Elliot Masie's Learning 2010

Our Keynote Thought Leaders include:

  • Apolo Ohno: Mastering the Olympics & Dancing with the Stars
  • Marshall Goldsmith: Putting the Mojo in Learning and Leaders
  • Maestro Roger Nierenberg: Orchestrating Greatness: The Musical Paradigm!
  • Betsy Myers: Counter-Intuitive Leadership
  • Diane Hessan: Communities of Knowledge & Collaboration
  • Lori Aiken: MTV Networks, 20’s Talent!
  • Jonathan Kopp: The Power of Word of Mouth & Video Stories
  • Greg Hale: Disney Parks & Resorts, Teaching Safety!
  • Elliott Masie: Learning Changes and Learning Challenges in 2010

Our Learning Themes in 2010:

  • Changing Learning: Agile, Social, Targeted, Mobile & Global
  • Distributed Work: Distributed Leadership and Distributed Learning
  • Learning Leadership: Creating & Implementing Strategic Learning Projects
  • Learning Research: Neuroscience & Learning, Impact and Evidence-Based Learning Design
  • The Business of Learning: How to Resource, Charge and Support Learning Budgets
  • Learning Modes : Video for Learning, UserContent, Coaching & Performance Support
  • Learning & Talent: Changing Role of Learning in Retention & Development of Talent
  • New Learning Roles: Evolving & ReSkilling the Learning Function & Roles
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Ambient Insight reports strong US mobile learning market — from Ambient Insight by Sam S. Adkins, Chief Research Officer
US mobile learning revenues reached $632.2 million in 2009

“New suppliers are entering the market at a steady pace,” reports Chief Research Officer, Sam S. Adkins. “A very new trend is the emergence of dozens of new native Mobile Learning development tools and delivery platforms that were built from the ground up to develop and manage Mobile Learning. It is also interesting that three new types of packaged content emerged in 2009 and 2010.”

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What do teachers want in apps for education?

“The teacher is still leader of that classroom and is also mentor, is a coach and is a facilitator managing groups of students, managing individual students.”

Martinez said that while she believes the school house can remain a “hub for where learning happens,” it will be a place that prepares teachers to work across a distributive learning system where they can access multiple resources.

— from New Tech Network’s Monica Martinez: Future of education more mobile, student-centered (New Zealand)

Cardiology moves online -- iPad app

As I sat down to review The European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine, which was provided to me as the online version, I wondered, how would this textbook look on my new iPad? Would it be readable? Would it be better than on my desktop? Would it be any better than a “real” textbook? Could this be a new era where information really does get to the bedside?

The short answer is yes—The ESC Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine Online is very readable on the iPad, and as such I think it marks another step in the ongoing shift of information online, making it more mobile. But is an online textbook the answer to “point of care” information in medicine? No, but it is a very useful step forward in helping bring evidence-based information and guidelines to clinicians into day to day practice.

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Innovate to Educate: [Re]Design for Personalize Learning — from mobl21.com/blog

The Symposium on [Re]Design for Personalized Learning has begun.

An initiative of the SIIA (Software & Information Industry Association) with ASCD (formerly the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), this collaborative effort asserts that the education system can more efficiently and effectively meet the needs of all students through a true paradigm shift from a mass production to a mass customization learning system.

An excerpt from the SIIA-ASCD-CCSSO Symposium Primer:
Some education leaders are becoming more focused on personalizing learning as critical to meeting the needs of all students.  They understand that changing student outcomes requires transforming their experience and our current education system.  They recognize the definition of educational insanity:  offering the same type of education model over and over again, and expecting a different result.  These leaders also see that educational equity is not simply about equal access and inputs, but as importantly requires that a student’s educational path, curriculum, instruction and schedule be personalized to meet her unique needs.  Reform efforts that continue to focus on the factory model, one-size fits all approach to learning are unlikely to make a sufficient difference for too many students in this knowledge-age when expectations are higher than ever.

