Learning Environments and Ecosystems in Engineering Education - upcoming conference in April 2011

How to create your personal learning network (PLN)

— original resource from David Hopkins (UK)


Sample graphic/slide:

Sample slide from Creating your PLN - by Weisgerber and Butler

What do we need? — from weblogg-ed.com by Will Richardson

So I’m asking for a little crowdsourcing feedback for a chapter I’m writing. I’m trying to frame out all the things that ideally need to be in place for an existing school to make the transition to one that provides a more relevant learning experience for kids in the context of the social online technologies that are disrupting the current model. Call it School 2.0, a 21st Centuryized School, or something else, but I’m wondering what qualities or conditions should we be working toward in order to successfully make a transition like that?

Here’s what I’ve been thinking (in no particular order in terms of the big buckets):

From DSC:
Will provides a nice list of areas/items that need addressing…and asks for further feedback here.

Diary of a Summer Intern — from Google

A true win-win situation — all around.

22 books for beginner Instructional Designers –from The Upside Learning Solutions Blog by Amit Garg

How Magazine's Top 10 websites for designers -- July 2010

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Videoconferencing Lesson Study: Learning from the Classroom — by Janine Lim

Poster Session: Amy Colucci, Jefferson County Public School with Jeremy Renner

Just stopped by a poster session on the way that Jefferson County Public Schools uses classroom-based videoconferencing systems to facilitate real-time lesson studies without interrupting the classroom instructional.

I talked to Pam Caudill, who is the videoconferencing contact supporting the project. It’s a really cool professional development model. (In case you’re interested, they are using Tandberg equipment.)

So imagine this:

  • The model teacher is in the classroom – and videoconferences back with a group of teachers at another site.
  • She explains the idea for the lesson; prep etc.
  • She teaches the lesson. The teachers at the other site are watching. A mic is on the teacher, and a room mic is used also. Someone in the room unobtrusively manages the camera so the far site sees everything going on.
  • After the lesson, the model teacher debriefs with the teachers at the far site.
  • THEN, the teachers at the far site learn how to use the technology tools they just saw used with the students.

Tracking e-learning growth

Other excerpts/quotes:

  • “The archetypes … are changing. Teachers are students. Students are teachers. And so our notion of a linear learning curve that is completely dictated by your age and by your grade and all this stuff, it all blows up.”
  • But while students, parents, teachers and administrators all appear to be more open to online learning, the infrastructure to accommodate that demand is still evolving—and at this point still falling short, the survey finds.
  • Administrators appear to be reacting to the demand by shifting their focus toward online learning for students. Yet their primary focus for online learning continues to be for professional development, the report says.
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Public School 69 teachers the first in NY to experience a new concept in K-12 education: the digital teaching platform — from eSchoolNews.com

Dallas, Texas — June 23, 2010 — Public School 69 – The New Vision School, an 87-year-old school in the Bronx surrounded by single-family homes and low-rise apartment buildings, has plenty of experience with technology. But this month the school catapulted to the forefront of New York’s educational technology cutting edge as the first public school in the state to introduce its teachers to a new concept emerging in K-12 education: the digital teaching platform.

This June, 12 teachers from P.S. 69 participated in a comprehensive professional development program to introduce the Time To Know digital teaching platform to their fourth and fifth grades classes this fall. Time To Know is a complete, interactive curriculum system designed specifically for today’s one-to-one computing classrooms. The digital teaching platform empowers teachers to easily manage instruction, individualize learning, assess mastery in real time, and provide immediate feedback to students. Designed around guided constructivist principles, Time To Know’s digital comprehensive curriculum helps students build 21st century skills, including problem-solving skills, higher order thinking, and cooperative learning to prepare them for high stakes tests and the future.

“When your school test scores are in the mid-90s, it’s difficult to maintain and improve upon that level of performance. But when I saw Time To Know, I knew this was a tool to bring my school to the next level. A key benefit of the program is that it allow teachers’ individual personalities and teaching styles to shine,” said Cohen. “My teachers are thrilled with the professional development they’ve received. The Time To Know staff members are very knowledgeable about the standards for New York City and for the state, and how to meaningfully connect the standards with curriculum and assessment to improve student achievement.”


Top 100 technology blogs for teachers — from onlinedegrees.org

Research Digest: Disruptive Innovation–A Virtual School Created for Teacher Education — from edlab.tc.columbia.edu

Article Review (book chapter)
Drawn on Kress’s (1995) multimodal theory and the multiliteracies theory (e.g., New London Group, 1996), Faulkner & Latham present a case study on the development of a virtual primary school as a digital tool to disrupt norms of teaching and learning in teacher education programs. The School of Education at RMIT Unviersity, Australia, created a virtual school called Lathner Primary to have preservice teachers experience pre-programmed simulations in an interactive virtual space and seek reflective ideas around what schools and teachers need to respond to new learning challenges. The virtual school also serves as teachers’ affinity space to exchange innovative ideas and concepts of teaching.

This case is significant in enlightening reformers and scholars to consider a potential (blended) model for new development in teacher education, and in contributing ideas to teacher education in distance learning. It narrates in detail the development of a virtual project and student teachers’ experiences. Instead of the conventional model of sending student teachers to various physical sites, the virtual space not only serves as a student teaching placement site but also creates a space for all student teachers to share and discuss their teaching practices collectively.

Educause Learning Initiative -- Fall 2010 Event re: Blended Learning

From DSC:
Blended learning — also called hybrid learning — offers the best of both worlds.  A great way to go!

Let's take the best of both worlds -- online learning and face-to-face learning

Also see:

Blended learning is the #1 seed



Also see:
TeacherStudio Brings Web 2.0 Tools to Professional Development — from The Journal by Scott Aronowitz

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