Book Description:
The forces transforming tomorrow are profound, powerful, and accelerating. The Internet, social networks, crowd-sourcing, gaming dynamics, new information and communication technologies, robotics, biotechnology, and nanotechnology are all converging to transform everything from agriculture, energy, education, and law enforcement to health care, manufacturing, retail, and transportation.
In Foresight 20/20, professional futurists and business forecasters Jack Uldrich and Simon Anderson have developed eleven scenarios designed to aid the reader in understanding how a variety of technological trends are transforming the world of tomorrow. The trends are exciting and scary, positive and negative, prosaic and profound, and will impact both one’s personal and professional life. As Cervantes said centuries ago, ”Forewarned, forearmed; to be prepared is half the victory.” Foresight 20/20 goes one step further and not only prepares the reader for victory but also instills the confidence necessary to create tomorrow’s victories.
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