IBM’s Watson Hired by Citigroup — from by Mark Hachman

ibm watson


But Citigroup said late Monday that it had agreed to form an exploratory partnership with IBM to use the Watson technology to help advance customer interactions, using the deep “content analysis and evidence based learning capabilities” that the IBM Watson technology uses.

Watson’s strengths, that of parsing a question asked using natural language and then returning relevant results, will presumably be used to facilitate customer interaction with Citi automated banking systems.

IBM Watson heads to Wall Street — from by Sebastian Anthony


After conquering Jeopardy, battling patent trolls, making inroads into medical insurance claims, and threatening to replace customer service representatives, IBM’s Watson is now looking to take its first foray into Wall Streetesque financial services. Working with Citigroup, IBM has entered into an “exploratory agreement” that will cover everything from streamlining the banking experience for customers, through to “empowering financial professionals to make better business decisions.” In other words, watch out stock traders: Watson’s coming.

The next big UI challenge is making big data human — from gigaom by Stacey Higginbotham


IBM’s Jeopardy-playing supercomputer Watson is now getting a gig in the retail banking sector as part of an IBM partnership with Citi. This is in addition to its position as a diagnostic assistant for doctors. But the many careers of Watson aren’t just a fun story for the tech press; they illustrate a very big technological and business opportunity for companies like IBM and Microsoft — the rendering of big data into human scale.

Blackboard launches solution to improve developmental education
Fully online courses now include built-in assessment, analytics tools


WASHINGTON – February 22, 2012 – Blackboard Inc. today announced the official launch of Blackboard Developmental Education™ (Blackboard DevEd), an innovative approach aimed at improving student outcomes and increasing completion rates in an area where many institutions have struggled. The solution, which was first piloted by several institutions in the fall, now includes built-in assessment and analytics tools that enable course instructors to further personalize their instruction.


Blackboard Developmental EducationTM (Blackboard DevEd) is a comprehensive program of blended instruction and online remedial courses designed to improve student achievement levels cost-effectively.

Early reflections from DSC:

  • First of all, my congratulations go out to Blackboard for innovating! Nice work.
  • This is another example of the innovation occurring in the online/digital learning world — yet more tools and diagnostic powers are being made available to online-based teaching and learning environments
  • This should be another shot across the bow of how institutions of higher education are training our future teachers — student teachers NEED to know how to teach online!!!
  • Too early to tell how such endeavors will affect career paths (for teachers, administrators, counselors, nurses, and such)


Also see:

Facebook’s ad business is a $3 billion mystery — from Peter Kafka

Excerpt (emphasis DSC):

So the numbers are out, and we know that Facebook’s ad business really is huge.  And it really is growing like a weed.  Just like we thought.

But how exactly does Facebook’s ad business workWe still don’t know a lot about that part.

The S-1 mentions “advertising” 123 times, and “advertisers” another 117 times.  But when it comes to describing how the company actually sells advertising, it is vague.

And that’s why a good chunk of the S-1 talks about the overall market for advertising — not just Web advertising, but all advertising. The message: There is a lot of money being spent on ads, and as we get even bigger, and smarter, we’ll figure out how to capture more of it.

And at some point they may share some of that knowledge with the rest of us.

From DSC:
If this figure were $3,000, no big deal, right? But $3 billion?!  How is it that it’s a mystery when they’re making that kind of $$$$?  I wonder if that has anything to do with Mark Zuckerberg’s and Facebook’s perspectives on privacy…

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Some tools to consider:


Blackboard Collaborate has real-time polling features


Poll Everywhere -- real-time polling


From DSC:
By the way, faith-based organizations might want to consider using this tool as well.  Also, my thanks to Professor Randall Pruim, in the Mathematics Department at Calvin College, for bringing the options below to my attention. Note: Professor Pruim doesn’t necessarily recommend these tools — as both SMS Poll and require that students pay a subscription. However, I list these tools here in case you want to compare functionality/pricing/etc.

. -- real time polling of your students




Addendum on 2/2/12: -- engage the class using any device

NOTE:  Randy mentioned that Socrative requires access to the Internet (laptop or smart phone); there is no cell phone interface at this time. So you must have a web-enabled device.


Addendum on 2/21/12:


Addendum on 7/18/12:
A web based clicker and online homework tool; polls and quizzes

No clickers to buy! Students can use any device to participate in class

  • For in-class and homework use
  • Questions, open ended discussions and interactive demos
  • Use with any presentation software, such as PowerPoint
  • Amazingly simple! Takes minutes to setup


Addendum on 11/15/12:


Press release: Datatel & SunGard Higher Education close transactions to combine their businesses — from
New Company to Help Institutions Succeed in Changing Education Environment


SAN FRANCISCO, FAIRFAX, Va., and WAYNE, Pa. – January 23, 2012 – Hellman & Friedman, Datatel+SGHE, and SunGard Data Systems today announced that the transactions to combine the businesses of Datatel and SunGard Higher Education have closed. As a result, more than 3,000 employees will be dedicated exclusively to delivering solutions to education institutions in 40 countries.

The newly formed company will have a new name, which will be launched in the first half of 2012. Until that time, it will be referred to as Datatel+SGHE.