In contrast to trends in other industries to personalize products, services, and the user experience – in part by leveraging continually evolving technologies – education has only scratched the surface on the potential to personalize the learner experience.  Such efforts continue to be the exception rather than the rule and often represent a “tweaking” of the traditional model rather than the necessary systemic redesign of how we educate our children.  Similarly, students have come to expect personalization in every other aspect of their lives, including through services like Facebook, Netflix and iTunes, to name a few.  If Google and Amazon can thoughtfully leverage customer data and virtual communities to better serve each person’s unique preferences and interests from afar, then education can do so for each student from a near — to understand each one’s performance level, learning style and learning preferences and then adjust instructional strategies and content to meet those needs.

Read the full primer here: http://www.siia.net/pli/primer.doc


From DSC:
Eventually, we will have to deal with some major changing student expectations. Perhaps that’s this year..? Next year? 5 years down the line…? I’m not sure. But with the storm brewing, we don’t want to discount changing student expectations. We need to adapt and deliver and meet changing expectations.

Design Boost is a four day bootcamp for prototyping digital learning products.

We’re looking for promising young innovators, to bring learning into the 21st century, to create digital products that excite and engage kids in meaningful learning. In partnership with IDEO, Startl is offering a multi-day immersion for designers and creators, hackers and coders, builders and entrepreneurs.

Boost isn’t about sitting around dreaming up pie-in-the-sky ideas. Its an intense whirlwind of activity, with lots of hands-on, real-world involvement in the design and product development process. You’ll be taking the seed of an idea and seeing whether you can grow it into an effective and marketable learning product. Along the way, you’ll be steeped in how to create user-centered, learning-rich and market-smart designs and learn the tricks that seasoned entrepreneurs use to generate new products quickly and cheaply. But you won’t be doing this on your own. You’ll be surrounded by inspiring peers and collaborating with them to amp up your creativity and rigor.

Startl’s first series of Design Boost will focus on the design of mobile applications for learning, targeting these primary platforms: Android, iPhone, Symbian and BlackBerry. We’re making this the focus because there’s a serious lack of high-quality mobile applications for learning and education on the market, so there’s a massive opportunity to make a difference and make your mark.

The Boot Camp will be a launching pad for participants to make their next entrepreneurial move, be it with Startl, IDEO, local firms, national brands or beyond.

Apply for the November 2010 Mobile Design Boost to be held in San Francisco November 11-14, 2010.  (Application deadline – September 17, 2010)

The Basics – What You Need to Know Before Applying
A primer on what Startl is seeking in teams.

Design Boost FAQ’s

Mobile Design Boost Schedule & Agenda

From DSC:
Are there many college-level courses out there like this? This is a very interesting, real-world, engaging, hands-on approach — while offering numerous opportunities to collaborate.

Media:Scape-based setups would work well here.

Podcast: William Rankin on Mobile Learning with the iPhone and iPod — Educause

William Rankin is Associate Professor and Director of Educational Innovation at Abilene Christian University. In this interview from the EDUCAUSE 2009 Conference, Rankin discusses ACU’s mLearning Initiative, which deployed mobile devices to the entire freshman class. This created unique opportunities to pilot applications, overcome challenges, and create partnerships.

Damaka introduces first complete iPhone multi-party video conferencing solution over WiFi, 3G and 4G networks — from Damaka
Two-way video calling, application sharing and instant messaging power real-time collaboration and improve productivity

RICHARDSON, Texas – July 19, 2010 – Damaka®, a technology pioneer in mobile unified communications and collaboration (UCC), today unveiled the industry.s first complete, real-time multi-party video conferencing solution for the Apple® iPhone® featuring support for WiFi, 3G and 4G networks.

The Damaka solution offers innovative features including live multi-party video, application and desktop sharing with voice and editing capability, Presence, Instant Messaging, audio conference participation and touch and zoom capabilities. Damaka’s Sweeping™ functionality allows users to “handoff” in-process collaboration sessions across networks and devices for streamlined communication while on the go. Video conference sessions can be conducted cross platform, with any other device using Damaka, including Android™, iPad™, Symbian™ and Windows Mobile® devices.

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