+ Percent Mobile = QR Squared — from Paul Simbeck-Hampson

Excerpt (emphasis DSC):

In my recent Webinar on Mobile Tagging I spoke of a QR code management platform called In this post I’d like to highlight some of reasons why I consider this platform shines above the rest.


Webinar: QR Codes, mTagging and Learning


A somewhat related addendum:

Cookery goes interactive on BBC One
BBC One’s new cookery series – The Good Cook is to be the UK’s first-ever cookery programme to use “Quick Response” codes. Audiences with QR-enabled phones will be able to use this interactive technology to link directly to the recipes and ingredients featured in the programme via the BBC Food mobile website.

Available while watching the series live on TV, BBC iPlayer and from the website the audience can get the full details for each recipe and a list of ingredients by simply scanning the QR codes on the screen onto their mobile smart phone.

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Thierry Fournier’s Augmented Window On Paris — from by Emma Hutchings

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Oslo Lux 2011

was a one day seminar (held back in January 2011) with associated art exhibition that explores the intersections of light, space and interaction.

image (c) Eddie Clemens 2011



Per Anthony Rowe:

The next LUX event is confirmed as taking place on 8-10 July 2011 in Wellington, New Zealand. The format will be similar to Oslo Lux – a mix of local and international artists, researchers, designers and architects will map out the overlaps of light, space and interaction. The event will take place over 2 1/2 days, and is timed to coincide with Te Aomarama, a Maori festival of light. See for more information.


Also see:

Two swans below fireworks projected onto fountain at Odaiba Water Show (Tokyo).


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Kinetische Skulptur — slick!

Kinetische Skulptur — from
BMW Museum München, 2008




Also see:



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Google Building “Global Classroom” in YouTube EDU with 400 Colleges Worldwide — from

About the above video:

Having launched just over two years ago as a hub for college and universitie YouTube channels, YouTube EDU has become a destination for education, providing an index for a broad range of topics and campus activities, says Angela Lin who manages the education program at YouTube. The YouTube site integrates content from 400 colleges and universities in the United States, Canada, Europe, Israel and Australia.

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Very creative architecture!

Wadi Rum Resort –– from


Prévu d’ici 2014, le Wadi Rum Resort se veut être un projet incroyable de construction d’un hôtel dans le désert jordanien. D’une superficie de 80 000 mètres carrés, ce projet architectural pensé par Oppenheim Architecture est à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.





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echalk — from


From DSC:
I’m looking for a technology that can capture 20 feet worth of “chalkboard” for longer mathematical problems and solutions and equations. How can we capture that?

Perhaps I’m not thinking clearly, but tablets don’t seem nearly large enough to fit these types of work on them in their entirety. Document cameras are another potential option, but again, the writing surface is too small. That goes for PolyVision’s Eno Board, Smart’s Interactive Whiteboards, BrightLink Projectors from Epson and other similar products.

That’s why E-Chalk caught my attention.

I’m trying to free up students’ minds — to allow them to be cognitively engaged with — and present with — the content being discussed (vs. having to madly write down the equations before the professor erases the board). I want them to walk away with such writings on a device and/or accessible somewhere on the cloud.


E-chalk is more than a traditional chalkboard because it integrates multimedia elements:

  • Pictures can be directly retrieved from the Internet or from the local computer.
  • Mathematical functions can be plotted.
  • Mathematical expressions can be evaluated on the fly via handwriting recognition.
  • Interactive web services (CGI scripts) can be integrated in the lecture.


E-Kreide Vorlesung


In a class room


Softkinetic’s Corporate Video



Softkinetic corporate video

…and some other intriguing concepts.


Also see:

The Hyperbook by Mollat editions: When 18th century meets 21th — from Total Immersion and Axyz



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MyTVBuddy kicks off as the first pan-European Social TV app on iPad — from (emphasis DSC)


Today E-ZONE unveiled its iPad app MyTVBuddy claiming it takes Social TV to the next level of exploration, interaction, engagement and participation by letting users check in to TV programs, watch videos, post messages on Facebook, share Twitter messages, participate in conversations  and see where other users are located. MyTVBuddy kicks off with a special launch edition of Eurovision 2011.

MyTVBuddy comes with a solution for turning TV viewing into a social experience by using mobile devices such as the iPad. According to a recent study from Yahoo, nearly 90 percent of people watching television are using a mobile device at the same time. Be it Twitter, Facebook, email or instant messaging, they are doing more than just watching.


From DSC:
TV and entertainment coming up to bat — with learning-related applications on deck!   🙂


Also see:



Addendum on 5/11/11:

TV 3.0


Also see:


Also see:


From DSC:
Check out the topics:

  • Pay-TV in the Connected World
  • Making Apps Part of the TV Experience
  • Meeting Higher Quality Expectations
  • Connecting Broadcasters and Audiences
  • Making Subscription TV Work on Multiple Screens
  • Content Discovery Becomes Business Critical
  • The Impact of Connected TV Standards
  • CE Strategies Including Co-Opetition
  • What Connected TV Means For IPTV



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