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Educreations – the latest (and best) iPad whiteboard recording app for iPad — from by Kirsten Winkler

Also see:


Product akin to:

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Top trends of 2011: The social network battle — from by Jon Mitchell

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Some items on this:

  • The world of many clouds — from
    Cloud – the combination of computing, networking, storage and management – fundamentally changes the way businesses deliver services to improve economics and flexibility. While the notion of “the Cloud” is often thought of as a single entity, in fact, there are many types of clouds: private clouds, public clouds, hybrid clouds, and even interconnected communities of clouds serving different verticals, like government, health care or finance. Indeed, we live and work in a world of many clouds. Cisco’s CloudVerseenables this world of many clouds by delivering:

    • Innovative applications and services designed specifically for the cloud, from security and video to collaboration and infrastructure-as-a-service
    • A unified data center that flexibly shares resources within a data center and across data centers, and
    • A cloud-intelligent network that provides advanced ways to interconnect resources offering a consistent and secure user experience, independent of user location and number of clouds involved.

    Check out this blog to get more details.

  • Cisco beefs up cloud computing push — from by Ben Worthen
    Cisco Systems on Tuesday unveiled what it’s calling a “framework” for building big data centers, letting potential customers know how they can use various Cisco products together–and hopefully leading to more sales of its equipment. The products in the announcement are largely things that Cisco already sells. But now Cisco is laying out a vision for using them to better manage information across data centers. “For a long time we’ve provided individual components,” said Padmasree Warrior, Cisco’s chief technology officer, who issued a blog post on the announcement. “What we are doing now is bringing these sets of products together.”


Educational content and learning experiences wirelessly delivered to home TV console — from


DALLAS, Dec. 6, 2011 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ — Don’t touch that dial. A new variety of interactive educational content for the youngsters in the household is headed to a TV near you.

AT&T* today announced an agreement with TVTextbook to provide mobile broadband connectivity to TVTextbook’s eLearning connected device portfolio. TVTextbook (TVT) delivers high-quality K-12 curriculum that is distributed through a learning console connected to the television. Only TVTextbook leverages basic television-a product found in virtually every U.S. household-to help school districts deliver a digital education to 100% of their students. AT&T’s connectivity will bring a seamless, wireless connection between school and home.

From DSC:
Do I think this will be excellent in 2012? No. Do I think it’s innovative? Yes. Do I think it will be potentially helpful to many? Yes…and so will many apps that are coming to our living rooms in the next 1-3 years.

Also see:


Skype announces Facebook-to-Facebook calling — from by Beth Carter

Blackboard makes major investment to support online learning in China
Acquisition of CerBibo Enhances Company’s Ability to Invest in One of the World’s Fastest-Growing Markets


WASHINGTON—November 9, 2011—Blackboard has made a major investment to support online learning in China, by acquiring full ownership of CerBibo, a company that has brought its online learning solution to hundreds of institutions in China, the company announced today. The move enhances the company’s ability to make deeper investments to support greater use of online learning in one of the world’s fastest-growing markets.

Blackboard has seen strong momentum in China with CerBibo, a joint venture launched in 2003 in partnership with CERNET, a public-private organization that provides technology and information services to Chinese education institutions. The venture has brought Blackboard’s online teaching and learning solution to over 270 Chinese higher education and K-12 institutions including Peking University, Renmin University, Sun Yat-Sen University and the China-Europe International Business School (CEIBS).


Also see:


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Cisco Connected World Technology Report

IBM sends Watson supercomputer to business school – from by Eric Smalley


IBM's Watson takes on Harvard and MIT students.


There have been four waves of technological innovation that disrupted the labor market over the last two and a half centuries starting with the Industrial Revolution, and we’re beginning the fifth, said IBM Chief Economist Martin Fleming. “We’re now beginning to enter into, in my view, a period where the economy is beginning to open up opportunities for the deployment of very significant innovation … We’re going to see many new industries get created, radical new technologies being deployed, but being deployed in the context of new business models,” he said.

“This will have significant implications from an income and income distribution point of view.”

The MIT economists generally agree that we’re at the beginning of a technology-driven shift in the economy and ultimately the labor market will adjust. But no one had any good news for workers in the middle of economy during the transition. “The future is already here in many ways, in terms of what technology can do,” Brynjolfsson said. “But right now the benefits are not very evenly distributed.”

Apple plans to revolutionize your living room next, just as Steve Jobs wanted — from by John Paul Titlow


apple-tv-set.jpg“I finally cracked it,” Steve Jobs told his biographer Walter Isaacson just months before his death. He was referring to the design and functionality of television, something Jobs had long wanted his company to reimagine.

In the official biography of the late Apple founder that came out today, one of the last topics discussed before Isaacson touches on Jobs’ summer 2011 resignation is how he had hoped to revolutionize the television set.


From DSC:
Interesting thing about those who innovate…sometimes, others come to them in the hopes that the innovative company will create an X, Y, or Z product line.  Jobs and Ives, by being known as two of the top heads of an innovative company, had an army of people contributing ideas to Apple (and many of them doing so freely through the years). 

So I also give credit to those encouraging Apple to take certain approaches, for submitting potential ideas and suggestions, and for those employees/contractors/suppliers who are working at (or on behalf of) Apple who are working hard to bring those ideas/visions to fruition (Jeff Robbin comes to mind).  Jobs most likely didn’t come to cracking this thing on his own.

Seven ways an integrated Apple TV could change everything — from by Louis Bedigian

Sony expects “fight for the living room” — from


TOKYO: Sony, the electronics group, believes it is in a “fight for the living room” not only with traditional rivals like Samsung and LG, but also with new players in the TV arena, such as Apple and Google.

 PlayJam Closes Round A Financing for $5 million from Adobe, GameStop and Endeavour for Connected TV Games — from by Richard Kastelein

One More Thing….Does Jobs Have a Final Trick Up His Sleeve? — from

Apple Could Release TV Set in 2012 [REPORT] — from by Lauren Indvik

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