Resource from

From DSC:
Wow! You talk about the power of creativity, of multimedia, of combining multiple/powerful/engaging technologies! I look forward to seeing how this project grows and what it can produce for today’s students. Check out the scenarios on their site.

It will also be interesting to see how this relates to trends within publishing (iPad, interactive magazines) and the continued convergence of technologies. The learning ecosystem continues to move, morph, grow, connect, engage.

#uppingyourgame (v0.3) — an educator’s guide to productivity — is now available

I’m delighted to announce that v0.3 of #uppingyourgame: an educator’s guide to productivity is now ready!

Two chapters are now complete – The Philosophy of Productivity as well as Productivity & Motivation. #uppingyourgame is the first book to be published using the OpenBeta publishing model and will be completed over the course of 2010 (emphasis DSC).

Buying into the ideas that this book contains (and will contain) NOW costs £4 (emphasis DSC). You will receive free updates and notifications as each version is published. Buying into the contents means you have access to each subsequent version up to 1.0. If you decide not to purchase now the price will increase as I complete each chapter (and release each version) – up to a maximum of £10 (emphasis DSC).

From DSC:
What caught my eye here was Doug’s model. Look at the comments at the above posting in order to get a flavor for some of the perspectives here…

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McGraw-Hill brings together social media & education experts to discuss the future of digital innovation in higher education

  • Geo-tagging will be a powerful tool for higher education
  • The Apple iPad will have a significant impact in the education market
  • The “smudging” of technologies: Augmented reality, mobile computing and crowdsourcing.
  • Social media can help solve the student engagement crisis.
  • In order for both students and instructors to engage in social media, there needs to be a level of incentive.

Be sure to check out their GradeGuru video/piece for:

  • An interesting new incentive system for students
  • An engaging way to relay information
  • A great illustration of the power of the web to aid in sharing educationally-related information; social learning
  • A way to find other students who have good notes

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Textbooks — they may be a changin’

Textbook Firms Ink E-Deals For iPad — from the Wall Street Journal

“Major textbook publishers have struck deals with software company ScrollMotion Inc. to adapt their textbooks for the electronic page, as the industry embraces a hope that digital devices such as Apple Inc.’s iPad will transform the classroom. The publishers are tapping the know-how of ScrollMotion Inc. to develop textbook applications and test-prep and study guides for the iPad.”

Ga. Senate Votes to Change Definition of ‘Textbook’ — from Education Week

Georgia students could download books instead of loading down their backpacks under a new bill…

The Amazon-Macmillan book saga heralds publishing’s progress — The Washington Post

Last weekend, a noisy little melodrama in the book publishing world involving and Macmillan provided a wonderful case study of the radical transformation taking place all across the economy as a result of the digital revolution.

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Online Collaborative Writing

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From DSC:
To me, this device has the potential to really move multimedia-based communications forward.  For one thing, “magazines” will never be the same again.

The new iPad from Apple

Apple Launches iPad
“Apple today introduced iPad, a revolutionary device for browsing the web, reading and sending email, enjoying photos, watching videos, playing games, reading e-books, and much more. Its high-resolution Multi-Touch display lets you interact with content — including 12 innovative new apps designed especially for iPad and almost all of the 140,000 apps available on the App Store. At just 0.5 inches thick and 1.5 pounds, iPad is thinner and lighter than any laptop or notebook. iPad will be available in March starting at the breakthrough price of just $499. ” Read more:

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