From DSC:
Again, keep in mind that though this trend mainly relates to entertainment-oriented applications (as of mid-2011), educationally-related applications will be able to leverage these sorts of trends, technologies, and platforms.
(PDF) Connected Device, iPad Impressions Continue to Rise — from
…and several more informative graphics.
What TV operators are missing — from Emma Wells
From DSC:
It may not be that long before the word “learning” can either be added to — or substituted for — the word “TV” below (emphasis mine):
Many of the TV tablet apps have taken a few tentative steps toward personalisation, but no one has fully embraced the potential of TV interfaces that can learn and change according to an individual’s preferences and tastes.
What a lot of these operators seem to be overlooking is the chance not only to offer content anytime, anywhere, but to personalise the entire TV experience.
While watching the main TV tends to be a group experience, watching TV on an app is much more intimate and personal.
-- excerpt from What TV operators are missing [Wells]
Addendum on 6/17/11
The Evolution of Transmedia Storytelling
These videos capture a discussion between Frank Rose, Author of “The Art of Immersion” (and a contributing Editor at Wired) and Jeff Gomez, President and CEO of Starlight Runner Entertainment at Ad Age’s “Creativity and Technology” (CaT) Conference in NYC June 9th, 2011.
Excerpt for features:
You wanted apps on your Apple TV? Apple delivers with AirPlay Mirroring — from by Darrell Etherington; my thanks to Mr. Johnny Ansari for this link/resource
Since the second-generation Apple TV was released back in September of last year, people have wondered if and when apps would arrive on the device. After all, it runs on iOS software, so the underpinnings of app support are already present. But Apple hasn’t opened up the Apple TV to third-party developers; or at least it hadn’t before it unveiled iOS 5 on Monday.
iOS 5 doesn’t bring native support for apps on the Apple TV, but it does introduce AirPlay Mirroring for the iPad 2. Mirroring is a feature that was introduced alongside the iPad 2. It allowed users to display exactly what was on their tablet on an external display, too, using the Digital AV Adapter Apple released that provides an HDMI connection for video and audio out. When it was announced, I said the mirroring ability was the iPad 2’s killer feature. That’s even more true now that Apple has promised to make the technology wireless.