb takes action & iconic Node makes new moves


Steelcase Education Solutions launches new active learning solutions


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