Diva launches video-on-demand for mobile phones

AT&T infusion to fund K-12 professional development for mobile learning — from The Journal by David Nagel

An infusion of nearly $2 million has been awarded to Abilene Christian University to help it expand its mobile learning programs, including a K-12 teacher professional development initiative focused on the use of mobile technologies in teaching.

ACU, a private institution in Texas, launched its ConnectED mobile learning initiative back in 2008 and currently centers it around Apple’s iPhone and iPod touch devices. The overall goals of the initiative include fostering greater engagement of students and enhancing teaching and research through technology, as well as building connections between ACU and its community and other academic institutions.

The $1.8 million AT&T grant–being provided by AT&T subsidiaries and affiliates–will help build the infrastructure and provide financing and resources to support three programs operating under the umbrella of the mobile learning initiative: the K-12 Professional Development Institute, the Mobile Learning Research Program, and the AT&T Learning Studio.



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Mobile Learning Conference

Morgan Stanley’s findings — as found within their Internet Trends presentation — raise some important questions such as:

  • If mobile is going to overtake desktop in 5 years , what does that mean for the networking infrastructures on our campuses?
  • How does that affect the work of instructional technologists? Faculty members?
  • Does this trend carry with it any implications for pedagogy?
  • Other?

Mobile internet ramping up fast

mobile larger than the desktop in 5 years

2010 Horizon Report: K-12 Edition

Executive Summary

  • Key Trends
  • Critical Challenges
  • Technologies to Watch
  • The Horizon Project

Time-to-Adoption: One Year or Less

  • Cloud Computing
  • Collaborative Environments

Time-to-Adoption: Two to Three Years

  • Game-Based Learning
  • Mobiles

Time-to-Adoption: Four to Five Years

  • Augmented Reality
  • Flexible Displays
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Proceedings now available: ELI 2010 Online Spring Focus Session — from Educause

Review the resources and proceedings of ELI’s best-attended online focus session yet: Mobile Learning 2.0: The Next Phase of Innovation in Mobility, hosted March 3–4, 2010, inside Adobe Connect. More than 200 members of the teaching and learning community convened to re-assess the potential of mobile technologies and identify new ways in which mobility can contribute to the learning experience. You can now access numerous dynamic proceedings from this event, including:

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie – April 2, 2010.
#616 – Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
54,909 Readers – http://www.masie.com – The MASIE Center.

iPad for Learning LAB:
We’ll be doing immediate testing on the “affordances” for learning that may be created by this new device.  Jonathan Kayes (our CLO), Lauren Boughton (our Producer), Tom King (MASIE Fellow for ePubs), Erin Anderson (our recent college graduate editor) and Elliott Masie, will do a series of immediate experiments on the iPad.  We are looking for affordances such as:

* Learning Apps: What might a $3 or $20 Learning App look like and accomplish?
* Media Shifts: How could one develop a module that deeply leverages multi-touch?
* Learner Expectations: What might devices such as these do to learner expectations for content and interaction?
* Marketplace Disruptions: What is the equivalent of the iTunes Song for 99 cents in learning?
* Missing Capabilities: Explores the role of video-conferencing, flash and other elements currently absent from the iPad.

Some of you are a bit hyper and will get your iPad tomorrow.  Some are waiting.  And, many are seeing too much hype and buzz.  If you would like to follow and participate in our MASIE Center LAB tests and experiments, you can go to:


This is a free and vendor-neutral blog that will take a deep look at the Learning dimensions of the iPad.  Feel free to add your thoughts, experiences and questions.

Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie

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The $50 Wolfram Alpha iPhone app is $2 because now they want people to actually buy it — from gizmodo.com

The  Wolfram Alpha iPhone App Is  Because  Now They Want People to Actually Buy It

Wolfram Alpha has decided it’d be good if people actually use the supercalculator on their phone, so its famously $50 iPhone (and soon to be iPad) app will be $2. And, they’re legitimately making the mobile site better.

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